Detective Ghost Empress

Chapter 135

135 please leave

” You are mistaking my intentions, your majesty,” Zhai Heng indeed came to ask about the lead but he did not have the intention of stealing anything from the queen at all. ” I am just thinking about how the woman of the harem will take a look at the case. Isn’t it nice to have someone to help you instead?”

Liu Hui Ying smiled until her eyes crinkled as she cooed, ” Aww you are so cute.” Then the lips that were curled in a smile dropped and she looked at him with annoyance. ” Do you think, I who have been thinking of a way to stay away from men will take help from one?”

” Your majesty, I understand that you don’t have any good feelings for men but you have to understand that with you being the queen, there is no way you can step outside of the Harem,” Zhai Heng reminded her, it was not his intention to look down at Liu Hui Ying but he was speaking the truth. Liu Hui Ying with the title of Queen will never be able to take a step out of the Harem, for her to investigate the case would be impossible.

Liu Hui Ying stared at Zhai Heng for a good two minutes before she burst out laughing, her tinkling laugh made Zhai Heng’s heart jump.

Jump? Zhai Heng’s eyes widened as he raised his hand and then placed his hand on the spot where his heart was thumping and then looked at the woman in front of him. Surely, his heart was only beating because he has never seen any woman laugh like that right? That’s right he must have been startled by her loud laugh and nothing more.

” You don’t need to worry about that,” Liu Hui Ying smiled at the man in front of her and Zhai Heng whose heart was already beating loud enough to startle him started to thump even harder than it was before, why? He thought in his head as he looked at Liu Hui Ying who was smiling at him.

This smile ... wasn’t as pretty as Ji Yu’s so why was he feeling like all the blood in his body was rushing to his cheeks?

Liu Hui Ying who did not understand emotions like love and crush did not understand anything when she saw Zhai Heng’s cheeks turning red or when his eye pupils trembled when she smiled at him, she continued speaking as she was before, ” There will be someone coming to call me soon enough.”

And behind her Jia Li who was looking at the happenings in front of her snickered as she looked at Li Gang and curled her lips. ” I can see that things are going to be really interesting in the future.”


” Just look at that,” Li Gang bitterly spoke while looking at Zhai Heng and Liu Hui Ying. ” Those who are in no need of love or anything, they are getting it in a bulk offer and here I am waiting for a ghost woman to fall for me and yet none have fallen for me. This is the classic example of even God being biased!”

” Don’t be like that my dear,” Grandma Lan Fen patted Li Gang on the shoulders and then tried to ease his gloomy expression. ” You will get someone as well, after all even if she is getting a lot of options. It’s not like she is going to appreciate them, right? Don’t worry you will get the best out of best soon enough.”

Li Gang nodded but he was still staring angrily at Liu Hui Ying, feeling like he was going to die of anger once again.


He was not the only one who was feeling like that Grand Dowager Empress who has woken up an hour ago and was in no better condition. Last night was her worst night, someone sneaked into her courtyard and then they even scared her until she fainted like a coward, she was certain that once the Dowager Empress finds about it she will surely make fun of her!

” Did Tianyu find out who was the one who snuck inside our courtyard?” She asked Ji Yu who was massaging her legs while sitting on the side of the bed. When Ji Yu heard the Grand Dowager Empress’s question, her hands that were massaging her grand aunt’s legs paused and then she shook her head as she replied, ” Whoever was behind it was really careful, not even the shadow guards caught them. This concubine does not think that his majesty will catch someone so soon.”

Grand Dowager Empress was even more upset when she heard this, she was angry enough to hit someone but then she saw that her niece was sitting at the end of her bed and somehow managed to calm her heart but she still snarled angrily, ” We swear that once we get our hands on the one who was behind this then we will definitely make them suffer, how dare they attack us!”

” Please be calm, grandmother,” Zhai Tianyu who have just arrived heard his grandmother’s words and was not surprised when he saw that his aunt hid behind him. Even though his grandmother could not see his aunt, her words were vicious enough to startle anyone. With the bronze plate in his hands, he walked over to his grandmother’s bed and then bowed his body in greeting before speaking to her, ” You do not need to be worried, I have a clue in hand as to who is behind this.”

Grand Dowager Empress immediately straightened up in her bed and then looked at her grandson with shining eyes and asked in a hurried voice,” Who? Who is the one behind this?”

“It’s...” Zhai Tianyu began speaking but then his gaze fell on Ji Yu and he paused, he carefully thought about what will happen if he was to let Ji Yu on this small secret and then decided that it was better to send her out of the room. This way he will be able to keep Ji Yu safe in case something was to happen in the future after all the Queen’s powers were something that defied the heavens. ” Yu’er would you please the room?”

If you all help me reach the top three ranking of the win-win then I will release two extra chapters in the next month! Remember the offer is for this week only!

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