Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 273 Unlocking Stuff

A/n: I changed my mind about the binary code. I wanted to use 1 and 2 instead of 1 and 0 because the Magic Script Alphabet in the Wiki has no Zeroes so why don’t we just make a zero.


A binary code!

If I was not in a mental focusing state, my reaction should have been more physical.

But still... a Binary Code?

How on Nirn can that even be possible? Wasn’t that just... Ah! I see.

So it is like this, huh!

In the Magic Script Code that we mages use to write Magics and apply Enchantments, there are four not used Characters, these are 1, 0, Q and X.

We mages struggle to fit enough commands on a certain spell, actually what makes spells harder than each other is how the Script is written.

But a Binary Code... fuck! You can pretty much give whatever command you want in the Script of the Spell without worrying about the nature of the spell. It is what gives the [Skeleton Key] its nature that is open to all possibilities. Still, it is very tricky.

Every 8 numbers in the Binary Code represent 1 single character. I, as a mage, find that simplifying a spell is very important rather than making it 8 times longer. The Binary Code solves the problem of limitation but very large to apply.

A capable Enchanter can use it to make a weapon that can ’Scare’ the enemy and ’Calm’ him at the same time but the amount of script needed to be written is way over the roof. The script written on the [Skeleton Key] was written by a Goddess and she was clearly flexing by creating an overpowered item.


There was another enchantment that translates the output of the Binary Code and it seemed simple. It just says that 1 is True, Lock, Positive and 0 is False, Unlock, Negative.

After bypassing the shock that the [Skeleton Key]’s enchantment was made of a binary code, I pulled my consciousness out of the Key and kept staring at it.

’System, do I have anything to read the Binary Code with in my memories?’

<You have learned how to do so in High School, would you like to view the information?>

’Yes, please.’

I put my hand on a Light Screen beside me and the images from my past life started showing up on them. There was not much but I at least started to remember how to do it.

Good, the enchantment on the Key seems readable now but I am not sure if reading it will change the fact that I can’t apply it.

The reason was simple, there is a thing called the [Law of Firsts]. It is what restricts the Enchantments that mortals can place on an item to the limit of Two Enchantments. This was mentioned in a book called [Twin Secrets] that mentions that an enchanter met a dragon in Morrowind and the dragon taught him the reason why the Mortals can’t apply more than two enchantment. The book said; {For men and elves, the limit is two. The dragon said that men and elves have two arms, two legs, two eyes and two ears. I asked why that mattered, and the beast just laughed. The enchanter must weave one enchantment with the left hand while weaving the other with the right. The eyes must focus on one and only one enchantment, while the ears only pay attention to the other. When I asked about my legs, the beast laughed again.}

It is hard to just do that process using a Binary Code. This [Skeleton Key] is simply made by the power of an Original Spirit after all.

I sighed and put that at the back of my head. Maybe one day I will be able to use the Binary Code to enchant but there will be great limits.

Also, about using the [Skeleton Key], it also doesn’t come for free, there are restrictions and these are Magicka. Even for a person who is overflowing with Magicka like me, I would rather use a Soul Gem to provide the Key with energy rather than using mine. This is how Mercer used the Key after all.

There is also another restriction, one must know what they are going to use the key on. You can’t just go "hey, let’s unlock my talent of Magicka" or "let’s break the curse that causes me not to sleep." ... Knowledge is essential when using the [Skeleton Key].

And here comes the first thing I want to unlock. I am going to unlock some restrictions on my potential.

Ever since I started Meditating to cultivate Essense Energy from the Anuic and the Padomic energies. I discovered that I need to use a certain number of Energy Points and Energy Channels (Acupuncture Points and Meridians). The number of the usable Energy Points determined what Energy Channels I am going to use in Meditating and here comes my problem.

When I started, I could only use 22 Energy Points and the number have risen to 23 once I broke through the [3rd Level - Iron Bones Stage - Dragon Frame Realm]. Now as I have gained the [Skeleton Key], I can do much more.

I am going to unlock all these points and unleash my Meditation potential its bestest.

And so I began. Taking the most comfortable position, I started to meditate. I focused my attention on Circulating the Energy and on the Key, once I reached a certain point, I started including the key in the process and gave it a command to unlock the Energy Points.

