Dawning Skye

Chapter 301

301 Bigger On The Inside

“I am Not going in there. That screams ‘trap’ to me,” Tidas stated as he stared at the hidden hole in the ground.

Murdoc chuckled; “If I wanted ta trap ye or kill ye, I coulda done that a while ago.”

Skye smirked; “No ye wouldn’t have..”

“Haha! I like yer spunk, lassie!” Murdoc walked towards the hole in the ground as he turned to Tidas; “Tis no trap, ye numpty. Tis the reason ye thought we were Nomads..”

As Tidas stared at the hole, he was torn. Every instinct in him was telling him not to go in, but Skye went right up to it, then started to climb down. When it was only her head sticking out, she stopped and asked about the horses.

After some quick assurances that they were simply being ‘brought in’ another way, Skye nodded, then disappeared. Murdoc looked to Tidas with a cocky grin as he said; “Looks like yer wee wifey has bigger balls than you do..”

Tidas scoffed, but he knew that Murdoc was right. He didn’t know why his instincts were pestering him, but he needed to be like Skye right now..

As Skye descended into the darkness, she amped up her hearing with her Tank trait. She could hear a very high number of people talking, and the various voices and noises seemed to be coming from every direction.

As she reached the bottom, Skye marveled at the sight before her..

A large, open area with a domed roof sat before her. Highlanders stood and walked around everywhere, coming and going from an uncountable number of doors. They stared at her with varying expressions; some happy, some not so much.


When Tidas reached the bottom, many glared at him until Murdoc came into view. Cheers and screams rang out from those gathered, prompting Murdoc to bow like an entertainer that had just preformed.

“Me People! As ye have most likely heard: the Southerners havena betrayed us! Twas Drexel had his sorry lot that tried ta do away wit Petrie and Ralph! Our bonnie buddy hasna backstabbed ye, so take it easy on the man when ye see ’em!”

“Who be the pretty lass and the bampot?!” one of the random Highlanders called out.

“The man be Prince Tidas of Alcon, and the lassie be Lucas Moonstone’s daughter, and Tidas’ wife: Skye! They risked their lives ta stop the fightin’, and saved me life from that scum, Drexel! Skye also has a dragon, so treat ’em wit respect if ye wish to keep yer lives!”

“I know it’s in our blood ta kill Southerners, like it’s a wolf’s instinct ta hunt! But We are Not Animals! We’re Highlanders! Free Men, and loyal to the Bloodline! Do yer ancestors proud! Show these Southerners who the real barbarians are!”

The crowds cheered their understanding, then began to go about their individual businesses. Some stayed nearby to hear any gossip or details to spread, but most left through various doors that lined the vast walls of the enormous room.

Tidas was on edge, but Skye was looking around with excitement shining in her golden-colored eyes. The room was taller and wider than the R&D department’s largest floor, and three levels of stairs led to at least a dozen doors on each.

“What is this place? Was it an ancient site?!” Skye asked with enthusiasm.

“Haha! Yer a quick one, fair Skye. Yes and no.. Our ancestors have been here longer than there’s been records. It’s what the ancients called a ‘bunker’, or ‘bomb shelter’. Tis a very large one, and over the centuries, we’ve connected a bunch of others to ours.

“We have over thirty thousand people all together. With over twelve thousand bunkers and natural cave systems that we’ve incorporated.”

Tidas’ jaw dropped at the information. He could never have imagined that all of that laid beneath the ground in the Highlands. The people, the resources; any of it.. ‘How did we Never know any of this?!’

Seeing the astonishment on Tidas’ face, Murdoc commented; “Ye couldna bring anyone wit ye because I don’t trust yer men. Ralph didn’t even get ta see this place. As far as he knows, we live outta one very deep cave, and he doesna know how many people we have, either.”

“Then why are ye tellin’ us? Ima Princess, and his father is the king!” Skye asked as she stared at him critically.

Murdoc grinned; “Because ye two are in a position not ta be forced ta say anythin’. Yer titles and power protect ye. Ralph is a regular man, wit a regular family.. Magnus could easily force his hand-”

Skye shook her head in the negative; “Tis not Magnus that’s yer problem, Murdy...tis the Crowned Prince. He’s the one pushin’ for yer children to join the RMC. Magnus just wants the fightin’ over with.. In his words: ‘He’s gettin’ too old for this shit’. He wants peace, too.”

“Marco is the one who changed the age for the indoctrination, not my father,” Tidas added.

“But Magnus won’t change it back, will he?” Murdoc asked as he folded his arms over his chest.

“No, he won’t.. Marco is the next to rule, so father has been allowing him much more control lately. I fight him at every turn, but I cannot override his decisions,” Tidas replied with clenched fists.

Murdoc grinned devilishly; “Sounds like a regime change will be in need once yer da kicks the bucket..”

“I can’t do that,” Tidas replied, but didn’t add to it.

