D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 253: a Major smackdown

Chapter 253: a Major smackdown

"Right but… there are some parts I'm just not processing fully" said Major… halfway through Kat's recount. She had been stopped after she had picked out the rug for Gramps and headed back to her own dimension.

"Well, what exactly seems to be the issue?" asked Kat

"Mostly how Minor can even call herself that. Why does she think she is less than I am? I mean I hate that I'm saying this, but I feel like she's right… but what does that mean exactly? We were so young… I just can't be sure how much of each personality we still have… but… she seemed fine talking to me right?" said Major

*Oh boy. Just… think of her like one of the younger kids at the orphanage that doesn't understand why her friend just got adopted.* "Well, to address your questions somewhat out of order. Minor has changed since she said those things. Some are more or less true, but I suspect the heart of the matter is that spell that was used to heal you.

"If I had to guess, her assumption is something along the lines of… I'll break it down with some simply math actually. So, say you have 200% of a soul between the two of you. When this happened, you got say 80 Shizuru, and Minor got 20, then you got 60 Haruka, and Minor got the other 40.

"This leaves you as mostly Shizuru, but with a lot of Haruka, and Minor who is twice as Haruka as she is Shizuru, but doesn't even have half the soul that you do. Personally I'd guess that in actuality some of what made each of you, you was burned up and used in the spell to keep you guys alive, so it might be more like… you got say, 80% Shizuru, Minor got 10, you got 30% Haruka, she got another 30% and the rest was burnt" said Kat

Major bit her lip struggling with the emotions flittering across her face. "I just… I don't like all this talk about her like she's less of a person. I mean she's right here in my arms" said Major

Kat felt a spark of anger burning in heart at this. *Major! You go too far. You're the one in the wrong here. She IS less than she once was. Ignoring the fact that she's a voice in your head and treating her like an equal is going to do no one favours. How can you boil what I'm trying to tell you down to something so silly as,*

*'less of a person' Her soul was chopped up to keep you alive. Then she had to struggle as an unheard voice in your head for years because you couldn't accept the fact she was dead. Which sure, she wasn't, but then you come and tell me that you're 'uncomfortable' talking about what was done to her. *

Kat kept her face a mask of calm, but it had a major crack. Her anger was starting to boil, and her eyes burnt with fire behind them. Her horns had started to have purple cracks running through them that bled the faintest traces of purple fire. Kat's aura that she normally kept a tight rein on was struggling against her control like a caged beast.

And Major had a front row seat. She could see it as Kat's face started to lose it's more standard smile into a mask that would make any courtier jealous… but Major had seen it transform before her eyes, not to mention the whole leaking flames issue.

Major didn't know if she should speak up or what. She recognised that something she had said had annoyed Kat greatly, but she just didn't understand what. In the end she bit the bullet. "I just… I don't understand why you are mad" whispered Major, partially to avoid Kat hearing, but even unempowered, Kat caught it. Major wasn't that quiet.

"You almost said it yourself. You don't understand" said Kat, her voice as calm as she could make it, but Major almost felt it cutting her like a knife. "Minor has been through a lot for you. I am trying, very very hard to give you some perspective into how she thinks, and the risk she has taken

"I haven't even gotten to the later realisations she's had, and yet you have gotten so fixated on the fact that I'm apparently talking bad about her. Major" the kitsune flinched at hearing her 'name' but Kat wasn't feeling any guilt over it as she continued "I am doing you a favour, and Minor a favour, trying to get you to UNDERSTAND, but you are so caught up in the idea that I'm thinking less of your sister that you can't even comprehend what's going on

"We are IN YOUR HEAD we had to get Enuko to cast a spell on me to come here, and then we literally had to fight our way through YOUR Nightmares, defences, and then a massive golem of what must have been regret

"Only for Minor to figure out that we also had to set a copy of you on fire and RIP HER IN HALF. Minor has gone WELL ABOVE AND BEYOND anything either of you should have had to experience in your young age" Kat felt a slit twinge at implying she was much older, but she was past that point. After spending over an hour trying to go over the events in the tunnel, being interrupted multiple times, by Major despite having asked for her to avoid such a thing Kat charged right on.

"And now, now I find you sitting here and arguing semantics with me over HER CHOSEN NAME. I see it, I see every time you flinch when I call you Major. Imagine how it would feel to here that her sister is trying to call her something other than what she's asked for

"She has CLAIMED Minor as her name. She could never be Haruka again, and she was never Shizuru. Even Shizuka, was a name you wrapped yourself in to try and bind the wounds you were feeling

"Now when she finally has a name of her OWN one that has never been shared, you tell me that I'm the one lacking in RESPECT by calling her by it, or by explaining the likely reasons behind the name and how I can only guess the spell worked.

"Mostly propped up by things MINOR has told me of course. I don't cast spells of course, I don't even use mana." At this point Kat now had pulsing purple veins running across her wings, and her tail had a sharp purple outline.

Her kimono was starting to burn on the edges, around the sleeves and around any other edge of the material. The ring around her neck looked almost like a burning necklace of fire. Major would appreciate it more if it didn't flare up every time Kat raised her voice.

"Now. Even taking all of that into consideration. Minor's situation has CHANGED. I said that, multiple times. I wanted you to hear the whole story before I started answering questions that Minor really should answer herself

"I only did this because I thought you'd appreciate it you know. I doubted you wanted to wait till she woke up to find information about your long lost sister. I mean, I know that if anything happened to one of my two friends I'd been dying to hear what happened, as soon as I possibly could

"But no, instead, my word isn't good enough. I'm not taking the proper care. I'm being insensitive. Well you know what Major. I may be in your head right now, but if I have to I'll punish you when I get out of here. Enuko be damned. You need to stop and actually THINK a minute please"

When Kat finished speaking, she let out a long breath. As she did, a wave of fire exited her mouth, and the colour drained from her extremities. Her aura happily sat back down like a trained puppy that had done no wrong, and her clothes smoothed out.

"Now" said Kat, with an actually calm voice "I may have gone off more than was polite there, but you have to understand, I now know more about Minor than you do, and she isn't in a bad spot. She's fine just tired, and while I know you've been thrown into a hell of a thing as well, you need to understand that things are very different with Minor than they ever will be with anyone else"

Major gulped, with a look like a deer caught in the headlights. Her tails were all ramrod straight and bristled to their full size. Her ears were flat against her head and her face was pulled into a deep frown.

"I… you might be right. Perhaps it's time I wake up, or rest for real" said Major shakily.

Kat nodded. *I almost wish I felt bad about going off like that, but Major needs to understand that things are very complicated, and she just isn't thinking about Minor, she's thinking about the sister that was lost all those years ago.*

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