Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 581 Legendary Heroes Of Old

Seeing the slowly disappearing soul of Teng Yi, Mo Sheng couldn't help but sigh. Two of his rivals have disappeared from this world. He could remember the days of his youth. He, Xue Jin, and Teng Yi had always fought for the honor of their respective clans. They have fought against each other for centuries, and the three of them knew one another better than any friend, lover, or family. So even now Mo Sheng was surprised by Teng Yi's noble act.

'Maybe that was his true self, that he has hidden within the schemes and deceit. That guy even in the end, truly only thought of his clan... Now I can't help but remember the first time we met. I was so young and naive back then.'

While Mo Sheng was reminiscing about the past he suddenly noticed that Ren was about to do something. Ren lifted his hand and touched Teng Yi's soul. The soul that was slowly dissipating suddenly disappeared. Based on what he saw Mo Sheng was sure that Teng Yi's soul should've lasted an hour at least, but then why did it suddenly disappear.

'What just happened, what did that mortal do?'


Teng Yi opened his eyes and saw only darkness, he was confused as he was sure that his soul was shattered and he was supposed to stop existing, then how come he was still able to retain his consciousness.

'Where am I? Did that mortal do something to me?'

Teng Yi observed his surroundings but found nothing but darkness. He felt like he was floating as there was no ground to stand on, but for some reason, he could still sense his hands and legs. As he was floating in what seemed to be endless darkness he suddenly noticed something.

'The Qi here seems to be of the highest order, it's so pure... I'm sure that the path of the dead doesn't have Qi and is placed in a separate dimension. That means I'm not floating in the path of the dead, then where am I?'

Even though he was confused by his circumstances no one was there to answer him. Still, instead of fearing the unknown before him, Teng Yi was curious. It took Teng Yi a few hours before the darkness before him was slowly disappearing and what replaced it was a dense fog.

Teng Yi felt that this fog was rather strange the more he floated onward the more he felt like the purity of Qi was increasing. Even without his body, he could already feel like he was about to have a breakthrough simply by floating through the fog.

His cultivation had been stagnant for a couple of centuries and Mo Sheng his greatest rival had already surpassed him, but today he suddenly broke through without warning. Even though he should feel excited by his sudden breakthrough, he wasn't as he was still confused as to what kind of state he was in.

The more he thought about it, the less he understood. Everything that was happening was beyond his understanding.

'All of this must be something that mortal did... Still, is that person really just a mortal man. How is he so strong and know such weird techniques'

As he was deep in thought, the fog before him was clearing. He then heard the sound of battle coming from a distance, what he saw next was something he would never forget in his entire existence.

Thousands of men were unleashing attacks that could wipe out entire galaxies, then there was that single figure receiving all the attacks like it was nothing. The clash between the single man and thousands of others was something beyond his comprehension. The weakest among those fighting was at least in the Emperor realm. As for the one man who was fighting everyone else he could not discern what kind of realm one needed to reach such a level of power. He then saw that each one of these powerful beings had a vicious smile on their faces as the battle grew more intense.

While Teng Yi was watching the battle in awe of their strength, he noticed something that shocked him more than ever. All of these powerful beings were all mortal men. They were the same as the young man that had killed him.

'Wait... A mortal man having the strength that's beyond reason, one who enjoys battle above all, a smile once seen would make any of his enemies shiver in fear. Why does this description seem vaguely familiar?'

As he was thinking Teng Yi who was now close enough finally saw the faces of the people who were fighting.

'Michael the indomitable, the one who charged through the camps of the Gods and killed thousands of New Gods, and even dozens of Old Gods. Leonard Tranor, the shining victory, the man who had never lost in his entire life, even in his final battle he was ever victorious. Atlas Raybach, the unwavering knight, it was said that his fist could destroy galaxies and his body could withstand a strike from an Ancestral God. Emesan Heisys, the Godly archer, his archery had no equal and it was said he could never miss, it was like every shot he made bent the laws of the world.'

Teng Yi could not believe his eyes as he saw so many legendary figures, their heroic deeds forever embedded in the hearts of many. Even now many of their descendants live as powerful individuals, their clans the strongest in the upper realms.

'Is this a place where heroic souls gather?... Wait all of these people should be legendary figures whose strength was above all in the respective eras they were in, then who is capable of fighting all of them at once?'

Teng Yi could not get closer to the battle since his soul might truly be obliterated this time. He looked intently at the lone figure fighting against all these legendary heroes of old, then he saw the face of someone that every human in the upper realms knew of.

In the earliest recorded era of the human race, the humans of that time were under the harsh rule of the Gods who would torture and humiliate them. During that time the humans were too weak and had no way to save themselves. The Gods kept them like cattle and if they were displeased it was normal for the Gods to kill most of the humans and leave only a few of them alive. After waiting for the humans to repopulate the Gods would once again start eradicating them, once again leaving a few alive. This cycle repeated itself for eons until one day a group of heroes emerged from the humans. These heroes had the power to rival the Gods, and among them was the strongest of them all, their leader a powerful human the could defy fate itself.

This legendary figure that had carved a bloody path through the darkness into a tomorrow full of hope was now before Teng Yi. The one who is said to be the true start of humanity. The humans of the lower world might have already forgotten his mighty deeds, but the humans of the upper realms would never forget. Teng Yi could not help himself as he shed a tear. No one could remember his name as the language in which his name is spoken has long been erased. The only records left of him and his deeds were of immortal paintings and stories through word of mouth. Yet for some reason as Teng Yi was watching the hero a name suddenly came to mind, he subconsciously spoke in awe and reverence.

"The mythical legend, the original hero, the eternal light, Sir †%$&*!"

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