Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 257 My name is Jon Dare and this is my Class


I am taking a partial break for the time being, I have some Job Application I am working on and it will take most of my time but I will keep updating whenever I can... It won’t take a lot.


Two weeks have passed since the attack on Japhet’s Folly and getting rid of the pirates. After we completely cleaned the island, we bombed it with the mortars and brought down the fort. With this, no pirates will ever inhabit the island and my project for this island will start unhindered.

As we returned to Winterhold, I focused on many things all at once.

First, I applied for the Graduation Exam to become a Teaching Scholar for some time then I will become a Journeyman when Laaneth returns next month.

The second was focusing on training. I started to feel the bottleneck between the 3rd and 4th levels of Ironbones tier of the Dragon Frame Realm and needed some time to adjust my Meditation.

The third thing was the ’Dark Matter’, I turned it into a training sandbag that I hammer on each day with a new hammer I made, I started to feel some sort of connection between the Dark Matter and myself while it started to show less resistant. And because it never gets satisfied no matter how many Magicka I hammered into it, I called it [Greed].

Last but not least was Winterhold. Fast changes happened these past two weeks.

The company applied the new sewer system so that the new residential district get done, we also finished many stone blocks and residents started occupying them. We removed the old wooden houses and expanded the market square.

The west mountain road was blocked with a complete stone gate which height was over fifteen meters, we also installed to Fireball Cannons on top of the gate. Wulfur was working on the new Ballista weapon based on the ones we brought from Solstheim and he succeeded in the first prototype.

And we build a meadery. Two College Apprentices called Rundi and Borvir succeeded in making a new mead funded by my company and decided to work for me, the one who helped them was Lanmas Sadar. He was a winemaker and he had an experience with Mead too so he thought of a way to help while recovering in Winterhold. He left with some words of thanks as I gave him a horse and money. He kept asking me to visit Mournhold one day and I kinda agreed as I am sure I will see him again.

What was also built beside the main tavern in Winterhold was a Casino, the company started to make some entertainment businesses throughout the town and I managed to make some advertising for the new ’Gwent’ card game. I used the System to dig out some memories about all the creatures and factions in the Elder Scrolls Legends and converted their values to the Gwent system then started selling them in the casino with manuals for using them. The current decks were the national decks like ’Skyrim Deck’, ’Morrowind Deck’ and ’Cyrodiil Deck’, the Oblivion decks like ’Shivering Deck’, ’Quagmire Deck’ and ’Coldharbour Deck’, there was also the ’Beasts Deck’.

It went viral throughout the City and the Whispering Town until it became some sort of a phenomenon. In the end, there was some merchant who made a good income as he is the only person who can produce the cards, that is me.

Anyway, while everyone was busy, Jullanar had her own project. She made contact with Master Alchemist Nurelion in his new White Phial shop in Winterhold and they hit it off really well, she is now learning Alchemy from one of the most renowned masters of alchemy in Tamriel but he didn’t take her as an apprentice yet.

She also had her first spider pet. Apparently, her first Scroll Spiders came out as a failure and became a bit of a large dark purple variant of the Albino Spider, it eats a lot and has doesn’t have many magical characteristics except for fast web spinning and poisonous fangs, she called the spider [Magenta]. A bit of development I would say.

Between me studying for the Scholar’s Exam, hammering on [Greed] and training, Jull learning Alchemy and experimenting on spiders and [Magenta] and Alina and Nefertiti watching over the ’Sealed Egg’, another week went by.


*1st of Sun’s Height (July), 4E 197*

We received a message from Solitude. Jon Battle-Born and Svidi got graduated from the College and will go to Whiterun. Jon Battle-Born will visit Clan Greymane to request the hand of Olfina Greymane for marriage at Last Seed (August). I am not going to miss that for anything in the world.

I assigned Alina to prepare gifts for the wedding as I was busy with my exams in the College but today I passed the Trails under Master Tolfdir who was assigned to be my examiner. My scores in both Practice and Theory were perfect and I contributed an Original Expert Spell to the College.

As an examination for my teaching capabilities, I was assigned to give a lecture to the one year Students who joined the college just a week ago.

This lecture will be held in the Hall of the Elements and I was given a good classroom beside the hall too so it was all good.

"Good Morning!"

"..." "Good Morning." "..." "..." "...’ "Hello." "..." "..."

Not everyone returned the greeting but I am not down yet. There were people who seemed to have an established basis with Magic and others who seemed to be complete newbies.

"I will be teaching Mysticism to the first years so it is going to be fun, don’t get discouraged too quickly..."

For some reason, when some of the students heard ’Mysticism’ they all frowned and some looked at the hall’s door wanting to sneak away.

I can understand why. A gigantic Nord teacher, a difficult School of Magic, and being the idiots they are... it must be hard for their little minds. I only need to flick my fingers and the door of the classroom at the back was closed and locked.

