Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: A Makeshift Plan

‘In your opinion, do you think that shadowy man you met is a bad guy?’


Oli continued riding that train of thought. ‘I have no clue what he wants from me, but he did protect me from a high king. Also, he’s the one that gave me that manual and mentioned sharing it with Netra... His tactics and way of thinking are too abstract for me to understand so far but I get the feeling that he’s looking out for me more than he causing me trouble. Knowing that, do you think someone like him would let me die after he went through so much trouble of bringing me here?’

‘I...’ Hesitant, Vloz reluctantly agreed, ‘I suppose that’s true, though I’d rather not leave your life in his hands since he nearly caused your death not long ago.’

‘That’s fair, but he’s also saved me, gifted me treasures, helped advance my cultivation, and given me more to think about... According to him, he knew my father before he was a perennial.’

‘Oli, you can’t just believe–‘

‘I know he’s suspicious, but it still feels that he’s doing me a favor and not inhibiting me. Why else would he just let me walk out with a human metamorphosis manual and help me ascend all the faster?’ Oli reasoned, trying to convince himself. ‘And this also allows me to train as a human for a while and try to learn about how cultivation techniques are made. That could change everything for me with my other essence...


‘So, let me get this straight.’ Vloz summed up the discussion, ‘You’re willing to trust in an anonymous man that supposedly wants to help you for his own selfish reasons while I become betrothed to the woman you want to marry?’

‘I guess...’ Oli sighed nervously. ‘You’d still be getting to learn a human form, so that’s worth it right?’

‘But how will we know where to find you, even if things did play out like that?’ Vloz asked.

‘Umm... Well, that’s an issue we can discuss before you escort the Practor Family to the territory. By then, I’ll know more about where I’ll be going after they leave.’

Sighing, Vloz mulled over Oli’s words about the shadowy man, ‘Oli... Is this what you truly want? To entrust yourself to the whim of another?’

‘I’m I strong enough to avoid that?’ stated Oli. ‘Wouldn’t it just happen anyway? At least this way we’d be getting some use out of him while he does his best to lead me on some unknown path.’

‘... Your mother will be furious.’

‘I know, but what else can I do? If I go back, what if that man just took me away again? We can’t do anything about him so why not try to work with him and make the most of it?’


‘Vloz, I get it. It’s not a certain plan for success. There are plenty of potential holes but the general plan makes sense, right? Can you think of anything better?’ Taking Vloz’s silence as an answer, Oli continued, ‘Then would you be willing to act on your own idea and follow along?’

‘... This means that I’ll be traveling with the both of you when the time comes, correct?’


‘And I’ll be part of the decision-making process when we’re traveling together?’ Vloz asked.

‘Of course! I’d prefer it.’

‘... This plan is ludicrous, to say the least, but I’m willing to follow along for the sake of gaining that manual...’

‘Thanks, Uncle Vloz! If I could, I’d hug you right now!’

Oh, that’s rare. Too bad, huh...’ sighed Vloz. ‘Then what about your mother?’

‘We’ll discuss that after we figure out what’s happening with the Practor Family,’ Oli replied. ‘It’ll be hard on her no matter what but I’m sure she’ll be fine in the end when I eventually come back and hug her. Sadly, I don’t think bringing her along would be the best move...’

‘I agree with that, but it is sad for her sake.’

‘Then do you mind keeping an eye on the camp while I get some actual sleep?’

Laughing, Vloz stated, ‘I’ve been doing that since before I abducted you, though I didn’t expect you to be so defensive of them. Now I understand though, so you can rest easy. Either I’ll eliminate a threat before they near the campsite or I’ll wake you up to handle it in front of the others for boosted credibility.’


Immediately, Oli let his mind sink into his spirit jade, forcing his body to rest as he cultivated his essence control.

Vloz easily scanned over the environment with his essence, vastly outdoing any short of surveillance Oli could muster while also hiding it from those he sensed. Nothing below his realm of cultivation could dare near them without Vloz knowing far in advance.


“... Oliver... Oliver!”

“Hmm? Leon?” Oliver awoke and looked up. The sun was peaking over the mountain top as Leon sat in front of Oli. “Is everyone else up too?”

“Johan is getting ready and Shadur is doing a morning meditation to help him prepare for harvesting the lilies,” Leon answered. “What were you doing, Oliver?”

“I’m just keeping watch, that’s all. With essence I’m able to see without seeing, so why not assume a meditative position in hopes of getting the others to bite the bait?” reasoned Oli. “Too bad they didn’t bite... I would’ve loved to smash in some skulls to wake up in the morning...”

Leon blinked and changed the topic, “O-Oh, well we should be close to the lilies right?”

“Leon... Are you and Johan okay after yesterday?” Oli’s eyes lingered on Leon’s bandaged arm.

“Oh, this? This isn’t my sword-wielding arm, so I’ll be fine. Shadur already made me a splint, so don’t worry about it.”

“That’s all? What about your shoulder? There seems to be a lot of padding under your clothes?”

“Well, that’s from the whips but it’s no big deal,” replied Leon. “Considering how bad it could’ve been, I’d say I walked away lucky.”

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