D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 149: The Final Countdown

Chapter 149: The Final Countdown

Skye heaved, but whatever she was trying to get up remained firmly within her stomach. Summoning two sigils around her. She glowed a strange orange before turning her head to the side.

With another great heave a rainbow of colours exited Skye's mouth. The floor opened up underneath the torrent allowing it to escape the confines of the resting area. This continued for a surprisingly long time. It was only after a full minute that Skye stopped the flow of the colourful liquid and took a long deep breathe.

"Tha-" Skye started but coughed again. Reaching her hand up to her throat another sigil appeared and then she started again "Thank you for that"

"Um? For what exactly?" asked Kat

Skye shook her head "Whatever you did to clear my mind, it helped me more than you know. That damned dish didn't just have your standard toxins in it, it also started to sear my mind making it almost impossible to concentrate on spells"

"Ah that, don't mind it so much, you looked rather put out" said Kat

Skye clicked her tongue "That's an understatement. No thanks to elfy here" said Skye jabbing her finger towards Grace

Grace raised just one eyelid and glanced slowly over at Skye "Well, I warned you did I not? I warned you that at least half of that dish was poison. Who knows what crazy effects they have combined other than Thyme… oh wait now you do!"

Skye glared at the elf "You could have done something! Anything? You're a trained adventurer, for crying out loud. I bet you know basic first aid"

Grace shut her eyes and went back to her calm state "Well, as I said I did warn you. Plus, what's normal about intentionally eating a dish made of poison, nobody would be crazy enough to even think about it"

Kat pretended to cough and look away. It was a wasted effort though because Skye was invested in harassing Grace for now.

"Kat was able to solve the problem in less thirty seconds and she just walked into the room. Seems the demon has a bigger heart. Though that ain't saying much considering yours must have shrivelled long ago" said Skye

Grace didn't so much as twitch at the insult and simply continued her steady breathing. "I possess not the power that would have helped you. The only option with any chance to succeed would be to slice you open, and I'm sure that would have been considered an attack"

Skye bit back a retort. It was so much harder to argue with Grace now she was calm. What had changed so much since the day at the sand skipper? "Oooh, seems like the elf wants to remain calm. Grown up a bit since the sand skipper ey?"

Grace let out a yawn. "I was running on limited sleep, recently recovered from being terrified out of my mind, just fought of a giant bird and then found out there was a rogue element I hadn't detected nearby? Perhaps I was indeed a little on edge" said Grace

Skye grit her teeth and turned her eyes towards Kat "Do you have any way to heal my fully? I don't have the mana for it and I can feel the remnants of the poison slowly eating into my stomach"

Kat opened her mouth to say something when Grace spoke first "There is no need Kat, she will be fine"

Skye looked ready to launch into another verbal spar with Grace, but Kat stepped in first this time "I have nothing. Not just because of what Grace said, but I can not heal anyone I'm afraid"

Skye nodded at this and stood up shakily heading towards the kitchen and training hallway. Stopping in the doorway she looked back "Hopefully I can find something to help in the kitchen. Oh and Kat, Thank you, and I'm sorry. Grace, fuck you"

And with that she stepped through the door that promptly shut behind her.

Kat raised an eyebrow and looked to Grace, but the elf still had her eyes closed. So, Kat voiced her question "What was that about?"

Grace shrugged "Who knows what goes on in a humans head. Especially that one. Probably just regrets making a bad impression of herself"

Kat considered Graces words. *Really? I mean… it was a rather bad impression to start arguing with Grace, but then shouldn't she be apologising to her instead?*

Kat shrugged and headed for the dorms. Once the door shut behind her Kat dismissed her kimono and headed for the shower, making sure to turn it straight to scalding temperature.

Relaxing under the streams of water she considered if it was a good idea to send another message to the others back on Earth. *I mean… they have to have seen the other message right? But what do I say? I spent a day accomplishing nothing and I'm no closer to coming back then last time? I'm sure that would go over well.*

*Actually system? Would it even start a new message since I'm still on the same summoning?*

Of course. As long as the content is specified as a new message the previous one will be erased.

*Well, there goes the easy option of not wanting to mess the messaging up.*

In the end Kat did send a message, but it was nothing noteworthy, just some well wishes and a promise to tell the full story once she returned.

Summoning her kimono Kat flopped down onto the bed and felt the wall catch her wing. I do really wish these beds were a bit larger. I know it doesn't hurt or cause me problems when I wake up but it's hardly comfortable.

Despite her complaints though, Kat was able to drift of easily into a deep sleep.


And then it was morning. Kat awoke and showered before her meal this time. She'd had the full three meals yesterday and could feel that her body would actually rather she didn't have the extra food.

Summoning her kimono and stepping out the door Kat was surprised to find nobody around. Kat checked on the clock room and found that she still had around 2 hours. Well, 1 hour fifty-three to be exact but who's counting?

Kat headed to the kitchen and was slightly disappointed to find it free of Timmy's. Once again, the sweet call of the poison dish sung out in her mind… but after seeing the state Skye ended up in her voice of reason had plenty of ammo so she settled for her fruit assortment again.

Kat finished up her fruit in short order and relaxed in the lounge. She felt there was no reason to watch the clock because the exit was in this room. Assuming the door opened she'd be fine, or the others would know.

But time continued to pass. After what Kat felt was around an hour she poked her head into the clock room to see she was about right, only 45 minutes remained. Walking back to the dorms Kat started banging on the Grace's door

Rather quickly the elf in question poked her head out of the door with a questioning look. "Good morning, just thought I'd mention there is only forty five minutes left"

Grace's eyes widened before nodding and heading back into the room. A short time later a barely half dried elf exited with water dripping from her hair as she lightly jogged down to the kitchen.

Kat let her go and headed towards Skye's door. Knocking thoroughly she found she got no response. Kat bit her lip slightly and looked around. *Do I just leave Skye here? I mean… maybe it's for the best? Then again, a healer is really nice… at least for Grace? *

Kat tried once again but to no response. With a shrug Kat left the door behind and went to the living room, only to find a perfectly awake Skye with a drink in hand.

"Ah… hi? How did you get there?" asked Kat

"I walked?" asked Skye confused

Kat nodded for yes, this did in fact make sense, Sky did lack the necessary appendages to do anything other than walk places, and it was doubtful she had the magic capacity to teleport… of course this wasn't what Kat wanted though.

"Right but… I thought you were still asleep" said Kat

Skye shook her head "No, I was meditating in the training rooms"

*And she says that like it explains absolutely everything.* Kat shrugged and took a seat on one of the empty couches. A short time later Skye joined them as well and quickly ate her meal, which looked to be made entirely of a neon green lettuce looking vegetable.

Once that was done Grace took a long gulp of her tea and looked at the others. "Well… almost time?"

Kat shrugged, and Skye seeing this sighed but got up and checked the clock room "Yup, one minute left" said Skye

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