The students looked at me some with annoyed expressions and some with challenging ones but I think it is understandable.

"There was some noise coming from the outside, anyway..."

"Hey, I want to get out." A student cut my words.

I looked at the young man who was probably my age and he seemed displeased. A Wood Elf he seemed to be.

"Don’t hold back, you can go outside." I simply replied.

"... You just locked the door." He seemed to be still trying to argue.

"Do you have to use the door?"

A weird silence took over the class as the students were trying to comprehend what I was doing.

"There are many ways to go through the door. First, you can dispel the ’Lock’ spell. Please don’t tell me you can’t, it is a Restoration Spell as far as the College is concerned."

Actually, it is Mysticism but whatever... the College had a weird system anyway and I don’t believe in Classifying Magic.

The Wood Elf was taunted and tried to dispel the spell on the door but it seemed not working.

"Can anyone else dispel it?" I asked the class and it became a competition.

No one succeeded to open the door.

"Magic is more practical than that. If you can’t open the door you can simply try to find another way, for example, you can blow the door up, right? That’s everyone favorite Destruction School." I said with a faint smile.

It was impossible to damage the Door as it was clearly an Enchanted Metal.

"Another way to go through the door is to use the Alteration School. It is easier than destruction and one can simply cast ’Levitate’." I said as I cast ’Levitate’ and flew up.

There was a big window in the wall above the door and one can go through it. Anyway, my usage of ’Levitate’ made the students go in awe, not anyone can levitate.

"I don’t think Illusion or Conjuration will work on the door but what of Enchanting?" I said as I made a Magical Circle manifest in thin air. It was nothing hard even for them but mine was fully functional which means I can enchant items without using Enchanting Tables, only a Soul Gem and everything is done.

"Alchemy can work too, an Anti-Magic Bomb can do the trick I suppose." I said as I retrieved one expensive Anti-Magic Bomb.

"But the best way, in my opinion, is Mysticism..." I vanished from my place and appeared beside the door, "... one can simply One can simply ’Teleport’."

What met me was more of that awkward silence.

I unlocked the door of the class and walked back to the other side of the classroom.

"My name is Jon Dare and this is my Class."


Mentioning his name in front of the whole class caused another stir.

Jon Dare, the famous College Student who currently rules Winterhold with rumors going around about him.

Every student heard about his name at least a couple of times and he can be considered the top student in the College but now, it seemed that he indeed became a teacher.

As someone at a different league from them, the students couldn’t find an excuse but to sit back quietly even with the door wide open. Not only the teacher in front of them was a talented genius, but he was also a very influential man that can’t be crossed in the College or the Hold.

Jon was satisfied and cleared his throat.

"With this and that, let’s start the class. *Clap* *Clap*."

As he clapped his hands twice, something appeared out of thin air.

A large square plate of transparent glass standing on two metallic legs like a teaching board manifested itself behind Jon, most students assumed that Jon teleported it here but it was from the Haven Cube.

"This is my latest invention, something I created when I was bored. It is a Light Emitting Screen that will assist to help me in the class today."

It was simply a transparent screen that was enchanted with ’Light’ and ’Mimic’ so it can view things like a TV screen. Something easy and simple.

Jon put his fingers on the large screen and images started appearing on it, whatever he wanted to show can be shown on the screen and here where the class began.

[What is Magic?]

It was the first thing that appeared on the screen.

"Woah!" "Look at that!" "It talks..." "No, it Writes!" "It writes and talks to us." "Amazing."

Another stir was caused and Jon found it amusing. He started the class from the basics of Magic with the screen showing memories and 3D images to various Magic Applications. His words and the show on the screen caused the lecture to be engraved in the minds of the students.

[Magic is the general term used for the focusing of raw energy into various properties and for various purposes......]

Jon talked about the Magic, it Origins from the myth of Magnus, he talked about the racial Magics like the Redguards’ Shehai Shen She Ru, the Nords’ Thu’um, the Bosmer’s Beast Tongue, the Maormer’s sea serpent taming magic, and the numerous innovations of the Dwemer. He even performed the Thu’um blocking the sound around the classroom.

He highlighted the so-called schools of magic which revolves around the art of [Spellcasting] which is the most common usage of Magic by drawing on one’s own Magicka reserves in order to generate some kind of effect in the physical world is called "casting a spell".

The most interesting thing to the students was the [Aura] which some talented warriors used. It originated from the Martial Traditions of the ’Dragonknights’ when it was called the [Battle Spirit] which originated from an Akaviri sort of Magic called the [Kiai] which had had some similarities to the Thu’um as both used shouts to perform attacks.

The lecture lasted for three straight hours that Jon immersed the basics of and fixed many wrong practices for the students making it a very successful class.

With that, Jon became an official teacher and the Mysticism Department got a lot of applications.



I am taking a partial break for the time being, I have some Job Application I am working on and it will take most of my time but I will keep updating whenever I can... It won’t take a lot.

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