Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 5: Wang Mei — The Unspoken Bond (1)

The door of the room swung open with a sonorous creak, and Wang Xiao's eyes beheld a sight that stirred his soul, as he sighed in admiration.


There, atop his bed, sat a young girl, barely eleven years old, an embodiment of celestial beauty.

With delicate grace, she sketched upon a blank sheet of paper, while melodies from her headphones danced around her like ethereal spirits.

Upon sensing Wang Xiao's presence, the girl turned her gaze towards the door, her lips parting to reveal a faint yet gentle smile.

Then, with an air of poise, she returned her focus to the task at hand, as if the world around her faded to insignificance.

This was Wang Mei, Wang Xiao's younger sister, born but a year apart. Yet, her appearance was unlike any Wang Xueying had described before. Like a vision sprung from the realms of mythology, she possessed an otherworldly charm, like a celestial being gracing the mortal realm. Her hair, a silken cascade of gray, shimmered under the soft light, a celestial thread linking her to the heavens above.

But it was her eyes that held a mesmerizing allure, for they were of a unique silver hue, seemingly capturing the radiance of a silver moon.

The faint translucence of her gaze hinted at mysteries untold, evoking the mystique of ancient tales.

Unlike Wang Xiao's own eye color, hers bore no defect; it was an enchanting gift from nature herself, a mark of divine distinction.

Dressed in a gentle nightdress, she appeared like a celestial maiden, a graceful spirit descending from celestial realms.

Wang Mei's presence bestowed an aura of purity and elegance upon the room, like the gentle touch of a zephyr brushing against a lotus pond.

Her porcelain-like visage exuded innocence, akin to a porcelain doll come to life, her youthful spirit illuminating the space around her.

Wang Xiao couldn't help but feel a slight sense of adoration for his precious younger sister, as though the celestial spirits had bestowed upon him a treasure beyond compare.

In the tranquility of that moment, Wang Xiao marveled at the celestial grace that embodied his sister, Wang Mei, an exquisite manifestation of divine artistry in the tapestry of mortal life.

'Bastard! What the hell are you zoning out for? It's just a damn girl,' the shadows, which had vanished earlier, reappeared before Wang Xiao's eyes, lecturing him with a harsh tone.

However, just like in the past, no one but Wang Xiao could perceive or hear them.

He didn't bother much about it anyway.

Instead, he flashed a faint smile and neatly tucked away his jacket, changing his clothes nonchalantly in the presence of Wang Mei.

Contrary to Wang Xueying's depiction, Wang Mei proved to be exceptionally patient, displaying no concern over his disappearance on Christmas Eve.

According to her, he must have been occupied with some other important task.

Her tranquility always left Wang Xiao in a state of bewilderment, fueling his suspicion of what secrets lay hidden under that calm facade.

Was there an end to it?

Or was it all just an elaborate facade?

Despite Wang Xiao's superior intellect and profound ability to ponder over intricate matters, he found it impossible to grasp how Wang Mei, especially being a young girl, could comprehend the complexities of human emotions and subtlety.

In his eyes, she was still just an innocent young girl.

As Wang Xiao climbed into bed alongside Wang Mei, she delicately removed her headphones and spoke with a soft voice, "Brother, could you please draw this for me?" she requested.

Before her lay a scattered collection of books and a plain sheet of paper, upon which she was diligently working on a small school assignment.

Wang Mei held no doubt regarding her artistic capabilities, yet she admired Wang Xiao's superior talent, albeit one he rarely showcased.

It was reminiscent of his habit of seldom striving for high test scores.

For Wang Xiao, it was all about managing expectations. If expectations were set too high, there was the risk of future disappointment.

Consequently, he chose not to aim for anything above ninety, rather than chasing a flawless hundred.

Surprisingly, achieving this feat merely demanded a single night of studying at his current age.

As Wang Mei's gaze locked onto Wang Xiao's, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes. With a faint smile, he gently shook his head, his voice laced with a hint of scolding. "You should learn to do your own homework, but instead of simply drawing it for you, I can offer my assistance," he offered, settling himself beside her.

To Wang Mei's astonishment, his warm hand enveloped hers, guiding it across the paper with gentle precision.

A surge of surprise rushed through her, momentarily catching her off guard.

But determined to keep up, she took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand, finding it more challenging than anticipated.

A faint blush adorned her delicate cheeks as she maintained a smile, pretending to be ignorant of Wang Xiao, who constantly took advantage of her.

Her back rubbed against Wang Xiao's chest, and she could feel the heat rising between them.

With his fingers occasionally caressing and teasing her hands, he guided her through the drawing. His eyes were focused on the sheet of paper, but the same couldn't be said for his left hand. It was wrapped around her small waist, while his chin rested above her shoulder.

Wang Mei could hear his breathing, which made her slightly restless.

Soon, his hands decided that feeling the touch of fabric wasn't enough.

He rolled up her dress slightly, exposing the smooth skin of her abdomen. He wrapped his hand directly around her, feeling the hot temperature of her skin.

At the same time, his face constantly rubbed against her pristine face and neck, with his lips constantly brushing against them.

An extremely distinct and soothing fragrance assailed his senses, unlike anything he had ever experienced from Lin Xue.

It was etheral and pure, captivating him and drawing him to inhale it deeply.

The irresistible allure of her scent compelled him to bury his nose in the tangle of her hair and the warmth of her neck, greedily inhaling her fragance.

Time seemed to come to a halt as Wang Xiao persisted in his actions.

Wang Mei, although her body remained rigid in his embrace, made no objection nor uttered a single word.

And yet, something in her shifted—her once-stiff form melted into his arms, her breath quickened to a rapid pace, and a delicate blush adorned her cheeks and the graceful curve of her neck

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