D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 255: Reconnecting with the System

Chapter 255: Reconnecting with the System

Looking at the two unconscious bodies, Kat was rather at a lost as to what she was actually meant to do. *Sure, promise to watch over Major and Minor… er, Shizuru? But really, what actually am I doing?*

*I'm in a room with two unconscious bodies, in a house I don't know my way around, and man does that sound stranger in my head than I meant it to. Hey system are you actually there now?*

Hello User Kat. D.E.M.O.N.S is functioning at accepted parameters. User Kat has ONE warning.

*Um…? Ok? What is that warning?*

User Kat was unavailable for 10 days. This has led to User Kat's debt theoretically expiring. However due to strange circumstances in acquiring your main Rank 2 skill and Emergency Beacon activation this has been held off.

User Kat will have 24 hours to finish duties here, then 24 hours in Home Dimension before being required to perform a job to pay of the remainder of User Kat's Debt

*What! Ten days?! Quick, can you send a message to let the others know I am well?*

User Kat's Accomplices have been notified. User Kat can send and receive messages at Rank 2.

User Kat has received the following message from Accomplice Sylvie and Accomplice Lily

"Hi Kat. Hopefully you see this soon. The system sent us a strange message saying that you were fine, had become rank 2, but that you couldn't talk to us. It's really strange, and when we ask why not it just keep insisting that you are fine… we aren't really sure what to think and we are getting a little worried but we'll be fine"

Additionally, an addendum was added to the message by Accomplice Sylvie

"Lily said she's fine. She isn't. She's freaking out in a major way. I've been keeping her company but don't let her know I told you.


*Well that's just great. Should I send a message back now or just wait till tomorrow? Eh, I'll send a quick one. System send the following back to them*

"Hey guys, it's Kat. Finally, in contact again sort of. I have to do a few things first but I'll be home in 24 hours almost exactly we can talk more then."

Kat grimaced a little at her short message. It certainly didn't feel like she was away for ten day. *This is the longest I've been away on a mission. Dammit, how did time get so distorted? No wonder Enuko collapsed, the poor woman had been keeping that spell running for over a week…*

*I just don't understand where all the time went.* Kat frowned but chose not to dwell on it any more. *Ok more importantly, what am I supposed to do with you guys.* Kat first checked Shizuka's pulse, and held a hand near her nose to make sure she was still breathing. Once that was confirmed Kat moved on to do the same for Enuko.

Once assured they were both at least breathing, Kat then had another decision to make. *What do I actually do with you?* Thought Kat as she stared down at Enuko. *Should I like… get her a bed or something? I mean, I don't want to leave her there on the floor, but I have no idea where everything is…*

*And if her house isn't super enchanted by this mysterious husband I keep hearing about then I'm actually a pixie. Though… if they are sufficiently over engineered maybe I'd be fine? I mean, Enuko would be with me, I have her permission, and I'd just be taking her to her room…*

*That I don't know the location of, great. What about a blanket maybe? This room has nothing not even a single cupboard, probably so that she could get at everything to draw the sigils and runes everywhere.*

Kat glanced from Enuko to Shizuka and back. *Could maybe fit them both on that bed? It might be a bit tight but… no the tails would be an issue. Somebody will have tail in their face and the other will have tails hanging of the bed… and I'm not sure how ok that is?*

Kat looked at her own tail flicking behind her. *Hmm, my tail is always fine but I don't think I even get muscle cramps anymore, and sleeping on the ground that one time did nothing bad to me, so I probably shouldn't use myself as an example*

*Plus, even if I was to use the excuse that Enuko is much stronger than I am a fact I shouldn't forget is she was up ten days straight and needs a proper rest. Kat bit her lip. Ok, so she needs sleep, now am I ok leaving Shizuka here for a moment while I find a bed for her?*

Kat looked over at Shizuka. The body was sleeping peacefully and looked much better than it had previously. Despite the fact that it had been ten days since she apparently went into their head to fix things the body in front of her was haggard yes, but not with one foot already in the grave.

"I'm not sure if you pair can hear me, but I need to get Enuko to bed. Don't worry if you don't see anyone when you wake up" said Kat before scooping Enuko up into her hands.

It was actually rather awkward. With Minor and Major they were small enough that her long arms and occasional assistance from her tail was more than enough to keep everyone bundled in her arms.

Enuko presented a problem. She just had so many tails and so much fluff that it was rather awkward to hold her in a proper hold. Carrying her princess style was Kat's first instinct, but with all the tails in the way Enuko was angled face towards Kat with tails splayed out in front.

It would be fine… ish, but Kat would be dealing with constantly bumping into them as she walked, and there was simply too many to take hold of like she would for Minor. *Hmm, this is a challenge then I guess.*

Kat considered carrying Enuko over her shoulder instead, but the tail thing became an issue. If Kat wanted to keep Enuko's head up high to prevent blood flow being an issue her tails would be blocking Kat's vision.

*There's supposed to be one more way to safely carry someone I think… but what is it?* Kat scoured her memories for mentions of it but turned up nothing. She hadn't had to carry anyone any other way nor had she been carried by the third.

It did come up once, in conversation with Gramps when explaining ways to carefully move the other orphanage kids around but he never demonstrated it, only mentioning that there were three ways to safely carry someone.

*Wait, is it just piggyback? Well, that's out the window because of my wings, but… I don't that was it… such a shame too… well… maybe that could work anyway? My wings will be a bit squashed and it certainly won't be comfortable for Enuko but… I think it's for the best.*

Flattening her wings the best she could manage, Kat struggled to manoeuvre Enuko into position. After trying and failing to do so cleanly from the ground, Kat first lifted Enuko onto the bed then used her own tail and Enuko's in carefully placed positions to keep her sitting up.

Then she turned around and backed towards the kitsune before wrapping her arms around Enuko's legs and pulling her into a piggyback position. It was still rather awkward on her wings but it wasn't painful and at least she could get a proper hold on Enuko this way.

Stepping outside the door Kat looked left and saw hallway, and then right and saw… *Arrows? What?* Shrugging Kat followed the helpful signage. As she moved the arrow on the floor seemed to move with.

It twisted and turned as she neared cornered and after a few corridors, to rights and a left, Kat found herself outside of a sliding door decorated with lotus flowers. Well, that's what they looked like from afar, to Kat's eyes they were packed to the brim with runes.

*Ah shit.* Still despite her worries and softly glowing runes ambivalence, the arrow quite clearly pointed towards the door. There was just a slight catch. She couldn't see the handle anywhere.

*What the hell do I grab?* Kat took a step closer to take a better look and the door shook. Pausing in her motion, the door continued, sliding open to reveal a huge room that was surprisingly empty.

The only thing it really contained where a few obvious cupboards built into the wall and a truly massive bed. It could easily fit five people, and was a large circular shape taking up over two thirds of the massive room by itself.

The sheets was an almost identical shade to Enuko's hair, which, Kat felt a little odd but just shrugged it off. Carefully lowering the kitsune onto the bed, Kat pulled back the covers and tucked Enuko in before swiftly exiting the room and returning to the infirmary.

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