Dawning Skye

Chapter 288

288 Taking Measure

After the RMC cleared the city, they slowed down to a simple gallop. The rushing exit was just for show. Trying to keep at that pace for their entire journey would kill the horses.. Except for Thoth.

It was amusing to some of the troops that Skye had the largest horse out of everyone, and they joked about it openly. Apparently, being given crap was a sign of acceptance, or so Arthur Tanner had told her. He dropped back from his pace amongst his platoon to chat with her a moment.

Handing her a few papers, Arthur told her that it was a list of her platoon’s traits and capabilities. She would be in charge of thirty-four people, including herself. Skye sighed deeply as she looked at the lists and instructions that Tidas had written out for her.

Six squads altogether, including her Commander’s Unit, were part of the Scouting Platoon. Ronnie, Klaus, and Kari would stay near her at all times. Even if she needed to relieve herself, Kari had to accompany her. It was the smallest unit on her list..

The first squad consisted of two large Speed Tanks, two Manics, and two Tamers. They were the Long Range Squad, and their dynamic was specifically balanced to suit their positions.

The two Speed Tanks were both very large compared to the countless others that Skye had seen. They had to be, to carry the two Manics on their backs with them as they ran. Their jobs were to detect any traps or ambushes before the Tanks got too close.

It was a brilliant strategy, and Skye admired her husband for coming up with it. As the two teams ran, the Tamers used their various Companions to cover them, as well as relay information back to the Tamer about positions and paths.

The Short Range Squad was second. They cleared the upcoming areas of any enemies or traps. There were three Tamers and two Manics, making them one of the smaller squads to manage.

The third squad was the Defense Squad; consisting of three Hybrid Tanks, two Power Tanks, and two Manics. The forth squad was the Offensive Squad, and was made up of five Hybrid Tanks. The two worked in unison with each other, according to Tidas’ cheat sheets, and were well-balanced for their tasks.


The fifth squad was the Support Squad. They had five Shamans, and two Tamers. The Tamers were responsible for moving the severely injured off of the battlefield if the Shamans couldn’t heal them on the spot.

“Did Tidas do all of this himself?” Skye asked as she thumbed through the little notes that he had scribbled down about the mages for her.

“Aye! I don’t know when he found the time to do it.. That lad never stops,” Arthur commented with pride in his voice.

“Aye, he doesn’t.. Maybe after all of this is over, he’ll slow down a wee bit,” Skye replied jokingly.

The two shared a disbelieving glance, then chuckled together. Skye liked Arthur, and his son was adorable. By the lad’s name alone, she could tell how much he cared for Tidas. As they talked about him, other members of the surrounding RMC started to share their memories of their commander with his wife..

Tidas could hear them, but didn’t mind his soldiers talking about him.. Until they started telling her about his more bloody exploits. One of the older soldiers told her about the first time he’d seen Tidas fight..

“I’ve never seen such violence before! He was surrounded, but that didn’t stop him from smiling! He Literally cut a man’s arm off, then threw it at another to distract him! Then gutted him as the arm hit him! Slicing the man from his gullet, to his-”

“Alright! I think my wife has heard enough of your wild tales, laddies! Skye?! Could I speak with you?!” Tidas called out as he let his horse drop back to them.

Skye and the soldiers around her chuckled at their Commander as she broke away from them. Meeting up with Tidas, they went off to the side, but still kept riding. Keeping parallel to the traveling military.

When they were far enough away, Tidas looked at Skye with a nervous, but jovial expression; “Carnegie forgot to mention that I had dropped my sword.. That’s why I threw the arm.”

Skye looked at him and just blinked in response a moment before smiling at him; “Were ye actually worried about what I might think of ye? Oh, husband..”

Skye grabbed his reins, and yanked him to a stop; “I already told ye: yer stuck with me. Nothin’ anyone says can sway the love I feel for ye.. I know what kind of a man I married, and I love All of you. Not just the shiny bits that everyone else sees.”

Tidas beamed at his wife, but still has a nervous vibe about him. She smiled softly at him, then leaned over for him to kiss her. When he did, a chorus of cheers and hoots rang out from the passing troops. Some even told them to ‘save it for their tent’, which made both of them laugh out loud.

After another quick peck, they filed back in line with the others. Skye enjoyed listening to the troops banter with Tidas about ‘being whipped’. To everyone that commented, he’d proudly answer; “Look at her.. You would be, too.”


It had only taken one extra day to make it to Moonshire, which surprised Skye. She assumed that with so many bodies, it would’ve taken far longer. The Company was used to working together, and was the one Tidas usually attached himself to when taking to the field.

