Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Oli’s Stunning Truth

“You can prove it... now?”

Oli nodded. “Are the doors locked?”

“Jonon, lock the doors,” Hurman ordered without hesitation.

Following his father’s demand, Jonon was anxious to see why Oli and Hurman had been so secretive, as was Keldon. He reached to the top of the doors and slid a hammer up into the wall, bracing the doors into the frame.

Upon hearing the click of the lock, Oli telepathically asked, ‘If it’s not too much to ask, would you mind showing yourself?’

Suddenly, to the shock of the three men around Oli, the young man’s shadow came to life. It extended longer and wider while dark essence began to leak from the stretched silhouette. Then, all three men were left trembling and shocked speechless. A massive, two-krin tall leopard climbed out of that shadow, showing his blood-red eyes to everyone in the room.

“My name is Vloz, and I’m a representative of the Iron Territory, same as Oli.”


None of the three spoke, either frozen in fear or stupefied from shock. That being the case, Oli spoke up, “This is my Uncle Vloz, though we aren’t blood-related.”

“Your... uncle?” Keldon spoke first out of the three, catching onto the casual tone in Oli’s voice.

“That’s right. And my real name is Oli, though I’d prefer that you continue calling me Oliver while I’m in this form.”

“That... form? What form?” Hurman asked, unable to take his eyes off the leopard’s calm stare.

“Since you all agreed to this and since Vloz is here to validate my words, we’ll explain everything as quickly as I can.” Taking a deep breath, Oli began, “I’m not actually a human, but a gorilla.”


“It’s possible,” Oli insisted. “If you don’t believe me, then ask my Uncle Vloz, who happens to be the same leopard that saved me from the merchants and obliterated the bandits after I repelled them. Just ask the others for a description of the beast that chased us. Oh, since you’re all unable to sense his level, allow me to mention that too. He’s a high-perennial.”

“A WHAT?!?!” Hurman shouted, nearly falling backward in a heart attack.

Vloz spoke up, “I tracked Oli’s kidnapper which eventually led me to the nearby mountains, where I found him and his party. It was my fault that those two young members of your family were injured. I had taken Oli away but he insisted on returning and dealing with the bandits, which he did. For causing the incident, allow me to apologize.”

Before Vloz could bow his head, Hurman replied, “There’s no need to apologize, Master Vloz. It’s insignificant, especially since their journey was successful in the end.”

“Either way, I’ve heard everything you’ve said with Oli today and I’m grateful that you’ve cared for him while he was alone. For that, I wish to thank you as well.” Bowing his head for only a moment, Vloz continued, “Since you don’t know much of the details between the three of you, I’ll explain from the beginning.

“Oli is the heir to the Iron Territory, son to a perennial mother and one of the strongest men I’ve ever met in my life. In fact, Oli is an Iron-body Gorilla with a human form.”

“But that’s impossible?! At such an age?! And at his cultivation that should be–”

“It should be impossible, but Oli did it anyway with some external help,” stated Vloz. “I want that to be clear. Also, our territory has no permanent residents that are human, so far. The Practor Family will be the first-ever, human patrician clan of the Iron Territory, which is the equivalent of being a noble family here.”

“That...” Hurman struggled to say anything as he was overwhelmed by the leopard’s presence and words.

Jonon was shocked as well but managed to get out a few words, “The Practor Family? What do you mean?”

Vloz smiled and nodded lightly. “Hurman agreed to relocate your Practor Family, and you, Keldon, blindly agreed to become our growing town’s first dedicated merchant.”

“Town? I thought–”

“We’ve only just started growing, but we’re doing so aggressively. After a recent ascension, we currently have nine perennials of varying degrees within our capital, Iron Town, and the gorillas are constructing buildings nonstop.” Vloz mentioned, “And though you’ll be the first humans to permanently reside in Iron Town, you won’t be the first to visit as we receive traveling merchants nearly every day thanks to our recently built academy and growing city. If anything, you’re lucky that Oli sided with you, or I never would’ve offered these things.”

“You mean... I’ll be the first merchant with a dedicated shop in a growing city of traveling merchants?” Keldon asked, summing up his mentioned role.

“That’s correct.”

“And what currency is used there?”

Smiling again, Vloz chuckled, “We’ve given the other five patrician clans gold and we have plenty as well. I’ll make sure to exchange some gold and so that the territory will gain plenty of copper and silver as well. That way we’ll be better suited for all the trade that’s about to boom within the territory. Also, it seems you adjust quite well to unexpected scenarios, a good quality for a merchant to have.”

“Thank you...” Keldon sighed, trying his best to remain calm under the pressure of meeting a high-perennial and learning about a fresh market waiting for him.

“And Hurman, you can speak freely. We don’t use pressure or force to rule in the Iron Territory. We have the Chiefs Council to help us best govern the territory, which you’ll be joining as the newest patrician clan. So you’ll be there to help make sure that humans are represented and respected within the Iron Territory,” Vloz explained.

Feeling a bit better, Hurman asked, “Both you and Oliver mentioned an academy. Are there any humans there or only beasts?”

“At the moment, there are only beasts, but that’s only because we haven’t had the means to teach humans until now. That’s what you agreed to, correct?”

Nodding, Hurman smiled shyly at his son. “Yes... Those were part of the agreement.”

“Then we’ll extend the school upon your eventual arrival and open enrollment for humans as well. It will be one of the first-ever academies for humans and beasts alike, allowing us all to learn from each other. And don’t worry about cultivation techniques and battle arts for the new students. Should you wish, you’re welcome to add your own to the library, but I’ve also amassed quite a collection after claiming the techniques and arts of now-deceased bandits.”

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