Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 208 Against The Thalmor 3

A/N: This my birthday, 22nd of January! I am freaking 24!

Also, I am publishing extras for 5000 Votes! We can do it!


Wulfur gave the orders to attack and the forces moved in an orderly fashion. A team started shooting to the heart of the Thalmor camp, a team started moving in the open with their shields up, and a small unit of mages was preparing to hammer down the defenses.

The Dare Dragon Mercenaries were very diverse, Jon encouraged the idea of learning magic and made many promotions are based on many requirements magic was one of them, in his small army each soldier can at least cast a spell or two which was rather very impressive. The forces were the ’Infantries’ which were the armed forces carrying round Nordic shields and spears and armed with arming swords which were similar to the Roman Legion except in a Viking theme, the ’Archers’ were mostly relying on the fast lever-action crossbows and Jon trained them like the Ottoman Janissaries arming them with a lot of bolts and deadly one-handed melee weapons, while not liking the idea of gunpowder Ottman Cannons to support his Janissaries, Jon’s third official team was the living cannons which are the ’Cannon Mages’, unlike other forces that used the mages as a high-grade unit, Jon’s mages were elites who were solely trained on the AOE (area of effect) spells like ’Fireball’.

With these units, Jon created his balanced small army that relied on modern tactics. There were still the Naval units but Jon preferred the battleships which were a perfect solution for all naval battles.

Ongeim, Mjoll and Trudvar were Wulfur’s commanding officers that oversaw the assault with the ranged teams, Njord, Brenda and Bjorna Firemane were getting ready for joining the assault.

"Commander, are you coming too?" Brenda asked Wulfur who was carrying his oversized hammer.

"Hell yes, Wulfur loves having fun." Wulfur smiled with a hint of bloodlust and walked forward in the lead.

Brenda and Bjorna looked at each other and couldn’t help but sigh, all the men in their lives are warmongers even the one who is not Firemanes or Moonblades.

"Forward men! Break their skulls and mash their bones. Whose sword is not bloody enough will get a good beating."

Wulfur rallied the men who were used to his attitude.

In the Thalmor camp, Agent Orneya heard the rallying and gathered her soldiers.

"They are coming from the north, ready the traps. Archers take the towers. Soldiers, spears and shields, spears and shields!"

The inner layout of the Thalmor camp was simple, they constructed a small camp enough to house the three hundred soldiers they are here with, part of their plan was to clash with the force in Winterhold but it seemed and their number guaranteed total superiority in their opinion but still, they were playing in the enemies playground.

Wulfur didn’t like to wait for the enemies to prepare, once he reached the nearest spot on the enemies fortification, he ordered the Smoke Grenades to be thrown.

These little toys were Jon’s idea, rather than the ability to blind the enemy and make a smoke screen, some of them can be colored and used to mark areas to receive the bombardment of mages.

In this night, the moons didn’t give enough light so it was hard to see further than ten meters ahead but these weird grenades could make a glowing gas that could be seen in the darkness. Once the Mage Unit saw this signal, they understood that this is where they should blindly target.

A barrage of Fireballs mowed down on the defenses of the Thalmor camp followed by loud explosions, each Fireball was fired from a staff provided by the Company so their power was guaranteed, in mere seconds, the wooden wall was completely obliterated.


The defense of the Thalmor camp was in a disarray, Wulfur led the charge with his mighty hammer followed by the three Firemanes and the Dare Dragon Infantries.

Breaking through the fortifications, Njord sped past Wulfur to be the first who would face the Thalmor force. Orenya was holding her staff high waiting for the best moment to destroy as many invaders as possible while neglection Njord, the lone Nordic berserker who wielded a spear and charged in alone.

However, when Njord reached the defense line of the Thalmor, he spoke only two words.

"FUS! RO!"

Power was unleashed with his voice and the Elves in front of him were reduced on the ground after they flew away.

Even though the Thu’um he used was completely inferior compared to what Jon can display, it was still Thu’um and Njord was still a talented tongue even though this was all that he could display in this shout.

The damage was done and Njord took down a lot of elves alone, Orenya got shocked but she became infuriated after she realized what just happened, she tried to move the staff and aim her spell at Njord but an arrow sought her arm putting her down and dropping her staff on the ground.