“And why not?! As a prince, is it not yer duty to care for those within yer charge?!” Murdoc’s arms were at his side now as he clenched his own fists.

“Magnus’ heart would break if Tidas went after his brother-” Skye tried to defend him, but Murdoc cut him off.

“Oh, boo-fuckin’-hoo! If he didna want his sons fightin’, maybe he shoulda raised his heir better! I know the kinda man yer brother is! He’ll never honor the treaty when he comes to power..”

Tidas lowered his head, but Skye kept her chin raised; “Then we’ll convince him too. Marco is highly intelligent. If he knows the risks outweigh the reward, he won’t do shit. We just need to show him that the Highlands aren’t worth the effort.”

Murdoc flashed a small smile at the optimistic princess, but knew she was in for an enormous disappointment.. ‘She probably doesna know that he’s a supporter of the slave traders, or what that his ‘tastes’ run on the dark side of things..’

Looking at Tidas, Murdoc could see that he was struggling within himself.. ‘The lad probably does know of his kin’s darkness. From what I heard; he’s close to shuttin’ it all down..’

Shaking his head, Murdoc said; “Aye! Enough of this shit! Let’s go load up the food and drinks for the night’s festivities! I already got party tents on their way to camps.”

Skye quirked an eyebrow; “Party tents? What’s the difference?”

“You’ll see.. Oh, and by the way,” Murdoc leaned down to be at Skye’s level; “Ye can call me any nickname ye wish, me Fair Skye..”

Tidas literally walked between them, and gently pushed Murdoc away. He wanted to hit him, but knew that to be a bad idea with so many Highlanders surrounding them. The action caused the giant of a man to chuckle, then reply; “Why don’t ye just lock her away if yer gonna be so touchy about who’s near her.”

“What the hell kinda comment is that?!” Skye asked with angry shock showing on her face.

Murdoc shrugged; “He’s the one-”

“That’s because ye keep provokin’ him on purpose! Step into me bubble again, and I’ll knock ye on yer arse me self,” Skye stated in a completely serious tone.

Murdoc chuckled; “Aye, sir! Whatever the lady wishes..”

After a little more bantering, Murdoc began to lead them through the Highlanders’ base. Murdoc explained that the dome area was their general congregation area whenever announcements were made, or when a wedding needed to be held. They occasionally had parties there, too, but there was a special area for that...

Winding through different passages, Skye awe awestruck when they passed through a natural cavern. Crystal-encrusted stalagmites and stalactites jutted out in every direction. As they entered another cavern that was as big as the dome room; both Skye and Tidas’ mouths gaped..

Perfect rows of vegetables grew as far as she could see. Artificial lights that were completely different from anything she’d ever seen lined the ceiling, illuminating the room. Potatoes, carrots, radishes, yams, onions, and other various vegetables that grew underground stretched into the distance.

“How is this possible? How do those lights imitate the sun so well?!” Skye exclaimed as her head darted back and forth.

“Why do you raid if you have all of this?!” Tidas practically yelled.

Murdoc laughed at their expressions; “I couldna tell ya how the lights work. That be somethin’ ta ask the twins about.. I’ll introduce ye later. As for the raidin’..”

“One: this doesna sustain thirty thousand. Second,” Murdoc grinned as he started walking again; “Tis fun!”

“Killin’ innocent people is fun?” Skye asked in a hard voice.

“Murdoc stopped and turned towards Skye with a serious expression; “No one that lives in the south is innocent, Skye.. Ye will learn that while yer here, too.”

“Why do you keep saying that like we’re staying here?” Tidas asked impatiently.

“Because yer gonna have ta if ye wanna kill yer uncle. The passage to the Olde Capital is probably blocked by now. Ye will have ta wait til spring ta kill ’em now. Yer actually lucky we had our fight! Or ye woulda been stuck up there all winter with no supplies.”

Tidas scoffed at Murdoc’s reply; “We brought plenty of supplies!”

“Ima sure ye did.. But the road to the Olde Capital collapsed years ago. Only the foot trail is still around. Ye wouldna have been able ta take yer supplies..”

“Oh..” was all Tidas said, making Murdoc laugh again before he continued walking.

Once they reached the other side of the room, their eyes were met with a large set of doors. Loud noises that sounded like people and metal were coming from it. When Murdoc swung them open, the Royal couple’s jaws dropped once again..

Gigantic metal containers that were at least twelve to fourteen feet high stood before them. People were running back and forth in the same colored clothing, shouting instructions, and transferring giant wooden barrels on oversized dollies. The smell of different, potent alcohols filled the air of the massive room.

Murdoc inhaled deeply as a happy chuckle escaped him. Holding up his arms like a victor; Murdoc waved as the people around him cheered and called out his name. He turned back to Skye and Tidas with a broad smile on his face, and spoke in a jovial tone.

“This place is the pride and joy of the Highlands! This is our brewery!”

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