Dawning Skye

Chapter 290

290 Making Memories


As Skye leaned into Tidas’ kiss, he started to slowly run his hands up and down her backside. The sensation had caused goosebumps to break out all over her body, and a breathy sigh to escape her lips. When he reached her rear, he gripped it harshly with both of his hands, then lifted her off of the ground.

After she’d instantly wrapped her legs around his waist, and tightened her grip on his neck, Tidas carried her to the bed. He laid Skye down on to her back at the edge, then began to rain kissed all over her body. She squirmed and bucked her hips as he mixed tongue and teeth in; sending her senses reeling.

When he’d gotten down on his knees to stimulate her most sensitive area, he used both his fingers and tongue to work his wife into a fervor. She moaned and made little pleading expressions at him whenever he looked at her..

At her limit for his teasing; Skye yanked on his hair hard, forcing him up from her nethers. When he saw the raw huger in her eyes, Tidas knew that his playtime was up..

A cocky smirk covered his face as he spoke; “Do you want me, Skye?”

“Aye.. Please..” she muttered with restraint.

“What my lady wants,” Tidas slid into her as he spoke; “My lady gets..”

Skye couldn’t stop the primal groan that bubbled up within her as her husband filled her. As he slowly started to move on her, Skye’s whole being felt like it was mingling with his. Twisting and tangling together, like they were never meant to be parted.


Tidas inhaled her sweet scent as he shoved his face into her neck and hair. He nipped at her where her shoulder and neck met, sending a delicious shiver throughout her again and again.

As his speed increased, so did Skye’s ardor. She bounced her hips in time with his, sending wave upon wave of building pleasure to her core. Right as she was about to hit her peak; Tidas leaned up, reached down, and stimulated her bud.. Sending her plummeting over the edge into blissful oblivion.

Skye cried out her ecstasy so loud that anyone on their side of the castle that was still awake had most likely heard her, but it was hard to care at that moment. Tidas had removed his hand, and increased his speed..

He hammered her harder and faster than he ever had before. When Skye looked into his eyes, she saw a ravenous need. It was then she realized that he was using his magic..

An impish smile spread across Skye’s face that had Tidas pulsing within her.. ‘I know that look..’

In one quick motion; she yanked him back down to her, then forced him to roll onto his back. She straddled him as his long legs hung off the bed. He stretched his arms above his head, then folded them behind so he could watch her comfortably..

A small smile played at her lips as she said; “You were usin’ yer magic on me, husband.”

“Aye,” was all he said in response.

Skye’s tiny smile bloomed as she spoke in a sultry voice; “My turn..”

At first, she started out slow, but after a few moments; the headboard was banging violently against the marble-coated stone walls. Tidas locked his legs, and moved his arms to grip the bed. Her hips slammed down on him over and over again, making them both moan out loud..

The bed physically bounced up and down riotously until a loud snap was heard, then the middle of the bed sunk in. Stopping in her tracks, quite filled the room just as one of the legs gave out as well..

Skye looked down at Tidas, who was just as shocked as she was. Seeing the other’s expression sent them both into a fit of laughter..

“I can’t believe..Hahaha! ..That we actually broke me bed!” Skye got out in between her outbursts and deep breaths.

Tidas calmed himself quickly, then awkwardly sat up. His mouth instantly latching around one of his wife’s taut nipples.

“Mmm.. So are we not stoppin’ then?”

Tidas released his wife’s nipple momentarily; “No, Skye.. I’m far from done with you..”

Skye sucked in a sharp breath due to the intensity of his gaze. He had laughed at the bed breaking, but was still focused on the task at hand..

Tidas tapped into his magic, and before Skye knew it; they were in front of the fireplace. He then zipped back once more to grab a blanket and two pillows..

A nostalgic smile covered Skye’s face as she look at the dancing flames; “In front of the fireplace..”

As soon as Tidas finished creating the makeshift bed, he wrapped his arms around his wife from the back and said; “Every woman should be made love to in front of a fireplace at least twice..”

Skye chuckled; “You said once before..”

As Tidas lightly kissed her shoulder, he replied; “Did I? Well, I meant to say a hundred..”

Skye chuckled breathily; “Ye just said twice a second ago..”

“Oh? Well, I meant a thousand..”

“Hehe, ye silly man.. Ye just gonna keep goin’?”

Tidas slowly slid his hand down her belly and kept moving downward as he whispered in her ear; “And going, and going, and going, until-”

Skye moaned as he reached his target, then he said; “And then I’ll keep going until I can’t anymore..”

