D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 228: a Major break

Chapter 228: a Major break

With seemingly no better options for grabbing onto the sword in question Kat pushed some energy into her hands and slammed them into the ground. It was an odd sensation for her. Her mind was expecting the strange grit and sense uncleanliness that came with playing in the mud.

Instead, it was almost like she had a bubble around her hands, and they remained rather clean. This threw her for a second, but as the sword continued to wobble, she refocused on her task. Wrapping her fingers around the 'sharp' side of the blade, which, even had it been sharp before, now at its drastically increased size, was almost as thick as her hand, and pulled.

Kat was not prepared for how light the sword actually was. When she wrenched her hand back to try and move it at all, it instead went flying. It was extremely light and Kat had put a large amount of her strength behind it.

The sword shot up out of the ground and into the air flipping several times as it did. *Well.. shit. That was not what I wanted to do.* Kat spared a glance over at Minor, who looked just as surprised.

Turning her attention back to the sword Kat contemplated what to do. *So, I'm going to need to catch this. I can't let it sink into the ground, and it's so light that even if Minor doesn't know about the square cubed law and whatever benefit that provides us, I can still see this breaking if it lands wrong.*

*I don't want to just jump straight up to it though. If I do that I might crash through it… Could I jump past it and grab onto the hilt? I'm not sure I'd be able to fly with it. Even if it isn't heavy the surface area will pick up a lot of wind.*

*But, if I can just lower it carefully to the ground and… actually I was going to lift it from the handle afterwards but is that safe now? Its very light still but I'm not sure the handle won't just snap off… dammit I just don't know how physics is supposed to work here.*

*At the very least I???ll catch and lower it. Then I can just try and keep it from sinking until Minor gets here and she can advise me. *

Kat launched herself up after the sword, spreading her wings as she did so. The air whipped past her, and she had to angle herself slightly a few times so that the rotating sword didn't clip her. She was more concerned about what an impact would do to the sword than her, but it was still a concern.

Once she got close to the sword, Kat watched its rotation. It was flipping around and slowly flattening out. Kat waited until she was sure she could grab the handle before snapping her hand out and trying to grab it.

This turned out to be a mistake. Her hand wasn't large enough to grab the handle properly and it continued to spin and slide around her hand. Grimacing, Kat lashed her tail out as well, wrapping it twice around the handle and tightening her grip.

The sword started to slow and eventually came to a complete halt. Kat didn't have time to rest though, because as soon as her grip was complete she felt the sword dragging on her wings. Letting gravity do its work, Kat flapped her wings lightly and let herself get carried to the ground.

*Now, do I keep it upright, or do I drop it down sideways… normal logic would probably suggest sideways on the edge, but I think I might be better of going straight down, then holding on either side of the blade to keep it from slipping. I might have to risk putting small handholds in the thing, but it's the best idea I have.*

And so, Kat followed through with her plan. Allowing the sword to slide into the ground. There was a slight hiccup as the weight didn't actually force it into the soil, but the strange property of the ground activated and started to absorb the sword.

Allowing this, Kat let go and moved to the ground, taking a wide stance and placing her hands on either side of the sword. She was just about to try and lift it when she felt the sword stop sinking.

*What?* Carefully releasing just the one hand, Kat expected the sword to continue to sink… but it didn't. Releasing the other hand though caused the sword to start to sink again instantly. This time, Kat placed the flat part of her tail on the sword, just barely brushing it, and it stopped.

*Well ok then. I guess as long as something is touching the wood it won't sink any further. Good to know.* Kat stood around for a while and waited for Minor to catch up. The whole sword catching fiasco only took a few seconds, so she was quite a while away

So Kat relaxed while she waited for Minor. Making sure not to actually be looking at her, just in case she wanted to skew perspective a bit and catch up to Kat faster than before. Kat wasn't sure how much time passed until Minor caught up, though that was a large part of the point.

"Nice job Kat. Though why did you send it flying?" asked Minor

"A bit of a mistake on my end. Cool thing is though, I found out you just need to have a hand on the sword and the ground won't take it" said Kat gesturing to her tail pressed against the sword.

"Huh, that is pretty cool. Well, I've recovered anyway, so we can go on to the next stage" said Minor

Kat felt her eye twitch as she looked at Minor. "Are you sure? This takes literally nothing for me to hold up, we can wait for a while if you need?"

"Do I look tired to you?" asked Minor quietly

Kat had to admit, that Minor looked fine. She wasn't sweating, or panting, she seemed perfectly comfortable at the moment, with a slight smile on her face. *But why don't I believe her?*

"If you are sure Minor. What's the order of things" said Kat

"First you summon your fire. Then I stretch it out over our vision and convert the sky, then you push as much as you think you need to into the fire and I send it into the clouds. Finally, you let go of the sword and close your eye while I extend it to block of the armies" said Minor

Kat nodded "Ok, give me the signal"

Kat watched as Minor took a deep breath. Gathering her energy just below her palm so that she could let loose a gout of fire on command. When Minor finished her breath, her eyes took on a sharp glint, and she said "Now"

Kat's hand burst into flames and Minor moved. She swiped at the air, and Kat's fire surrounded them, before twisting, and allowing them to see through it. A second past and then the flames seem to shift again, and the wall disappeared, but the purple haze stayed.

"Next" said Minor

Kat was ready, pushing a full half of her remaining energy Kat's flame burst forth from her hand. Kat wasn't worried it would hurt Minor anymore, and it showed, the flame engulfed the area, turning everything into a fiery field of purple.

Then Kat heard Minor take in a deep breath, even over the crackling of fire. Kat felt a tugging on her fire. Knowing she could resist its pulled, whatever it was, Kat gave it up allowing the fire to follow the pull.

The area of flames disappeared, and Kat felt them leave her connection, before the clouds in the sky started to shift, and burn, going up in purple flames themselves. Where the purple tint was still more of a dark colour, the clouds went up in Kat's signature deep purple flames.

The snow started soon after. Kat could see Minor panting, but she wasn't stopping. She turned her gaze to Kat and spoke. The words seemed distorted slightly, but Kat heard them all the same "Push over the sword and close your eyes"

Listening to Minor's command, Kat released her tails hold on the sword. It started to shift for a moment, but Kat grabbed both sides and pushed it up and forward, heaving it into the air, before closing her eyes.

A moment passed, and Kat could hear a large crashing thud signalling the landing of the sword. A second later, Kat heard the world shatter. *Yes! We've done it.* Kat opened her eyes as she watched the world shatter around her and start to move to the next scene. *Finally, we were stuck there so much longer than the rest.* Kat's joy was short lived though, as she spotted Minor a moment later, killing her excitement completely.

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