Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 44: Tempting Chen Meili!

"In any case, what did you bash your head against yesterday? Lin Xue always sings your praises for your intellect. Did you lose your wits after that blow? What possessed you to rinse your head with water? If the injury was deep and water seeped in, it could have meant instant death," Chen Meili blurted out her concern, unable to hold it back any longer.

She had witnessed Wang Xiao's frequent visits to this place and had formed a certain bond with him. The thought of him meeting an untimely end was unnerving, especially for Lin Xue.


Wang Xiao was momentarily rendered speechless by the abrupt questioning, pondering why he had made such a choice.

On one hand, he self-incriminated; it was merely an attempt to conceal the injury...

Yet, a whisper lingered in his mind, hinting that he might have intentionally sought an escape...

But why?

Wang Xiao found his own mental landscape a chaotic like an intricate maze.

Amidst the cacophony of voices echoing in his mind, it was a Herculean task to decipher the true motive.

Regardless of the internal struggle, observing his silence, Chen Meili facepalmed in resignation. "Fine, what do you need from me? Spit it out quickly. I have to get back and oversee the counter."

Wang Xiao took a deep breath, his expression hardening into a mask of seriousness. "Chen Meili, tell me about Lin Xue."

Chen Meili was taken aback by the sudden shift in Wang Xiao's demeanor, and she struggled to find the right words. "Why are you asking me? Don't you know her better than anyone, considering the time you spend locked up in her..." Her voice trailed off, her mind conjuring absurd scenarios.

Wang Xiao's face contorted in frustration. "I'm not inquiring about that! Tell me about her past."

Chen Meili mumbled, for a moment caught off guard, "Past? What past are you talking about?"

Wang Xiao let out a heavy sigh, fully aware that there were hidden layers to Lin Xue's story. "Tell me why she doesn't leave her room... I noticed her yesterday, avoiding Fu Chao and others. Why is that? Does she have an illness or something?"


Chen Meili remained silent, torn between her loyalty to Lin Xue and Wang Xiao's investigation.

"I don't know anything, go and ask her yourself," she finally said, her voice trembling with the internal conflict she was facing.

Wang Xiao's expression twisted in frustration. If Lin Xue were the type to readily share her secrets, he wouldn't have turned to Chen Meili in the first place.

But then, a desperate idea struck him. "Wait, I'll offer you money," he said, catching her hands and making a proposition.

Chen Meili's lips quivered, but she restrained herself. "I don't care, I don't know anything about her, even if you give me money," she declared, determined not to betray Lin Xue for a quick financial gain. The hands that had been feeding her so far were far more important.

Wang Xiao sighed in relief, seeing that the mention of money had at least made her pause. This presented an opportunity for him. "Then how about a better job?" he suggested.

"What!?" Chen Meili's eyes flew open in surprise at the sudden proposition, her pupils dilating with a mix of astonishment and curiosity as she took in Wang Xiao's determined expression. "What kind of job?" she asked, her heart starting to beat faster with intrigue.

Wang Xiao grinned, ready to lure her in. "A much better job—one that will bring you both wealth and respect."

Chen Meili nervously bit her lip, a sense of hope blooming within her at the enticing prospect. "But why would anyone hire me? I haven't even had a proper education," she countered, her insecurities resurfacing.

Wang Xiao's smile remained gentle, trying to reassure her. "Because I vouch for you. My friend owns a flourishing wholesale business. You could become the customer relationship executive there, with a salary that matches or even surpasses what you earn here. He's unaware of your background, so as long as you keep it to yourself, your past will stay right here.

You can embark on a new and improved life, maybe even pursue your education!" he explained, painting a vivid picture of a promising future.

"Mmm... b-but..." Chen Meili hesitated, her breath catching in her throat as she grappled with the weight of the decision, her lips tightly pressed together in contemplation.

Wang Xiao sensed her inner turmoil, the air heavy with anticipation. He knew he had to offer one last persuasive nudge. "Consider it thoroughly. You're aware this business won't stay afloat for long. With the laws tightening down the road, you'll be left stranded. I'm extending to you a chance for a brighter tomorrow."

Chen Meili found herself immersed in thought, the room around her seemingly fading as she wrestled with the pros and cons, the weight of the crossroads bearing down on her.

Wang Xiao's compelling arguments echoed in her mind, each word vying for her attention, pulling her in conflicting directions.

Finally, she managed a smile, though tinged with determination, having reached her verdict. "You won't breathe a word of this to Lin Xue!"

Wang Xiao's smile mirrored her determination, a silent pledge forming in the depths of his eyes. "Definitely not."

Little did he know, that his prediction about Velvet Shadows would one day come to truth, and Chen Meili would be profoundly grateful to him for offering her the chance of a brighter and more secure future.

"Let's get out of here; this place is not good," Chen Meili blurted out suddenly, an abrupt sense of discomfort settling in.

Wang Xiao quickly picked up on her unease and agreed, nodding. "Sure, let's find another spot," he said, promptly flagging down a taxi to whisk them away to the nearest restaurant. Simultaneously, he filled in Chen Li about the recent developments.

Chen Li's voice crackled through the phone, "Brother, consider it done. We've been needing someone to handle client relations. By the way, is she good-looking?"

Glancing at Chen Meili, seated somewhat awkwardly beside him in the taxi, the unexpected question made her fidget nervously.

She didn't want to serve clients under the guise of maintaining relationships; those roles were abundant in the market.

Wang Xiao sensed her discomfort and offered a comforting gesture, placing his hand over hers. "Yes, she's beautiful," he calmly affirmed.

Chen Li responded enthusiastically, "Perfect! I'll speak to my big man and get back to you."

Wang Xiao smiled, ending the call.

Chen Meili, her nerves still on edge, stammered, "Wang Xiao, I... I..."

Wang Xiao swiftly reassured her, "It's not what you're thinking. They just want someone with a good appearance. A pleasing presence makes a difference."

"Oh," Chen Meili realized, a wave of relief washing over her as she nodded, understanding his explanation.

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