As he rubbed at her with one hand, Tidas’ other went to her breast. He gently massaged it, then rubbed her perked nipple between his fingertips..

Skye wiggled her hips against his hard member as he built her up again. She was still plenty ready from the few moments ago, but Tidas just couldn’t get enough of her.

They wouldn’t be apart, but they wouldn’t really be together much once they got into the Highlands, either. Skye would be sent ahead while he stayed back with the rest of the company. He would receive updates on the platoon in general as they went, but Skye would still be away from him..

As the thought crossed his mind, he bit down on her shoulder a little harder than he’d wanted, but Skye didn’t seem to mind. He knees were shaking, she was so close to becoming undone.

Abruptly stopping; Tidas turned Skye to face him..

Even through her lust-clouded vision, she could see the intense mix of emotions within her husband’s eyes as he said; “I love you, Skye.. I’ll never have my fill of you: never..”

As her pulled her against him, Skye molded herself to him. They fit together like two halves of a whole; completing each other in every way.

As they went to the make-shift bed on the floor, they kissed with gentle passion. Tidas hovered a moment over Skye, then delve into her welcoming warmth. They entwined their legs and fingers, then moved together in perfect sync..

Right as Skye felt herself peaking, she felt Tidas releasing himself as well. They groaned and called out each other’s names as they jumped from their peaks of euphoria together. Their hands and souls connected as they found themselves in each other’s loving embrace..

After they had finished, Tidas rolled off of Skye, then immediately pulled her into his arms. Their hearts hammered rapidly within their chests as the attempted to catch their breaths. Before either of them realized it; they were both fast asleep in front of the cozy fire...


The next thing they knew: Klaus, Kari, and Ronnie were banging on their door as a wake up call. Tidas shot up, nearly smacking Skye who’d been curled around his arm as he’d slept on his back. He apologized as she grumbled about missing Peggy’s wake up calls. They weren’t as traumatic.. Most of the time.

After a quick shared shower, Skye and Tidas dressed, then helped snap their armor on. They were the only two that weren’t in shiny silver armor out of the whole platoon. Even all of the guards’ armor was silver. They stood out when they had approached Moonstone Castle, and they did again as they joined Lucas and Lidia at the table to break their fast.

Like the previous night; Lucas had spared no expense for the RMC troops when it came to food. Large haunches of elk and ham were passed around, along with several roasted chickens. Half the village had chipped in their freshly baked loaves of bread so the troops would have enough.

Lucas had overly compensated them for it, so no one went without food, but bread was filling, and good for soldiers to have in the morning. Aside from the bread; eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables were served. The only thing that was specially reserved for the Moonstone table was a large tray of bacon.

Lucas, Tidas, and Skye had practically devoured it upon sight. Klaus, Ronnie, and Kari hand maybe two pieces each, but didn’t complain.. They weren’t risking a limb for more.

Once everyone had had their fill, Skye bid her parents farewell. When she had them to herself for a few moments; she told them that once their mission in the Highlands was over, she expected an explanation about her mother..

Lucas and Lidia averted their eyes, but didn’t argue. They still didn’t think it was the right time to tell her, but at least this way: they had at least a month or so to figure out what To say...

After some hesitant assurances, Skye and Tidas left the castle, and rejoined their troops. When they came out, they were met with a chorus of whistles, claps, and other versions of approval of their.. capabilities.

Apparently; some of the servants had mentioned the broken bed while passing around the trays of food this morning.. And their volume control issues were known firsthand..

Skye’s cheeks felt like they were on fire, they were so red, but she just shrugged them off. Their grief was well worth the night that she and her husband had just spent together.. Or so she rationalized it that way..

Lucas and Lidia watched them all mount-up from the gates. Tidas called out to those gathered; “Are we Ready?!”

A booming sound of ‘aye sir’ rang out from the gathered troops.

“Then let’s Head Out!” was the last thing that Tidas said before taking off.

As the platoons ran past, Skye rejoined hers as they came up. She blew a final kiss to her parents, then took off with the rest of the troops. Every person present at Moonstone Castle watched them go, then returned to their duties.

Tiny flakes of snow started to fall as Lucas and Lidia watched the mages disappear into the distance. They shored a worried look, then went back to staring down the road. Praying for the safety of all the brave men and women leaving their families to protect their homes and livelihoods.

“Do you think it’s time to tell her yet?” Lidia asked hesitantly.

Lucas sighed; “Not yet. She needs to find the Celestial Key before we show her.. I don’t think it’ll let her enter without it...”

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