Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 485

Chapter 485: Kuldar Libarn

“Sorry for the wait. I wasn’t expecting company.” In walked a man wearing a blue robe, drying his hair with a towel. His breath was frosty as he exhaled. “What can I do for you, King Zelsh?”

As the Libarn family head sat beside his son, across from the two guests, he also asked, “And what’s so important that you’d come in the middle of your preparations for the Provincial Qualifier?”

But Zelsh shook his head. “I came to assist a colleague and pupil of mine with some business. Hurman will also be arriving shortly to join in.”

The Libarn head blinked and turned his attention to the young cultivator beside Zelsh. “... You seem familiar. Is this our first time meeting?”

“Father,” Fulkar spoke up, “this is Oliver, Zelsh’s private pupil and the man that defeated Burttin in that exhibition a few years back.”

“Oh... And he’s the one here to do business?” A slight smile trickled across the man’s face. “I’m Kuldar Libarn, head of the Libarn Family. Given the accompaniment of King Zelsh and the rare acceptance of my son, I can guess that you’re someone quite special. To what honor do I owe your visit?”

Smiling and bowing his head, Oli answered, “Actually, I’m here because of some dealings I’ve had with your son. He’s told me that he’s already been declared the secret heir to the family and can make decisions as if he were the current family head. Is that true?”


“For the most part, yes,” answered Kuldar. “But I imagine King Zelsh wouldn’t have come if you only wished to confirm that.”

Zelsh spoke up, “Please, for this discussion you can avoid honorifics.”

While Kuldar agreed with a nod, Oli asked, “Now, if I remember correctly, Fulkar is your third son, isn’t he? Why is he the one that’s going to inherit the family?”

“Simple. My first son passed during a training accident years ago,” Kuldar answered without hesitation. “And my second son is a dunce that doesn’t know how to reign himself in. As you’ve seen with Fulkar, I don’t find it a problem when my sons are arrogant. I find it a problem when they let their arrogance stop them from progressing or hinder their prosperity. Though I don’t kick my other son out of the family, he won’t be inheriting anything that he isn’t willing to work for.”

“I see. That makes sense...” Oli nodded and smiled while readying his next question. “Now, would you prefer that I explain the deals that your son has made with me, or shall Fulkar have the honor?”

Seeing Oli turn the floor to Fulkar, Kuldar also stared and nodded to his son.

Fulkar was succinct and got straight to the point. “Father, I agreed to not only ally with Oliver and his secret backer, but to also migrate the family in order to receive their full support.”

Kuldar didn’t say anything at first but leaned back in great surprise. He blinked. Kuldar then nodded slowly. “... I see. That’s why you came to see me so suddenly... May I ask why such an offer was made, and what sort of support is given in exchange for our migration?”

Oli was astounded to see Kuldar not argue or dispute his son’s agreement. “Of course. Actually, I hadn’t even learned that you and the Practor Family had become allies when I made such an offer. That’s why we only sent for Hurman recently, otherwise, we would’ve had this discussion much sooner.”

Knock, knock. “Kuldar, it’s me.”

“Come in, Hurman. We’re in the kitchen.”

They kept quiet as Hurman walked in. Without batting an eye, Hurman stopped in his tracks as he spotted a familiar face he hadn’t seen in quite a while. “Oliver? I thought you were... King Zelsh, I wasn’t expecting to see both you and Oliver here.”

“It’s alright, Hurman. We’re here because Fulkar agreed to join the cause,” Zelsh stated, cluing him into the situation with a single sentence.

Kuldar also noticed the instant change in Hurman’s expression, a bit startled yet excited.

“Really? In that case...” Hurman heaved a long sigh of relief and smiled, taking a seat on the other side of Oli. “Then I’m glad to see both you and Oli again.”

“Oli?” Guessing it was some kind of nickname, Kuldar asked, “Can someone please explain to me what’s going on? What has my son agreed to, really?”

Oli nodded. “Before we explain in detail, can I ask whether you’re going to dispute the answer your son has already given us?”

“No. I won’t be disputing it. But I would like more details, at least as much as Fulkar was given,” stated Kuldar.

Oli also heaved a sigh of relief. “Good... Then we can now get down to business since you don’t seem the type of man to reveal things to the public. Fulkar agreed to join me and our cause in exchange for our full support. Those included in that group are Zelsh’s family, Hurman’s family, Rhyner Trighton’s family, and more. May I infer that you’re fine associating with such people in secret?”

“Of course!” laughed Kuldar, proudly slapping his son’s back. “Once again, Fulkar has proven to be the right choice as the family heir.”

“That’s not all,” Hurman added, getting a nod from Oli. “After you relocate to Iron Territory, you’ll get to know even more. I was hoping to include you at some point in the future, but I’m glad it happened before I had the chance to bring it up.”

Kuldar nodded and asked, “But why us? I imagine there’s something you want from us specifically, right?”

Oli answered, “Yes. I want your strength and business savvy. With your family becoming one of Iron Territory’s patrician clans, you’ll be able to help boost the market value of the town and aid it in making the transition into a true city. That’s something I’ve recently come to know that Iron Town is lacking, and I’m sure Hurman can verify that.”

“Exactly,” Hurman agreed. “With your family’s help, Kuldar, Iron Town will finally be able to make that crucial leap. We already have an academy known to all surrounding territories and have an undisputable reputation throughout Rhyner Region. But we’re still lacking a truly attractive market. Without an expert’s help, it would take us years for the market to catch up to well-established cities.”

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