Dawning Skye

Chapter 286

286 Good Luck And Fare Well

Zazzy charged Tidas like he was a glass of water after spending the day in a desert. The ground shook as she ran, trembling under her massive weight. Genie sucked in an apprehensive breath as she attempted to slam into Tidas..

Instead of catching her like Skye had done, as soon as they touched; Tidas grabbed ahold of her, and swung himself up onto her back. Zazzy pranced around like a cocky show horse, excited to have some time with her parents. They hadn’t been around much lately because of the Mage Trials, and now they were going to be apart for much, much longer than that.

It was nearly seven-thirty in the morning, and the sun had just finished rising. They only had around ten more minutes or so before they needed to head back to the palace. It saddened Skye that their time drew close.

If it were up to her, Zazzy would go with them, but all three of the Pillars had agreed that she would be too much to handle on their journey. They didn’t think Zazzy could hunt for herself, and that the Highlanders would see her coming..

If Petrie didn’t reach Murdoc in time, then they would need every tactical advantage available to them. Skye had tried to explain that ‘a flying tank was a stupid thing to waste’, but Tidas and Zas were adamant. Shasta didn’t really care either way; she was in a foul mood as it was..

Zas was staying behind to manage the RMC Headquarters, and be the go-between for the other military branches. Shasta was forced to stay behind to handle all of the training and personnel issues..

The original plan was for the entire RMC to raid the Highlands, but that was before Lucas and Petrie became involved. They had assumed that they needed to fight their way through the Highlanders to get to Richard MacArthur, but that wasn’t the case now..at least they hoped.

If Murdoc was killed, and the people were convinced that the Alconians were responsible: that was the worst case scenario. Another possibility was that Murdoc was told that the Alconians had killed Petrie, which was the situation that they assumed that they were riding into.

With that situation came two possibilities. The first was that Petrie had reached Murdoc, and told him of Drexel’s plan. If that were the case, then sending the entire RMC would be pointless.


The second possibility was that Petrie had been caught or killed, and a single Company would be going up against a Battalion.. This was the mostly likely scenario.

Skye had a terrible feeling in her gut that they were riding into an ambush, but they had to go. Not just to kill a monster, but to stop a pointless war. Countless lives were hanging in the balance, and Skye had learned a long time ago to trust her instincts.

They were screaming at her to bring Zazzy, and focus on figuring out what had happened to Petrie.. and something else.

The monster that was formally known as Richard, gnawed at her. Everything she’d heard about him from Marie and Magnus made her believe that something, or Someone, had pushed him into touching the spear.

Magical items were commonplace for everyone to use, but those were specifically designed for ease of use, and had stable and often low magical capabilities. Only being designed and made for a single purpose like cooking, or providing easier work(like Skye and Jakub’s inventions).

The Ethereal Spear was not a simple tool, but an incredibly powerful weapon. And one needed to be an incredibly powerful mage with the right type of magic to wield it.

Richard, like Magnus; was born without magic. When he touched the spear, it consumed him.. ‘But why would he touch it in the first place? Marie said that he was highly intelligent, so he would’ve known not to.. So why?’

“Are you alright, Skye? You look lost,” Genie inquired after he had placed his hand on her shoulder.

Years spent tutoring her had taught Genie that simply talking to her didn’t bring her out of her thoughts. One had to physically jolt her out of it..

“Aye, Ima fine.. Just thinkin’ about the road ahead is all,” Skye replied while trying to keep the worry out of her voice, but Genie wasn’t fooled.

“Avoid potholes and stay in your lane, and you should be fine.. Why? What’s bothering you? I swear I’ll take care of Zazzy-”

“No, tis nothin’ about that.. I trust ye with me wee scaly bairn.. I just keep gettin’ this feelin’ like she’s supposed to come with us. I canna shake it,” Skye rubbed the sides of her arms like she was cold as she finished.

Genie asked why she was staying, so Skye told him about ‘the Pillar’s decision’ on the matter. Tidas was too busy playing with Zazzy to comment, but he was listening. And so was Zazzy...

Skye had argued adamantly, but Zas and Shasta had made too many valid counterpoints to overturn the decision. When Skye had finished, Genie chuckled, which drew a confused look from Skye. Seeing it, he calmed himself, then explained..

“Oh, how silly we humans are.. and Fae. Dragons aren’t bound by laws and such things like we are. I find it amusing that they think that they can dictate to a dragon..”

