Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: Surprises from the Rot Region

Like a dance, the competitors bobbed and weaved with tremendous footwork. Each step had a counter and each attack had a dodge.

Just as Vant had imagined, it really was the same scenario as his last match. But he was the small one compared to the giant python. Now, Vant was the giant that struggled to hit the little guy.

The tempo only knew how to speed up in that fight. Both competitors were forced to go faster and faster to the fullest extent of their training. And while Vant could technically keep up, having such a small target made it nigh impossible to hit. The opposite was true for the rabbit, who managed to get first blood from a cut on Vant’s forearm.

“Just call it.”

“Not yet...” Zelsh sighed, now ignoring each look that Fotain sent his way.

“There’s no need for them to get hurt and injured when–”

“Shut up and watch. I think your guy will lose, so why should I submit without a chance?”


Lady Inka disregarded the conversation of kings. She was closely watching the battle gain more speed. It was intriguing to watch, constantly making her want to believe her preconceived outcome may have been wrong.

But alas, Inka was disappointed when the rabbit’s rows of teeth finally cut into Vant’s left arm.


“Got you.”

Plop, plop...

Shock, apprehension, bewilderment... All that and more flooded into the minds of everyone spectating.

The rabbit was more shocked than ever. His three legs landed on the ground as expected, almost stepping on his fourth, now-severed leg. At the same time, Vant’s left arm was untouched and injury-free.

“This match is over. Zelsh wins.”

“Thank you, and please forgive me for acting so suddenly. It was the only way for me to win...” Vant humbly asked to be forgiven, fully bowing to the rabbit.

“He’ll be ok,” Inka stated, picking up the leg from the ground. “Allow me.”

Holding the leg perfectly in line with its respective nub, Lady Inka inundated the wound with light energy.

Still in complete, dumbstruck shock, the rabbit felt an abrupt warmth fill its leg. It could feel the foot twitching again. Seconds later, the rabbit could wiggle its toes and let out an involuntary sigh of relief.

“Don’t walk on it for a few days and keep a close eye. Fotain should be able to help you with the rest.” Giving instructions, Inka smiled and comforted the rabbit before patting its lower back. “Now get going. We have an exhibition to run. Numbers 5 and 6, please.”

“Yes...” The rabbit swiftly hobbled away with a nod. It still felt shocked and unsure of how to react, but there was nothing else it could do.

“What was–”

“Illusions are one of Vant’s specialties,” Kraz answered Oli’s question before it was finished. “I’m sure you’ll get to experience that first hand.”

“Okay... I look forward to it.” Nodding out of reflex, Oli smiled and congratulated Vant’s return, “Nice job.”

“I just got lucky. If I hadn’t caught the rabbit off guard, I likely would’ve lost,” reasoned Vant, meekly crossing his legs to meditate again.

At the same time, Tilgron got up and began the descent. “I guess I have to win again... Thanks, Vant.”

“Any time, Tilgron.”

Brak also sent down his final competitor, curious to see what such a pairing would do. Everyone was curious and for good reason. Seeing the jaguar stand before the Tundra Tiger was a true sight to behold. Both being massive felines yet with opposite-colored coats and drastically different abilities.

The jaguar took in a deep breath, letting embers fall out of its nostrils. “Finally, someone interesting...”

“I look forward to a good fight. Please don’t disappoint me,” Tilgron replied, not even batting an eye.

“Huh... big words for someone on the same plane,” scoffed the jaguar.

“Are you two ready?”

“Of course.”

Tilgron answered softly. “I am.”

“Then you may begin.”


Leaping into action, the Blazing Jaguar used its next breath to intensify the flames surrounding its body. It pounced with a surety and attacked with intent to kill.

The Tundra Tiger wasn’t anything so easily bested, though. Rather than evade, Tilgron accepted the challenge and roared in reply. Frost filled the air around him and Tilgron met the jaguar with a leap of his own.

Colliding mid-air, the cats crashed into each other claws-first. They stood as equals in cultivation and courage.

But Tilgron pressured the jaguar again, pouncing without pause.

“Easy!” Accepting a battle of offense, the jaguar exchanged another set of claw attacks. Every attack would immediately cancel each other out. That only added to the fun, however. It quickly filled the jaguar’s eyes with glee. “Again!”

More flames erupted out of the jaguar while more frost fell from the tiger’s fur coat. Both cats roared and charged without any doubt in themselves.

“Is that all you’ve got?”

“Excuse me? You think I’m out of gas?!” laughing, the jaguar suddenly sped up. Static filled the air as the jaguar appeared behind the tiger. “How’s this?”

Yet as the jaguar lunged in for a critical blow, its claw was parried by an ice-covered tail.

Tilgron’s expression hadn’t changed in the slightest. He simply spun around with the aid of his time-buying tail and raked his claws at the jaguar. Only he missed entirely...

“Can’t hit me? Come on!”

Coming again from the opposite side, the jaguar was already in mid-strike. Both foreclaws were at the ready and flames were about to project from its mouth. It was ready for an all-out offensive.

But the temperature in the air plummeted all of a sudden. A cage of icy spikes burst upward around Tilgron, opposing anyone that dared charge in blindly.

The jaguar quickly responded with flames to melt the ice but was surprised to see the ice hardly sweating.

Unusually blue, that ice lasted through the roaring flames and held strong. The sharpened tips may have been weakened, but the spikes remained nonetheless. And all while Tilgron created more of the strange, deep blue icicles around him.

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