Suddenly, as if has gained consciousness on its own, the [Skeleton Key] shot up and aimed itself towards me then stabbed towards my heart. I was terrified at first but I sensed a keyhole forming on my chest, the Key fit itself in and...


’Seriously! The sound of an Energy Point opening is a click?’

I wanted to cuss but I started to feel a new energy activity around my heart and the Meditation I was performing became a bit better. The Key shot out and went to another Energy Point, formed a keyhole and... *click*


I regained my focus again and the Key kept going.

It took me a lot of time but I was clearly able to clear all the 64 Energy Points.

The speed of my Meditative Training soared up and I felt my bones breaking.

’Shit! Another breakthrough.’

Breakthroughs in the [Iron Bones Stage] are so fucked up. My whole damn skeleton gets so damn painful. I barely suppress my screams each time but this time was truly unbearable.


I barely held it together but it was worse than before.

The process that should take a few minutes almost is taking more. The reason was clear, this was not a single breakthrough, this was two breakthroughs.

And here comes the second... Brace for Impact!


It hurt like a bitch, and from my back on top of all.

These bone breaking strokes of pain are the parts where I should keep my meditation focused. Think of it as minor tribulations between the small levels. I only wonder how bad will it become on higher levels.

I calmed myself and started slowing my meditation so that I can wake up. My vision was clearer than before when I opened my eyes and my senses were heightened. I could tell that jumping up two levels in one go is incredible indeed. I am now at the [6th Level - Iron Bone Stage - Dragon Frame Realm]. I can summon Six Fire Wyrms from my Soul but I am not good at managing them yet.

I was in my private space in the Haven Cube and Alina was sitting just across the room Meditating.

I used Telepathy and talked to her.

{Keep calm, it is just me. I want you to keep focusing on meditation and not get distracted with whatever happens.}


She can’t answer me anyway so I guess not stopping her training is an approval.

I took the [Skeleton Key] that was floating in front of me and sat behind her. As I put my palm on her back, I started sensing her Energy Points and Channels and how she meditates.

{I will assist you now so don’t panic.}

As I send her that telepathic message, I readied the [Skeleton Key] and started focusing it on her Energy Points. It did as I expected and formed a keyhole on her body when I placed it in the keyhole, the click sound came.

I kept following the Energy Points on Alina’s body. She had fewer open Energy Points than me, around 18 on her own.

Her Meditative Training was having to face strong resistance at the bottleneck of the Dragon Frame Realm. I spent almost two hours sitting behind her and opening her energy points.

Once she could use all her 64 Energy points, massive energy shot out from her and she started to breakthrough into the Dragon Frame Realm. Her skin reddened and her heat increased, mist surrounded her and pain appeared on her face.

These are the signs! She was doing well too.

I sat back away from her to regain the energy I used to open all her Energy Points and to watch over her.

Another hour passed and she seemed to be finishing up, all that was left was for her to spit out black impure blood and she will be...


And here it comes.

Alina spat the black blood and kept coughing. I know the feeling.

"This is incredible. Congratulations!"

I sat beside her to calm her down, her body was going through a strike of heat after breaking through the limit of the normal people.

As she cooled off, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"... You are my hero."

And I got hugged.

"Well, you are welcome."

She took her time to calm down and then hammered me with questions about what I did. She is a really curious fellow.

"Don’t you want to know what more can that key do?"

"... Just do an absurd thing, please."


I took her hand and walked across the room where we keep our private stuff. In a certain place, we found what we were looking for.

"The Egg?" She asked.

"What else? Let’s unseal it."

I merely put the [Skeleton Key] on the Malachite container that was sealing the egg and a keyhole formed.

"... Wow!" Alina was impressed.

It seemed that the seal needed a considerable amount of power so I used a Soul Gem to support the process and... *click*.

For a key, it has quite the sound effect, isn’t it?

Anyway, the Malachite broke open and the seal was lifted. As Alina was about to celebrate, cracks appeared on the egg.

"Wait! Is it... is it breaking?" She started to panic.

"It is hatching, you dolt. Go call everyone."

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