"FUCK! The second line! Retreat to the second line."

The was still enough time to reorganize, Orenya was injured but she wasn’t foolish enough to fight under such a state of shock.

She knew that Voice Masters can’t use their voice twice in a row so there was no more of that dreadful shouting any time soon.

As soon as her troops retreated, Wulfur was already there with his men.

"Don’t give them the chance! Send them to Oblivion! Glory to Winterhold! Sovengard you sons of bitches!"

Wulfur waved his hammer and sent three elves flying with their limbs broken to fine powder. Each time he waved his oversized heavy hammer, elves would meet their worst nightmares.

"I am loving it, haha! Wulfur loves big hammers." He was totally in a berserk mode and he let out a Golden Aura.

Even though he was a heavy warrior, Wulfur loved the Holy Aura that could heal him and make him fight more, he developed that Aura after taking a special lesson from Hilda, his goal was to find a way to shield himself from the fire of the forge but he ended up making a Paladin-like Aura.

A blue Aura rose from beside him and another hammer landed on an elf sending him away.

"Focus, dammit! Stop lusting over your hammer." Bjorna was already tired of his attitude with weapons.

"I can’t, this hammer is the best thing Jon designed so far. Wulfur is very happy."

Wulfur didn’t stop admiring the hammer and he waved it again and again at the elves. His image started to transform from the image of a paladin to a mad blooded berserker.

The Firemanes troops were gaining ground faster and faster with the lead of the strong heroes buffing their moral.

Njord looked at the far distance and nodded.

"Looks like the others are moving too, try to finish her as fast as possible."

"Acknowledged." The three commanding officers of the Dare Dragon followed his orders and increased moved the Archers team to the fight too.

At a time, Wulfur actually became tired from waving the heavy hammer, even though he had tons of fun for real this time, he still couldn’t find the perfect weapon that would suit him for good. He was somewhat depressed but still had a fight ahead of him to finish.

"Here, keep this for me." Wulfur dropped the hammer on a dying elf and took a sword from the ground.

He joined the fight again and started his killing spree while testing a weapon after a weapon.

In the end, most of the Thalmor died like flies and broke into small teams as they retreated to the tents. Wulfur advanced forward alone and faced a Thalmor officer in one on one battle.

The officer was using magic but Wulfur would always throw a hidden knife at him which resulted to a pure melee in the end. Nonetheless, the elf was a crafty fighter.

Wulfur had a sword and blocked the coming attack from the elf’s sword with it the countered with a kick to the guts. The elf didn’t stop and stabbed at Wulfur’s face despite being on a knee. Wulfur avoided and counter attacked his sword’s pommel sending the elf on his back. Agile as he seemed, the elf rolled backward as Wulfur was charging at him and slashed recklessly upward in a desperate attempt to send Wulfur away which Wulfur blocked with the sword in his hand, unfortunately, Wulfur’s sword was not anything special and couldn’t handle the Elven Sword in the Thalmor officer’s hand.

"Tsk!" Wulfur clicked his tongue and threw the broken sword away.

The elf took the chance and slashed at Wulfur who seemed to be completely not interested, Wulfur only waved his hand and slapped the Elf away.

"How boring!"

He looked around to find any weapon and all he saw was an eating fork on a broken table. Wulfur picked it up and walked to the elf with no expressions.

"Human! Don’t look down on me! NEVER!"

The elf couldn’t take the humiliation of being slapped and walked over but Wulfur already stabbed at him with the fork, the elf got a fork to his throat and died in a state of disbelief to a human.

"Impossible! Officer Telcar died just like that?"

Four Dominion Officers were hiding away far from Wulfur after seeing him kill an officer like that, Wulfur turned around and saw them and walked towards the tent they hid in slowly.

Just as he reached it, he walked through its entrance and all could be seen from outside was his shadow moving around violently in the in.

A few seconds later, he walked out with the bloody fork in his hand, who saw him first was Bjorna.

"Wulf, we are all done."

"Hmmm! Maybe I should ask Jon to design me a Trident next time."

