Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 327

Chapter 327: Charge the Fort!

“We continue on. We’ll approach the fort and see their response. Until then, no attacking without my order, but we attack in defense if they dare try to surprise us.”

“I’ll pass on the order,” stated the assistant, rushing toward the nearest captain.

Sighing, the general nodded lightly to the scout. “Continue investigating the fort. Get as close as you can without compromising your position and tell me everything once we join you there.”

“Will do.”

As the scout shrouded himself in darkness and vanished with the breeze, the general let out a long sigh. Finally, his gaze sharpened and his face tensed up. “First my son... and now my daughter... How... dare you...”

The army moved on without skipping a beat. They had lost a dozen or so lives already thanks to the lava trap the day prior, and a few dozen had lingering injuries, but most everyone was still upbeat about the situation. From their perspective, tricks and traps were all Iron Territory could do to stand in their way. In a direct battle, there would be no stopping an army of experienced mercenaries. Especially when that army had a plethora of perennials at the helm.

It was only a matter of time that the army was informed of the new orders and was ready to storm the make-shift fort they had heard about. The sooner the job was done, the sooner they received the rest of the payment.


A few hours later, the moment finally arrived.

As mid-day rolled by, the army eventually spotted their target. Crude, earthen walls had been put up. A synthetic hillside was crafted with ditches full of earthen spikes along the sides of the hill, like a funnel trying to guide the army into the fort’s main wall and entrance. Atop the ten-krin walls were a slew of beasts and a single human man at the center, who stood still and watched as the army neared them.


The general’s order was loud yet calm as the army neared the funneling trenches. They were about one hundred krin from the walls, the safe distance that had been previously reported. Eyeing the lone human atop the walls, the general scanned through his memories in search of who the man might be. Coming up short though, the general waited a moment to see what would happen. Either the man would speak or his scout would come to share more information.

But neither happened. The general stood there for a moment, sensing the direct gaze of the man atop the walls. No words were shared between the silent army and those on the fort walls, and no scout appeared to relay additional information. A couple of minutes passed in silence which left the general with an assumption of what might have happened before his arrival.

“What is your name?!” shouted the general, staring back at the man on the wall.

“I would ask yours but we already know about you, General Bicard, or should we call you by your old title, Bicard the Bloody?”

Snickering, the general shrugged, “I see... We’ve underestimated your information network. We should’ve targeted the foxes more thoroughly... But how should I address you? Personally, I’m fine with either title.”

“I’m Hurman Practor, commander of the Iron Army!” shouted the man, leaving the general and the army confused. “I’d suggest you turn and leave this territory. Unless you seek the ire of this territory and the new king of the region!”

“I already heard about the new king, but he’ll be busy cleaning up the capital and won’t have time to save this weak territory,” argued the general. “Tell me, Commander Hurman, where are Master Rathe and the gorillas? Shouldn’t that proud gorilla be the one to defend his territory? Why risk your own life if he’s not as brave as he claims?”

Shaking his head, Hurman replied without moving or flinching, “This is my assignment and I’ll see it out to completion. Again, I suggest you leave without a fight. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to bear the consequences of battle.”

“Interesting words coming from a man I’ve never heard of,” jested Bicard. The general scanned over the fort walls, counting the few dozen beasts, the lynxes, jaguars, and frogs spread out over the wall. Seeing their unflinching gazes, the general took note of their unexpected courage. “Tell me, why can’t we negotiate something? I’ll be honest, we’re not after anyone but the gorilla clan at the territory’s head. If they’re too scared to fight themselves, there’s no point in wasting your own lives.”

“A fair idea. Then let’s negotiate beyond the border.”

“Why not here, inside your fort?”

Hurman shook his head. “Either you retreat or we fight. Retreat and we can negotiate. Fight and we see who will claim victory.”

“No offense, Hurman, but victory isn’t something you should believe in. We’re not leaving the territory until we have the heads of every Iron-body Gorilla. Take that as a testament of our determination!” Bicard shouted.

“Then you choose battle?”

“Not with you.”

“But you still choose battle?”

“I suppose so...”


Hurman gave the order without hesitation. Each beast atop the fort walls prepared some sort of a projectile. The jaguars and lynxes hurled bolts of lightning, the frogs threw icy spears, and Hurman launched frost swords into the crowd.

“CHARGE!” Not backing down, General Bicard gave the order. Despite his best wishes, the general understood that his scout wouldn’t be showing up anytime soon.

The front lines advanced at top speed. Adepts led the way with elders intermixed in the charge.


Adjusting to the quick orders of their general, the army split and took to the sides of the spiked ditches. The dual-sided charge forced those atop the wall to split their attention as well. Also, why would Bicard allow his men to do what the fort wanted?

Those at the front made quick work covering the trenches, either with ice or earth to easily cross. Though attacks were raining down from above, there weren’t many people on the walls compared to the advancing army. Being divided into two left the defenders on the wall insubstantial by comparison.

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