Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 302

Chapter 302: Human Courses in Iron Academy

As the second sun began to rise across the purple sky, the first sun was already beaming down on Iron Town with no clouds to soften the light. It made no difference to most but all students of Iron Academy were gathered in the arena while many of their parents sat in the stands. Everyone was anxious and was glad to finally see people stepping onto the main platform, including some unfamiliar faces.

Vloz stepped up first as the school dean, along with many instructors, both old and new. Looking over the crowd, the dignified cat sat up and addressed the people, “Thank you for coming to the welcoming ceremony. After the arrival of our newest residents and students only two days ago, it’s time that we formally accept them into our ranks. Those heading our new human courses will now come forward.”

With calm confidence, a man with a full head of white hair to match his beard was the first to introduce himself, “My name is Hurman Practor, and I’m a dual cultivating swordsman. I’ll be in charge of the advanced novice course.”

“I’m Nixt, and though I’m not yet a citizen I’ll be the instructor of the advanced adept course! I look forward to seeing the talent in Iron Territory!” Nixt shouted with a proud grin, letting his younger yet balder appearance stand out beside Hurman.

“My name is Mertin Practor, a swordsman like my father. I’ll be heading the other novice course, and I’m excited to be teaching again.” Letting his nerves leave with his sigh, Mertin chuckled softly under his breath. It was a bit surreal to be placed in such a position that he once thought would be impossible. But Mertin’s smile got wider as his brother gave him a friendly nudge.

“The name is Jonon Practor. As you’d guess, I’m a dual cultivating swordsman like my old man and I’ll be teaching the adept course!”

Some applause sounded out as the introductions finished. They then stepped back and let the next speaker take the stage. However, it wasn’t Vloz but another unfamiliar face.


“Very few of you know me, but I hope we can change that. My name is Rhyner Trighton, the current leader of Trighton Territory and ally to Iron Territory. As proof of my desire to be equal partners in this alliance, I’ve brought my son to train and study here at Iron Academy. As other territory leaders have already sent their children here, how could I not do the same as an official ally?

“But please don’t give Burttin any special treatment. He’s here to grow and learn on his own, not to cruise by with an easy life. Treat him like any regular student, just as the instructors of Iron Academy treat all students equally, regardless of background.” Grinning slightly, Rhyner blinked and looked over the diverse crowd.

“Seeing such an amazingly diverse crowd today... It goes to show the value the Iron Territory has. And the rapid growth Iron Town is experiencing is unmatched by its neighbors. Very soon, Iron City will become a key territory in the region, if not the prefecture!”

More applause and cheers sounded from beasts and humans alike. Everyone was excited to hear such an opinion and the territory’s visitors in the audience were all the more enticed to consider Iron Territory as a future home.

“Thank you, Master Rhyner!” Vloz bowed as Rhyner retreated from the spotlight, quickly taking his place. “Now, we’ll conduct the assessment ceremony for those entering the human courses. No tournament will be held today due to the course starting later than most, but the tournament at the end of the course will fall into place with the tournaments of the other courses, as usual.

“Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you all!”

After finishing his speech, Vloz and most instructors stepped down from the platform. Only the human instructors stayed behind while Hurman retrieved a large magicite crystal for the affinity tests.

Vloz and Rhyner went further as to enter one of the passages beneath Iron Arena, finding themselves a room.

“So, you’ll hide his affinities?” Rhyner asked while activating a small, silenced barrier.

“Of course. You already know that we can keep a secret when necessary,” Vloz chuckled. “You can be sure that he’ll receive private instruction along with his public education. It’s just a matter of keeping Burt from admitting it himself.”

“Despite what you saw at the tournament, he’s actually quite compliant. He has his own way of doing things sometimes but he’ll find a way to get what he wants while working within your expectations.” Chuckling, Rhyner added, “Just make sure he’s given enough hands-on teaching to keep his hunger for battle satisfied. And be rough. I always struggled with that.”

Vloz nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with being a protective yet doting parent. Consider his teaching to be taken care of. But what’s the real reason you wanted to talk?”

“Right... I need a map of the region.”

“Why would–”

“This wasn’t my plan but his.”

“... I see. Then I won’t ask too many questions.” Vloz’s void choker activated as a furled scroll appeared in his jaws, caressed by Vloz’s fangs. That didn’t impede Vloz’s telepathy, as he asked, “Will this suffice?”

Taking the map, Rhyner gave it a once over. He smiled and patted Vloz’s shoulder. “This will work just fine. With this, I’ll be off.”

“Allow me to escort you to the–”

“That won’t be necessary.” Suddenly, Rhyner’s body vanished within the dark room, engulfed in a black cloud before becoming virtually invisible. “I may not specialize in stealth, but I’m not terrible at it.”

“... Can I ask where you’re going?”

“You’ll know eventually.”

Sighing, Vloz bowed his head to the invisible man, “Then good luck. Whatever the plan is, I assume it’s dangerous if that man asked it from you and not me.”

“That’s one way to put it, but thanks. Now, I’ll off.”

The silenced barrier faded and Vloz was quickly left alone. Laughing lightly, Vloz slowly left the room and entered the room across the hall. With a grin and a chuckle, Vloz greeted the young cultivator inside. “So... Burt. I’ll be your lead instructor. I look forward to seeing how quickly we can help you progress.”

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