Bjorna heard that and her eyes rolled upward then walked away while cursing at Jon.

"Chief, We have a prisoner, the leading officer of the camp, a she-elf." Trudvar reported to Wulfur.

"Fine, tie her up well. Jon will be pleased." Wulfur said with an absent mind and started overseeing the cleanup.


A few minutes ago when Wulfur started attacking the camp, a few figures in heavy furs watched the situation on higher ground. Justiciar Lenwe and his troops nodded to one another and started taking action.

"The Nords really came, huh? I didn’t believe they would be this daring." A Thalmor officer spoke with respect to a tall elf in Thalmor Robes.

"Heh heh, they are predictable. As soon as they discovered that idiot Elanar, they came like hungry feral dogs." Justiciar Lenwe replied with a smug smile on his face.

"But for Elanar to be caught this fast... I can’t help but be disappointed."

"Both Elanar and Orenya are fools, beside their mediocre talent, they couldn’t even come up with a way to play these idiotic humans around."

The officer around Justiciar Lenwe started to mock their colleagues that were used as bait.

It was true, Justiciar Lenwe has sent some law ranked officers with some Dominion Soldiers to be a bait for the Nords. Orenya was a good officer but she was a perfectionist and had a very competitive soul which always annoyed Lenwe while Elanar was a fool alongside the other nobodies.

They were the best to use against the Nords in Winterhold who seemed to be not going out openly against the White-Gold Concordat and planned to hinder the Thalmor in the Shadows according to the spies.

The best way was to catch them red-handed and to ambush them while they are attacking the Thalmor Camp, as long as the Thalmor could take some Nord prisoners back, they could use them to prove that the faction in Winterhold is a danger to the peace between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire then use the Empire to fight them. After all, humans killing humans and the Elves watching from the side is the new play the Thalmor came with. Humans are already foolish enough and had the numbers that the Elves can no longer fight against, let them chip each other lives away while the Elves recover.

It was one of the problems the Thalmor always had in mind, even though the Elves have long lives and can use these lives to perfect their combat or magic, their birth rate was very much lesser than that of the humans. Jon was also aware to the fact that the long-living cells would focus more on survival rather than reproduction which meant that the losses that the elves suffered in the Great War 23 years ago were still having their effect on the Elven society while the humans had already another generation of soldiers to replenish their armies.

This is why the Thalmor are rather hesitant to start another Great War as they can guarantee the Quality but not the Quantity and they will always try to control the humans to make them fight one another in order to recover in peace on their own.

Justiciar Lenwe used his soldiers as a bait without thinking as he believed that Elves are much better than Humans anyway, even if the Humans ambushed, the Elves can react and turn the tide, one of the reasons why he took his best officers and retreated on a higher grounds to watch the Elves obliterate the Humans and brag about it, still, he couldn’t be more wrong.

The Elves were falling like flies. He kept his face solemn in front of his experienced officers but he was about to slap himself a million times now.

"Fine, playtime is over, let’s move and end this shameful display." Justiciar Lenwe ordered his officer and moved swiftly to save what is left from the elves in the camp.

Each Elf in the Dominion army, lowlife or not, were important no matter what the others think of, this was the unwritten iron rule after the Great War as more Elven Resources can’t be wasted anymore.

Once Justiciar Lenwe and his officers reached the location for firing their spells on the Nords, they all started to raise their staves and aim at the Nord team down there.

Suddenly, one of the officers fell from his place on the ground.

"What... what is happening? Timon, answer me."

An officer ran to his fallen friend and started shaking him, once he turned him around, they found that the mer had was opening his eyes with no breath or reaction.

Time stopped for a second and everyone fell silent.

The only thing that reminded the Thalmor team with themselves was a strange sound that they didn’t expect hearing in a frozen wasteland.


All turned around with their weapons drawn to the source of the sound. A black cat with glowing blue eyes sat on her buttock and tilted its head innocently, she turned her face down and started licking her front paw. Under the paw she lifted up, a small puddle of blood could be seen.

The cat raised her face up and glared with its eyes to the elves who forgot to breathe, with that glare, she faded into darkness as if she sank in her own shadow.

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