Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 301: Wrong

Chapter 301: Wrong

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Myths and Legends: Guan-Yin’s Enlightenment, Eight Immortals Crossing the

Sea, Zhong Kui Catching Ghosts, Mazu Legend, Dog-bitten Lu Dongbin, Princess Yaoji, Gan Jiang and MO Ye, Saltwater Goddess and King Xiang, Linjun and Saltwater Goddess, Dukang wine immortal, Dragoness worships Guanyin, Matchmaker Moon, Fairy Swan and Toad Spirit, Taishan Exorcism Stone, Four Divine Beasts and other mythological stories.

Folk mythology stories:

Celestial Couple, White Snake Legend, Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Chang’e to the Moon, Houyi Sun Shooter, Wu Gang Cuts Osmanthus, Lady Meng Jiang Crying Down the Great Wall, Drilling Wood for Fire, Black Dog Moon Eater,

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains, Zhen Ji,

King Mu’s Western Journey, Maiden Ma Offering Longevity, Red Bead

Transformed into Bird, Wise Dragon Slayer, Hundred Spirits Dragon Slayer,

Emperor’s Coveted Cuckoo, Love tree, Jigong, New Year’s Eve Legend, Twelve

Zodiacs, Carp Leaping Dragon Gate, Money Tree and Wealth Basin, Seven Yang Brothers, Five Brothers, Heavenly Book, Dragon Boat Festival Legend, Legend of Sun Moon Lake and others.

Literary mythology stories:

Nezha’s Uprising Sea, The Heaven Uprising, Journey to the West, Three times Defeating White Bone Spirit, List of the Gods, Mountain Splitting Mother Savior, Treasured Lotus Lamp and others.

The widely accepted view in the scientific community now is that the universe had a beginning and may also have an end. The so-called beginning is the “Cosmic Big Bang” theory, which says that the universe expanded and evolved from a point after a big explosion, gradually becoming what it is today. When the universe was first created, there was no light, and it was in a hot, high-pressure chaotic state, which is the so-called state of chaos.

This resembles the description of “Pangu’s Creation of Heaven and Earth” in myths and legends: “Heaven and earth were chaotic like a chicken’s egg.” In ancient times, heaven and earth were one, and everywhere was a dark and chaotic mass. Pangu slept for 18,000 years in this darkness. When Pangu woke up, he couldn’t see anything, so he pulled out a tooth and turned it into a powerful divine axe, shouting and hacking away in all directions. Everything light and clear floated up, forming the sky, while everything heavy and turbid sank down, forming the earth. Pangu stood in the middle of heaven and earth, keeping them from merging back together. The sky grew taller every day, the earth grew thicker every day, and Pangu grew taller with them. After another 18,000 years, the sky became extremely high, the earth became extremely thick, and Pangu finally completed the work of creating heaven and earth.

After Pangu died, his head turned into a high mountain, his limbs turned into pillars holding up the sky, his eyes turned into the sun and moon, his blood turned into rivers, his hair and skin turned into plants, his breath turned into wind, his shout turned into thunder, and his tears turned into rain and dew, nourishing the earth.

Pangu created heaven and earth, and then gave everything to heaven and earth, making the world rich and colorful. He can be called the greatest God.

Dragon Gate, also known as Yuphoria, is located in Hejin City, Shanxi Province, and is the narrowest part of the Jinshan Grand Canyon where the Golden River roars down from Kettle Mouth.

In ancient legends, before the Dragon Gate was carved open, the carps in the

Golden River swam upstream and reached the lake in front of the Dragon Gate. As long as they could jump over the Dragon Gate, they would transform into dragons. But most of them couldn’t make it, and only a few managed to jump over and became dragons. Those who couldn’t jump over and fell from the sky would have a black scar on their forehead, which is said to still remain on the forehead of the carps in the Golden River to this day.

The great poet Li Bai even wrote a poem about this: “The three-foot carps of the Golden River, originally lived in Meng Ford, touched their foreheads and couldn’t become dragons, and came back to mingle with the ordinary fish.”

Hong Kong writer Li Bihua once said, “To ask for help is like swallowing a three-foot sword, to rely on others is like climbing to the ninth heaven.” We must rely on ourselves for everything and not place our hopes for life on others. Relying on others is always unreliable, and the only reliable thing in this world is ourselves. Li Bihua also says, “People only realize they have grown up and can bear the responsibility of their own lives when they encounter cold rejections.”

Every young person has a desire to break through their current environment and transcend their current class. However, as they grow up, many people give up their ideals and return to mediocrity. We should pursue our dreams persistently and move forward towards what we desire. Neither parents nor family background can determine our future. In the end, what we get is only our own choice..

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