Dragon Ball God Mu

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Muyang's Grand Supreme Kai God Position is Multiverse level. After accepting God Position, his clothes become God's uniform, while the ordinary Supreme Kai different, Muyang's Grand Supreme Kai attire is light gold. The waist is not a ribbon, but a blue belt marked with the "Grand" character symbol.

Even because he was a member of the Time Patrol, after fusing with Grand Supreme Kai's divine power, his back faintly showed a jade green divine halo.

It looked very similar to the Grand Minister, making people want to worship him.

Multiverse's Grand Supreme Kai. In the future, when the Gods met Zeno, there would be Muyang's exclusive seat beside the palace. Although he was below Zeno, but compared to the other Gods who needed to kneel down, his status was much higher.

Grand Supreme Kai was comparable to the Grand Kai and the Kai. That was a difference in rank. Even other Supreme Kai had to bow to him when they saw him.

To be honest, Muyang was a little surprised that the Grand Minister and Zeno had given him such power. But after thinking about it carefully, he understood.

In addition to Acceleration World's potential, the most important thing was that the Grand Minister and the others wanted to use themselves as a bridge to communicate with the four entire universes. This could allow them to more effectively manage all the time and space. In comparison, the position of Grand Supreme Kai was nothing amazing.

"Thank you for your kindness, Grand Minister." Muyang expressed his gratitude in a neither humble nor humble manner.

The Grand Minister smiled faintly. "This is what you deserve. I still hope that you will shoulder the responsibility of this divine seat. When you have time, help us manage the Supreme Kai of the entire universe."

The implication was that if he was not free, it did not matter if he did not have to carry out his responsibility. In any case, the divine power of the rules of Zeno had already been bestowed, and it was to let him develop Acceleration World.

At this time, Muyang certainly gave him enough face and expressed that he would do his best to manage all Supreme Kai.

The Grand Minister laughed and reminded Muyang to open the passage to Zeno World as soon as possible. After saying these words, the Grand Minister also left.

After the Grand Minister left, only Muyang and Whis remained.

Whis smiled and congratulated Muyang, "Congratulations on becoming a high-level god. Now even Lord Beerus has to be polite to you."

"I also didn't expect that the Grand Minister would actually let me become Grand Supreme Kai." Muyang sighed with emotion.

Although the Grand Supreme Kai did not have the authority to manage the God of Destruction, he still said,

However, he could manage Supreme Kai. This was equivalent to indirectly restricting the God of Destruction. After all, Supreme Kai was connected to the life of the God of Destruction. No matter how strong the God of Destruction was, he still needed to give face to Supreme Kai. Moreover, Muyang's strength was not inferior to the old God of Destruction.

"The Grand Minister must have his own considerations," Whis said with a smile.

The Grand Minister is the Steve Steward of Multiverse. His responsibility was to maintain the stability of the entire universe. In fact, the existence of multiple dimensions was not a stable factor in itself. It was undoubtedly a good method to maintain the stability of the entire universe.

In this conferment, apart from the Grand Minister pulling Muyang into the ranks of the gods of the entire universe, it also gave Muyang benefits. Supreme Kai's Power of Creation could create and improve the vitality of the planet of life. For Acceleration World, who had less life, it could be a very good promotion.

"Right, when do you plan to establish a passage to Zeno World? You can't make the Grand Minister wait long."

Whis warned with a serious expression.

Muyang said, "After I get used to the power bestowed by Zeno, I will start to build a passage."

"That's good. Grand Minister is still easy to talk to. If Lord Zeno is unhappy, then it will be bad. Lord Zeno's mind is quite simple. It is possible for him to do anything."

"Yes." Thinking of communicating with the entire king world, it was inevitable to meet Zeno. Muyang felt a headache about the childish and supreme god.

The power of Zeno was great. A single thought could destroy a universe. However, this power would become very terrifying once there was no balance. Because it was fearless, it was lawless and pure. The more innocent it was, the more terrifying it was. Only a god with a high status like the Grand Minister would be fearless against Zeno.

Muyang nodded silently. Then, God of Destruction Planet tested out Supreme Kai's power.

However, God of Destruction Planet was the place where the God of Destruction lived after all. To test Supreme Kai's power, he would still be disturbed by the aura of the god in the air.

After thinking for a while, Muyang immediately went to Sacred World. Speaking of which, this was a rare place for Muyang to enter Sacred World.

The environment of Sacred World was similar to God of Destruction Planet's. They were all made up of several divine stars, but the difference was that the power of the gods flowing in Sacred World was created, which was more suitable for Supreme Kai's survival.

Using the power of creation in his body, a vibrant green energy flowed between the cells. If one looked carefully, they would find that there were several strands of energy flowing in Muyang's body clearly, and they did not interfere with each other.

What occupied the main body of each cell was still the silver-white liquid energy. It was the power that Muyang trained himself. It combined a part of the power of space, and then it was the golden energy that represented the time attribute. Because the power of creation had just been inherited, the volume of it was relatively small, and it was squeezed to the side by the silver-white and golden energy.

Muyang used the power of Grand Supreme Kai to try to improve the environment of divine planet. Soon, this power resonated with the rules of Sacred World. A large expanse of dense vegetation emerged from the soil. The low saplings quickly grew and formed a vast forest in the blink of an eye.

The power bestowed by the Grand Minister was much greater than that of ordinary Supreme Kai. Thanks to this experiment, the energy in Muyang's body suddenly flowed from a trickle to a trend of the development of the river.

Well, I have roughly grasped Supreme Kai's ability. With this Power of Creation, I can fill some barren planets with vitality faster.

Muyang looked at his masterpiece proudly, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

He had not stayed in Sacred World for long. After mastering the power of Grand Supreme Kai, he teleported back to Whis.

After Muyang left, East Supreme Kai, Shin and his Attendant Supreme Kai Apprentice Kibito. When they came to the divine planet that Muyang had stayed in, they looked at the endless forest, and they could not get over it for a long time.

"Lord Supreme Kai, this divine planet did not have these plants before, right?" Kibito asked in confusion.


Supreme Kai squatted down and stroked the green grass on the ground. He sensed a strong life force from it and was secretly surprised. "This kind of abundant life force can only be achieved by the cooperation of several Supreme Kai years ago."

What exactly happened to this divine planet? Why was it suddenly full of life?

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