Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Tough Discussion

Vloz blinked and asked Oli telepathically, ‘Do you still have that gold on you or did that take it?’

‘You want to just pay off their debt?’

‘No, but I’d like to know if that’s possible,’ stated Vloz. ‘Should the need arise, I’d prefer to know that we’re able to pay it off or not.’

‘Don’t you have enough?’ questioned Oli.

‘I’ve got gold but I’ll need it as emergency funds for escorting the others back. If you don’t have enough then we can combine our funds.’

Nodding slightly, Oli replied, ‘I can afford to spare fifteen hundred gold, at most. I’d prefer to keep as much with me as possible since I won’t be returning home for more anytime soon.’

There was no way that Oli would admit to the wealth inside his void ring. With so many valuable items that even a perennial shouldn’t have, it would be best if Oli told absolutely no one regardless of how much he trusted others. Oli wouldn’t let such a mistake happen if he could help it.


‘Then how about we split the cost should the need arise? But first...’ Finishing his quick mental chat with Oli, Vloz spoke up again, “First, we’ll learn the exact amount that the Practor Family has been debted. Then we’ll resume discussions of how to cover those expenses. Worst-case scenario, I’ll pay for a portion of the debt to ease the burden. As for the possible complications of your health, that’s something that your new medical expert will handle after discovering what’s wrong.

“What I’m more curious about is the reason your family seems to be targeted. Do you have any thoughts as to why that may be?”

Wanting to nod but not doing so, Hurman leaned his face into his hand, sighing, “That’s hard to say.”

Keldon responded as well, “Anything involving the Libarn Guild is more complicated than it looks on the surface. It’s something all merchants of Trighton City know well.”

“Care to elaborate?” Vloz asked.

Shrugging and glancing at Hurman, Keldon stated, “The Libarn Guild is a strange organization. Half of their members are anonymous while the other half are well-known people of the city or territory. I believe they have three perennials now, including the founder who’s a mid-perennial.

“They’re the largest merchant guild in the city and have been accused of price manipulation in the past. Considering their drastic measures against Oliver, Shadur, and the others, the market may not be the only thing they’re manipulating. Then again, that’s to be expected when powerful, greedy people start working together.”

“What benefits would the Libarn Guild gain from indebting the Practor Family and what does the Practor Family have that the Libarn Guild might want?”

Hurman answered first, “They’ve approached me in the past to purchase my original cultivation technique but I immediately turned them down without hearing them out. I saw no reason to sell my secrets, nor do I see a reason to do so now.”

“There may be a few things the Libarn Guild would want from indebting the Practor Family,” added Keldon. “The Practor Family property could attract them, gaining influence over the Practor Family and the family’s business, snatching up Hurman’s cultivation technique... But I don’t know if those reasons would motivate them enough to go so far.”

“Then it’s most important to learn the Libarn Guild’s motivation for acting against the Practor Family. If we figure that out, then we’ll be best suited to handle the situation and turn the situation around,” reasoned Vloz.

“I agree. Then what do we do about Mertin?” Keldon asked, looking back and forth between Vloz and Hurman.

Shaking his head, Hurman asked, “I’m not sure... After we learn more about the Libarn Guild’s motivation and verify more of what Mertin was doing in secret, then we’ll cross that bridge. For now, Mertin will be removed from any responsibility within the family and be kept off the property since he fled so hastily.”

Glad that Hurman was still trying his best, the others nodded in agreement. Jonon nodded as well but rage was still burning in his eyes and those flaming emotions wouldn’t be quelled with only a few words.

“Thank you for accepting future roles and responsibilities in the Iron Territory. Also, though I’m hiding as Oli’s secret bodyguard for now, we’re able to act out should the emergency arise.” Vloz bowed his head slightly and smiled at the three humans looking up to him.

“Before Keldon takes off, can I talk to you about the institute?” Oli asked with a raised hand.

The merchant smiled and stood up. “Sure, but it may be best to do so in your new courtyard. Hurman’s got blood to be drawn and Jonon probably wants some space right now.”

As Vloz vanished within Oli’s shadow, the broad young man led Keldon to the door. They left but didn’t cancel the silencing formation. This left Hurman and Jonon alone with their swelling emotions. That didn’t change for nearly five minutes as they sat in silence without even looking at each other.



“How long have you known about Mertin’s betrayal?”

“We don’t know if he’s–”

“How long have you known?” Jonon asked again without a tinge of softness in his voice.

Sighing, Hurman replied, “... Keldon got involved a few suns back. That’s when we started to learn about our debts.”

“And you never bothered to tell me?”

“Jonon, there was no reason to–”

“Father, you expected Mertin to speak up and talk openly about his feelings on being the family manager, but you can’t be open with me?”

“That’s not–”

“It’s not about me, it’s about everything!” Jonon shouted. “It makes sense to not confront Mertin immediately, especially if Keldon is researching from the outside in. But you couldn’t at least ask me for my opinion? You couldn’t trust me to help if needed?”

“Jonon, that’s not how I feel. You know–”

“Father, we all understand that you eventually surrendered the family business and sword classes to us. But that didn’t happen fully until Lyle’s incident and you know it.”

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