“Speak plainly, Genie. We have to leave to break our fast with the court before we leave,” Skye said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

“I mean she has wings.. She’ll go wherever she wants to,” Genie replied with a cheeky grin, making Skye smile in response.

After a couple more minutes of talking, Skye walked over to Tidas and Zazzy, and practically wrapped herself around the base of the dragon’s neck with a tight hug. Zazzy bent her long neck, and nuzzled at her mother while making a soft cooing noise.

Tidas felt terrible as he watched Skye fight back her tears. Honestly, he didn’t want to leave Zazzy either, but Zas and Shasta were right. She was just too big..

After a few extra minutes, Skye and Tidas went to leave, which sent Zazzy into a howling fit. Genie was going to leave with them, but after five minutes of her continuous howling: he decided to stay and keep her company. Tidas promised to send a care package of food his way, then he led Skye away on Thoth.

She kept her eyes on Zazzy until she’d disappeared from sight, then Skye looked forward. Trying desperately to ignore Zazzy’s cries for her.. Even Tidas was having a hard time maintaining his stance on the decision.


When they returned to the palace, Magnus, Maevis, and Nicolas were all waiting for them near the entryway. It was too cold to be standing directly by it, so they stayed off to the side until they came inside. Nicolas looked like his usual self, but Maevis seemed irritated about something.

When Skye asked what was wrong, Maevis huffed testily, prompting Nicolas to reply for her; “Oh, she’s just upset that Celestia and Aero refused to let her go with you to the Highlands.”

Maevis scoffed; “Celestia was Fine with it until Aero stuck his big, fat, pointy nose into it. Which I Still think you had something to do with!”

Nicolas sighed like he was already exhausted; “There has to be two of us here, Mae, and you know it. One to stay, and one to report-”

“Except that You seem to be the only one doing the reporting!” Maevis closed in on him with a menacing look; “We’ve been here for a year now, and I’ve reported about three times compared to your twenty-one! This year, I Am doing ALL of the Reporting!”

“The only reason I even agreed to this was so I could help and train Skye! Now that she has surpassed me, I should be able to just bloody well go home! But Aero forbid that, too-”

“I hope that doesn’t mean that you wanted to leave.. Not after the impression you’ve made on the people. You’re like their spokesperson for the Fae,” Marco stated as he walked up to them.

Maevis was already in a bad mood, and Marco’s prodding was likely to send her over the edge. Skye saw her rage bubbling up, so she intervened; “And irreplaceable at that!”

Skye locked eyes with Maevis, and hoped she’d get the message as she spoke; “You are both loved and trusted by those that know ye, Mae.. They depend upon you to look out for them, and keep an eye on their interests for them.. There’s no one better for the job than you two.”

Nicolas took it as simple flattery, but Maevis caught it; “Aye.. Thank you for saying that, Skye.. I’ll focus on my people’s well-being..”

After a bit more small talk, everyone headed into the banquet room. Instead of the nobles being present; all of the top leaders of Alcon’s military were there. From the RMC, to the Infantry, to the Support Division, and even the R&D Department heads were there.

The food served was hearty, and meant to fill you up. Many hot meat stews and soups, along with breads and crepe wraps were offered. Tidas had specifically ordered an entire tray of bacon, and ate so much of it that he actually had to have Skye heal his nausea.. No one wanted to see someone get sick while they were eating.

When the meal was through, everyone headed outside except for Magnus and Marco’s group. Everyone going was gathered right outside of the palace in formation. Waiting for the King’s send off speech.

Both Skye and Doctor Gohan told the king that he needed to stay indoors because the cold air wasn’t good for his lungs so early. A small speaker was mounted up on the wall so Magnus could still speak to the troops before they left..

“My faithful Alconians! You go to the north now, not to go to war, but to prevent it! The leader of the Highlanders is in peril, which means so is our peace treaty! The Highlands are a Part of Alcon, so the Highlanders are our brothers! Will we stand idol against those that would hurt our brethren?! Our cause?! Our Unity?!”

A monstrous cheer rang out from the troops before Magnus continued; “Protect your homes! Protect your peace! Protect! Your! Alcon!”

Not only did the troops call out to their king, but those gathered to watch their loved ones go off to battle did as well. Skye grinned and cheered right along with the other RMC members around her, but Tidas simply saluted. A serious expression plastered on his face.

Right then, Skye had realized that she was about to see the side of her husband that he’d always been afraid to show her. The part of him that reveled in battle.. And Skye was ready to show him just how alike they really were..

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