D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 230: Minor pieces

Chapter 230: Minor pieces

Kat was very careful as she started to apply her aura to Minor. Watching for the slightest of reactions as she applied the smallest increments of calming pressure she could. Kat needed Minor at the top of her game.

After a couple seconds of tiny increments, Kat thought she saw Minor nod her head ever so slightly. Dragging her memory of the last few moments out and carefully examining them to see if Minor had moved at all, revealed that, she had indeed, tilted her head slightly. *I'll take that to mean no more, or that this is good enough. I don't want to risk overwhelming her and sending her to sleep.*

With her aura usage carefully monitored Kat reached out to Minor's legs. They were the largest pieces and, in some ways the most well kept. Despite the large crack that broke them off, if you just ignored the fact they weren't attached to her body Minor's legs were in good shape.

Kat carefully placed one hand under each side with her tail in the middle and flapped her wings so that she could hold herself in position. It caused her back muscles to burn as she held herself in place while flapping her wings. *Clearly, I'm designed for at least some extra movement when I fly. Doing it this way is rather painful, but when I glance at Minor, I realise this is nothing. *

Lowering herself down next to Minor's stumps Kat carefully lined up the leg piece with Minor's thighs. Kat made sure to line things up perfectly, making sure that every crack and divot was perfectly aligned so that when she moved the pieces together the fit with a satisfying click.

*Ok but now what.* Kat stared at the leg in her hands. She could tell she was still holding the weight of the limb in question, and the crack was still there she was just holding the pieces together now rather than separately.

*Dammit… am I waiting for something? Like a flash of light? Do I need to do more? Perhaps just rubbing my hands over the gaps as if I was casting a spell? But I don't want to risk putting demonic energy anywhere near Minor… I feel like injecting it into her would be disastrous… but maybe fake cauterizing the wound could work?*

As Kat was worrying over what to do, Minor let out a strange sound. It was unlike anything a humanoid creature could make, should make. It sounded something like pieces of shattered glass grating on each other while fire burned in the background. It was completely indescribable, even this description lacks the ability to convey the strangeness of the sound. Perhaps it was something that could only exist in a dream.

Nonetheless, it seemed to indicate an effort on Minor's part, and as that sound left her mouth a flash of red light appeared around the crack before it disappeared, and Minor's right leg was whole again. Seeing this Kat couldn't help the slight smile that graced her face even as she moved to start on the second leg.

The process was much the same and no less painful. Kat made sure to send some energy to her back to ensure that the damage was mitigated somewhat, but otherwise the process what the same. She held steady and allowed herself to wait for Minor to reattach her leg.

Then Kat moved onto Minor's ear. It was such a strange texture. Whereas Minor's legs still felt like legs at the end of the day, when Kat picked up Minor's ear and it felt like a strange dusty piece of glass, she was rather shocked.

This didn't stop her from carrying out her purpose carefully and with great attention to detail. When Kat placed Minor's ear onto her head though she noticed something. The barest hint of a missing piece appeared. Despite lining up the ear perfectly, and fitting around the cracked line, there was a single chip missing.

*Dammit. What the heck am I supposed to do!* Kat scanned the area nearby searching for anything that might be the missing piece of Minor's ear. Letting her eyes glow with energy Kat scoured the nearby area, and managed to spot something. It was just barely different from the grey floor, and had a slight red tint to it.

The only issue was it was out of grabbing range. "Minor, I just have to grab the missing piece of your ear. Don't panic or do whatever you are doing to repair things just yet" said Kat as soothingly as she could, unknowingly lacing her words with her aura.

Putting Minor's ear down next to her, Kat placed her arms on the ground and used them to lift her carefully away. She didn't want to risk standing up and losing sight of the piece, and by the same line of thought, couldn't risk flapping her wings lest the small piece be blown away by the attempt.

Kat reached over to it, lifting it with the edge of her nail and gently letting it flip onto her palm. Kat examined the piece. It looked more like the internal frozen and cracked fire that Minor had rather than her ear, but it was the only piece in sight. *Now how do I get it back.*

Kat let her tail stroke her chin. *Is it safe to risk flying? It's not on the ground… but I'm sure some wind from my wings will impact my hand… and I don't want to just close my fist around it. I have no idea how weak these pieces are… so that's out as well.*

*I could try using the one arm… but perhaps standing up is just the safest option. I'm in a bit of an awkward position sitting on my legs, but I'm strong enough that won't matter. Just got to be careful going up and down.*

Kat pulled herself back up to her full height. Careful to ensure that she didn't move to quickly before taking slow, small steps back towards Minor and returning to her seiza position. Kat then carefully moved the piece onto the end of her tail and held it still.

With her tail holding the missing piece, Kat then proceeded to use both hands to carefully place Minor's ear against her head. Once in place, Kat made sure to keep a flow of energy to her left hand which was holding onto the end of Minor's ear as well as supporting the bottom.

Carefully, making sure her tail didn't move an inch, Kat picked up the missing piece and gently placed it into the gap in Minor's ear. "Ok, when you're ready Minor, no rush at all" Kat breathed out, calmly, but with a tell tail sigh of relief.

With a quick glow, Minor's ear once again bonded itself together. There was no sound to accompany it this time, and Kat glanced over to see that with the reattaching of her ear, Minor's face had been somewhat repaired.

Her neck still had cracks in it, but everything above the chin was completely clean. Kat barely resisted the urge to grab Minor into a big hug and celebrating. Kat could see Minor watching her but she wasn't saying anything.

*Ok… it seems like Minor still can't talk. I guess it might be something to do with the cracks in her chest but… what else can I do? Her face is in one piece, and her legs are back on. I know that she still has a bunch of cracks… but they have no obvious fix to them.*

Kat glanced over at Minor, who shook her head lightly. "What's wrong Minor?" asked Kat

Minor glared back at Kat.

*Ok… can't talk right. So I should ask question then.* "Are you ok?" asked Kat

Minor nodded, then shook her head. "I'll take that as a 'you're dealing with it'" said Kat

Minor nodded

*Ok, so Minor is dealing with things. What should I be doing then? I don't want to just leave her here, so if I'm moving she'll need to be carried… but at the same time I'm not sure how safe it is to move her.*

"Is there anything else I can do for you Minor? I'm not sure how much you can see, but your body is still very cracked. Only your head, lower legs, and the top half of your tails are in good shape" said Kat

Minor paused at this, looking thoughtful, before slowly shaking her head in small amounts. "Nothing I can do huh… ok we can just wait till you're all better then that's fine" said Kat

Minor however, shook her head once again. *What? You don't want me to wait then?*

"Well… ah… um" Kat looked uncomfortable as she tried to find the words. "Do you not want to wait here?"

Minor shook her head. *Dammit Minor. You just broke into pieces. If you could talk to me properly I'd make sure you understood that this isn't acceptable… but I understand you need to rest… dam. Ok fine.*

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