Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 300

Chapter 300: More Questions, Occasional Answers

“That’s not just any void ring,” Zelsh stated. “That’s the ring Treeda sought out for Trada’s egg.

“Void rings may seem somewhat common, but there are very few people capable of making them. Most all void rings are relics from the reign of Dominus, when void rings were created without end. And your ring is especially rare with the ability for living creatures to dwell inside it, on top of not having the usual appearance.”

“... Did he tell you that?” Oli asked.

“No. I saw that ring before it was given to Trada as part of her agreement. It was bought here in Bore City,” mentioned Zelsh. “With our famous cuisine, how can we not be a thriving trade city among independent cultivators and merchants? But he was the one that verified it for me. I would’ve only noticed upon inspecting it.”

“So... you know about–”

“I won’t be getting involved with the egg. That’s something you’ll have to discuss with Treeda and Uutrai at some point,” stated Zelsh, holding up a hand and dispersing any lingering death essence. “You’re lucky they never saw you fight. If they had, I have no clue what would’ve happened. And thinking of what Lord Zrand would’ve done... Not even gods would know.”

Shifting his body in place, Oli soon asked, “Do you think they’ll blame me for this?”


“... That depends.”

“How so?”

“I don’t know...” Zelsh sighed, lifting both shoulders.

“What do you–”

“Like I said, I won’t be meddling in your interactions with the Toxic-shadow Clan, apart from standing as your mentor. I’m not sure how you’ll handle the matter, so I won’t bother trying to predict the many outcomes that may happen,” clarified Zelsh. “Any more questions?”

Now accustomed to half-answers, Oli moved on. “You said ‘gods’. Does that mean–”

“There are gods. They’re those overlooking each quadrant,” answered the king. “We know that your father had an audience with the West God, but there’s a chance he at least saw the South God as well. Considering where Devil’s Canyon is located, I imagine the South God knew about Dioro being sent into the desolate place.

“And on that topic, I’ll need to correct myself.” Bowing his head, Zelsh added, “Despite my best wishes, you’ll be going into Devil’s Canyon, right?”


“Then that only means you need to prepare for more than just winning the championship. You need to become the true champion.”

“The what?”

Zelsh explained, “The true champion is the most powerful mortal across all quadrants. It’s extremely rare that any quadrants will pit their champions against each other, but you’ll need to prepare as if that were a requirement. There was never a battle to confirm it, but Dioro was believed to have been a true champion and that’s why he was allowed to enter Devil’s Canyon.”

Sensing the certainty in Zelsh’s voice, Oli felt something was off. “If there was never a match to prove it, why did everyone believe that?”

“Because your old man killed a perennial while he was an elder.”

“That really happened?!”

“It did. And it was proof of how messed up the supposed peace is between the quadrants. But if you want to learn the details, Bradok would know better. He’s the one who confirmed the story after talking with Dioro.”

“...” Thinking, Oli closed his mouth and itched the side of his head.

“What else do you want to ask? Now’s your chance before I leave and your isolation begins.”

Forcing his brain to the next topic, Oli asked, “But you said you’ll visit me each day?”

“That doesn’t mean you’ll always see me.”

“Ah... I see...” Sighing, Oli quickly put together his next question. “What about Bradok? Does he know anything?”

“No, and I’ll be keeping it that way,” answered Zelsh. “He and everyone else will learn of your isolation. Though Bradok will never offer a prayer to Dominus, I’m sure he’ll be rooting for you. You two hit it off and he won’t forget about you, not when he spends most days lazing about drunk.”

“Yeah, he’s definitely Rathe’s father...” Oli rolled his eyes.

“Another question?”

“Yeah... Do you think I can do this?”


“Really?!” Oli was amazed by the sudden rise in Zelsh’s confidence. It was a stark difference from his brooding seriousness.

Zelsh nodded, keeping the outstanding tone as he stated, “I have no choice but to be confident.”

“... What do you mean?”

“Next question.”

Sensing Zelsh’s unwillingness to answer began to resurface, Oli asked something he thought would merit an answer, “Should I change to death essence or keep dark essence?”

“Ahh... Finally, a worthy question,” Zelsh chuckled with a cheeky grin. “That’s up to you. Your technique will offer both but it’s up to you which will better merge with your earth nature, and particularly your gravity nature.”

“But what would you recommend?”

“I prefer death essence, enhancing the corrosive strength of the technique to the fullest. That’s why I use an altered version of the Dark Abyss Technique, one purely focused on death essence.”

“Then... wouldn’t that mean Kraz knows–”

“He’s unfamiliar with the original technique. He would only recognize your dark nature if it was changed to death essence. But that wouldn’t be a bad thing since I’ll be seen as your private mentor.”


“Next question?” Zelsh asked, curious how many things were still on Oli’s mind.

Nodding, Oli moved on. “Has anyone ever had used gravity essence before?”

“Next question.”

“...” Oli raised one eyebrow and stared curiously at Zelsh’s unflinching face. “If gravity essence is a type that’s been seen–”

“Next question.”

“You know, by denying to answer you’re likely confirming–”

“Next. Question. Or I go and you’re alone,” stated Zelsh, acting as if Oli had never uttered those last two questions.

“Fine...” Blinking, Oli took a moment to imagine his next question. “Do you know how my family is doing?”

“Just fine without you, for the time being.”

“... Thanks...” Wanting to roll his eyes, Oli lightly shook his head at the king instead. “How will I know when I’m ready to make a technique or merge the natures?”

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