The Scouts assigned to that particular company had been hand-selected and trained by Tidas himself. They were the first ones into any situation, which was why he’d been hesitant to assign Skye to it: he usually had her job.

Normally, his chosen Lieutenant Commander or Zas coordinated the attacks based off of pre-written plans and contingencies. Tidas never stayed away from the action..

A large part of him worried about Skye riding into an ambush, but the logical side of him trusted her to handle herself. Not to mention that she was surrounded by the best that the RMC had to offer..

‘She beat me in the trials; I know that she’s resourceful, but.. I can’t help but worry. What if she gets taken prisoner? I know Murdoc would treat her well, but that Drexel character..’

Tidas gripped his reins tightly as he thought about all of the terrible possibilities. His horse sensed his growing hostility, and nickered in response. He stroked it’s mane to calm him, then thanked him for breaking his derailing train of thoughts.

As Tidas leaned back up, Arthur Tanner came trotting up to his side with a wide grin on his face. When he saw the pensive expression on his Commander’s face, his mirth dropped a notch, but wasn’t deterred..

“Your wife is a spitfire! I love her! So does the rest of the happy rabble!”

Tidas chuckled at his apt description of the majority of the RMC. They were generally obnoxious and unruly, but good men and women all the same. As Arthur told him about her responses to their various questions, comments, and stories; Tidas mood shifted to the positive.

The general population may not have fully grasped the significance of Skye’s win in the Mage Trials, but the veteran RMC members did. They were taught strategy during their formal training, and learned it as they went in battle. A few of those present had even been judges.

Most were highly impressed with Skye’s capacity, and were looking forward to seeing how she would develop with experience. Of course, there were still some that thought she’d been previously trained, but none doubted Prince Tidas’ integrity, and thought it was rigged like some among the populace.

They knew that what they’d seen at the trials was genuine. Some just didn’t believe that Skye was as inexperienced as what the stories about her led everyone to believe. When they questioned her about it, she was honest..

Her experiences with Jacob Fowler, the Nomads, and Angelica Bibalow were all the actual fighting experience she had. There was also the man that had tried to take her as a child, but that was more instinct than thought, so she didn’t bring it up. When she’d finished her tale, the soldiers were divided between understanding, and opinions like; ‘That stuff is nothing compared to the battlefield’.

As they all continued to banter, the scenery around them became familiar to Skye. The trees that weren’t pine were all stripped, and only a few patches of grass were still green. Winter was just about to fully hit, and Skye could smell the moisture building in the air..

‘Dammit, it’s gonna start snowin’ soon.. Great; that’s gonna make our mission more difficult.. I wish we could stay longer than a night at Da’s, but we need to press on..’

As Moonstone Castle came into view, a giant smile spread across her face. Memories flooded Skye’s mind as she thought about her home..

Playing with Tidas as children, discovering their hollow in Warrick Forest, Genie teaching and training them, holidays spent with their friends and family, their secret meetings at the loch...

Warmth spread throughout Skye as her years passed before her eyes. She was still very young, only twenty, but felt confident that she could handle anything thrown at her.

Only time would teach Skye that no one handles Everything thrown at them well...


When they neared the gates of her home, Skye broke ranks, and had Thoth gallop to the front. When she came to be at Tidas’ side, they grinned lovingly at each other, then turned their attention to the crowd gathered around the gates.

All of the villagers that knew Skye had gathered to welcome her home, and greet the rest of the soldiers. They cheered and called out to her in a loving manner, bringing a heartfelt smile to her face. It grew even bigger when she saw her parents waving enthusiastically from the gate’s threshold.

Lidia couldn’t believe what she was seeing at first.. That the golden-haired soldier dressed in all black at the front of the soldiers was her little lass. She didn’t look anything like the sweet little girl she’d known a year ago..

Skye looked like a strong, proud soldier; like she had been born for the part. As she and Tidas made their way to them, she swallowed back the lump forming in her throat as she thought; ‘Oh, Sorcha.. How proud you would’ve been of our lass..’

Lucas had watched her fight during the Mage Trials, but he was still shocked by the scene before him. Skye and Tidas leading an army.. ‘This is somethin’ I’ve always been afraid of seeing, but now that I do, it feels: right..’

Pushing the confusion down, Lucas amplified his enthusiasm. Skye trotted ahead of Tidas, dismounted Thoth while he was still moving, then went straight over to her parents with open arms.

She was still angry with her mother, but her joy overshadowed it as she hugged them and said; “Tis not for long, but: Ima home!”

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