Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Conversation with the Shadows

As the conversation was getting nowhere, Shadur suddenly asked, “Oliver, you have dark essence, right?”

Leon remembered Oli’s vanishing act from earlier, which reminded him of meeting Oliver for the first time. Back then, Oliver had somehow avoided the thugs surrounding Leon with ease, just as Oliver had done in battle.

Oli nodded. “Yeah, I’m a dual cultivator. Earth and dark are my specialties. That doesn’t mean I’ll explain everything I’m capable of here and now. There’s no reason for that.”

“But that does mean you’re much stronger than we expected,” stated Shadur. “You have incredible, raw power and frightening stealth... That’s a rare combination to have. I can’t think of anyone with dark and earth essence.”

“Either way, that’s what I have and I prefer that you don’t declare it to the world. But, as you saw, I’m willing to get serious when necessary,” reasoned Oli. “Johan, you don’t need to be satisfied with my explanation.”

“What do–”

“I was hired to protect and guard you all, which I’ve done and will continue to do. If anything, Aren’t you glad to be alive after being outnumbered so badly? Many times, bodyguards will abandon their employers when facing overwhelming odds. Would You rather I did that?”



“Then be glad I didn’t join them for a profit. I have more than enough reasons for this venture to succeed, so don’t doubt my allegiance. Now, you should all get some sleep. Does anyone happen to have another tent?”

“I’ve got one, but it’s not big enough for the four of us,” Shadur replied with a sigh.

Oli plopped onto the ground, crossing his legs. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be keeping watch all night. You three focus on resting and recuperating. Tomorrow we need to harvest some lilies.”

“I can’t trust you to–”

“Would you rather I sleep and you take the night watch?” Oli asked, glancing calmly at Johan. “No? In that case, shut up and sleep. Do you think your father would act so bratty?”

Embarrassed and talking out of reflex, Johan stated, “D-don’t talk about my dad like that?!”

“Why not? Are you saying that he would act like a brat?”


“Good. Since we both agree that you’re nothing like your father, how about you get some rest with the others and reflect on how you can do better in the future. Sleep tight...” Oli waved before turning his back to the other three, assuming a meditative position.

Johan said nothing more. Despite his pride, there was no way he would disgrace his father and role model. He and the others silently set up the new tent and stored the torn and tattered tent to Leon’s void ring.

Soon, all three were slumbering in the tent. Their exhausted bodies wouldn’t allow them to stay up for long.

Still pretending to meditate, Oli was on edge. He hoped that Vloz would see the error of his ways and not repeat what had just happened. Lucky for Oli, he had guessed correctly.


‘Where are you now, Vloz?’ Oli responded, keeping his eyes closed.

‘Hiding in the shadow of the tent,’ answered Vloz. ‘Tell me what’s going on before I drag you back to Ania.’

Sighing, Oli took a moment to collect his thoughts. ‘You won’t cause another attack, will you?’

‘Not if you give me a proper explanation.’

‘How about we both explain things? I still have no clue what happened after I was taken,’ Oli mentioned.

‘That’s fine, but you’ll go first.’

‘Of course, I will...’ With a slight grin, Oli explained, ‘I got chased and captured by a man named Krasc. He knew I was Dioro’s son and wanted me to either give me away to his lord or keep me as a subordinate.’

‘He knew? Then he must have connections with the dragon...’ mumbled Vloz.

‘I was knocked unconscious but woke up in a cave near here. I never met the man who brought me here but he showed me Krasc’s head and forced me to cultivate until I ascended. He also forced me to take a human form, telling me to not worry about the Iron Territory and to focus on learning from humans while I have the chance.”

‘Then... Would you consider this person an ally?’ Vloz asked with the memory of the shady figure fresh in his mind.

‘I don’t know...’ Oli replied, unsure of what to believe. ‘He gave me priceless training resources and helped me ascend with all of my essence types. He also protected me from being captured and then let me go the moment I ascended. But he’s also the man who almost got me killed in my fight against Karos, so... I don’t fully know how I feel about the man.’

‘Is he still following you?’

‘Not that I know of, but I know he’s always been watching me. He even knew about all of my secret training inside my old cultivation chamber. He also mentioned knowing my dad...’

‘Really? He knew your dad yet almost got you killed? That’s a little hard to believe, even for someone who recently saved you from a king cultivator...’

‘Right... if he’s able to kill a high-king yet doesn’t want to turn me in, I don’t know why he would be interested in weak, little me...’ Oli’s mind went ballistic trying to theorize a cause for the would-be savior that had dragged him away from the Iron Territory.

‘Oli, I’ve met that man twice now, albeit briefly,’ Vloz added. ‘He was far stronger than I could fathom and he seems to have ulterior motives for meddling in your life, though I’m still unsure as to what motive a man of his caliber would have. If the man is a prefecture lord, perhaps he’s trying to keep the lord that chased your father in a bind? That may make sense, but why would a prefecture lord want to medley in your life without claiming you as their own?’

‘Vloz...’ Oli mumbled mentally, piecing together the most relevant theory he could muster. ‘Would it be better if I was dead?’

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