Dawning Skye

Chapter 284

284 Bad Moves

Skye, Tidas, and Genie spent another hour with Zazzy until they Had to go back to get ready. Genie was difficult to pull away since he and Zazzy were having so much fun together. It was like an uncle chasing around a favorite niece or nephew.. If the child was the size of an elephant.

They couldn’t fly around too much because the sun had finished setting right after they’d arrived. Because their playtime had been cut so short by the winter sun, Genie had asked Skye if he and Zazzy could go for a ‘fly’ in the morning. With the baby dragon giving her puppy eyes as he’d asked: Skye couldn’t say no.

Genie was talking to her like a person instead of an animal, which was the the main reason that she had agreed to let them go for an early-morning flight. Skye didn’t like it whenever she saw someone treating Zazzy like a dog or cat. She was too intelligent and special to be treated as such, but thankfully: Genie wasn’t like that.

In between all their running around, Genie would stop and ask Zazzy questions that could be answered with a yes or no. She’d even counted for him a couple of times during their bantering, and Genie had tried to get her to do the whole Do-Re-Me bit. Which sounded like awkward howls, and sent them all into fits of laughter as she tried to hit high notes.

The two smiled and played around a bit more before Skye and Tidas could actually pull them apart. As they’d left; Zazzy let out a sad, gargled roar that made both Skye and Genie wanted to turn back. If Tidas hadn’t have been there: they probably would’ve stayed.

Since there were no Victors from the final Mage Trials, tonight’s banquet was more like a giant party instead of an official celebration. Most of the delegates were gone except the few stationed in Alcon, so all of the regular courtiers were allowed back into the banquet hall.

Usually when an event was going on, only the highest ranking nobles were allowed to participate; with a few exceptions like Lucas Moonstone. Other than those who were vital to Alcon’s economy; most were excluded. It was a coveted invitation by all because of the possible connections the events afforded.

The delegates being gone didn’t deter any of the ambitious fools that had made an extra effort to attend. Whether it was to pay off a couple of guards to get in, or accompany an actual invited guest: they had made it. The banquet hall was already packed by the time Skye and Tidas had made it.

They’d missed the actual meal, but trays of appetizers and drinks were being passed around by servants. Skye ate an entire tray of little pastry puffs filled with a kind of chocolate pudding with bits of mint in it. She hadn’t used much magic at all since she’d left the Cat’s Paw Tavern, but she’d still felt peckish.


As Genie wastched Skye eat, he wondered if she realized that she was involuntarily funneling magic into her necklace. It was barely detectable, and the only reason he’d even noticed was because he’d hugged her.. ‘I wonder if she even knows what that stone is?’

Shaking the random thought from his head: Genie refocused on his mission..

When he approached the main table, Genie bowed low to Magnus, then to Marco and Karena. They were all seated next to each other, surrounded by people Genie didn’t recognize. Most were around Marco’s age, which surprised Genie because Magnus wasn’t known for being tolerant of ignorance..

“Jin Laos! It’s good to see you again, old friend! What brings you to my corner of the room? I figured that you and Skye would be busy catching up?”

Genie grinned at King Magnus; “We have been, but there is a rather urgent matter I wish to discuss with you..”

“In the middle of the banquet? It must be important for you to ask,” Magnus replied as he started to stand up.

Genie’s features went stern; “It is, and it pertains to the princess as well..”

“I’ll be coming along as well, then,” Marco added, knowing that he could only be referring to Skye.

Eyeing the Crowned Prince suspiciously, Genie nodded in agreement, then followed behind Magnus as they made their way through the masses. He led them out and into the halls, winding through them until they’d reached his office. Once they were seated, servants offered them glasses of wine..

Genie rarely drank, so he refused, but Magnus and Marco got comfortable with their glasses in hand as Genie began to explain his situation. He didn’t say all of the details because Marco was present, but enough to get them on his side..

“So what you’re telling me is that the branch family of the original royal family wants to start up a new dynasty?”

Genie nodded; “Yes, but the Senators are divided on the matter. Most are afraid of another dictator, which is exactly what Senator Toku would become.. He a ruthless, greedy man that doesn’t care for much outside of the depths his own pockets. If he can convince even just two more Senators at next year’s Open Session: the Sai Republic will collapse..”

“How is that bad for us? Why would we want to help you? And how does Skye fit into all of this?” Marco asked in a callous tone.

Genie eyed Marco for a moment before answering; “It is bad for you because if he does get elected Emperor, then there will be a Civil War within Sai again. We will request aid, and it will take years, if not decades, to pay back-”

“Then we just won’t Give any aid,” Marco replied curtly.

Genie was attempting to keep his temper in check, but Marco was asking for it.. In just as curt of a tone, Genie turned to Magnus and asked; “I’m sorry, but I was under the impression that MAGNUS was the King of Alcon..”

“He is the future King, and needs to have a say in things like this now, but,” Magnus turned to lock eyes with his oldest; “If you had any sense in your brain, you’d heed Genie’s words.. Jin Laos is one of the most decorated soldiers who has ever lived, and a good, honest man.. If he says we have cause to worry, then we do.”

Marco barely reacted to his father’s criticism, and nodded in understanding after he’d finished. Genie wasn’t sure if he was actually listening to his father, or just placating him, but he would take advantage of Marco’s temporary ear.

He explains how Sai reveres dragons, and the subsequent influence Skye would have for being Zazzy’s Chosen Mother. Records showed that the people who raised them were described as highly intelligent and compassionate people. If a dragon deemed an individual worthy enough to raise them, then the people of Sai recognized them as worthy in general...

“If Skye comes to Sai with me and champion’s my brother, then the Senators with side with him. Her simply being there will save thousands of lives..”

Magnus got up from his seat and paced the room; “Skye has Just won her rank. She needs to be trained in her responsibilities as an RMC General.. But on the other hand, we can’t afford to let an unknown player take power..”

“What does Alcon get if we agree to help you?” Marco asked flatly.

Genie turned his attention to Marco; “I can influence trade dealings with the Senate. If you agree to send Skye, I will send word to my brother about sharing our technology with you.”

Marco scoffed; “There isn’t anything Sai has that we can’t replicate with Yeager and Skye..”

“That you know of,” Genie smirked at Marco; “You didn’t think that we let All of our technology be known, did you?”

For the first time, Genie saw a flicker of emotion within Marco’s eyes. He couldn’t tell if it was pure anger, or if there was a touch of respect in them for his ability to stand his ground against them.. Either way, Genie felt a little cocky over getting a rise out of the steely prince.

They discussed the length of time the two needed to stay within Sai, and what would happen if Genie’s plan failed. Marco had made it clear that Alcon would not take in refugees if the worst came to pass. The only thing that bothered Genie was that they had no idea when the Highland Raid would finish.

In order for Genie’s plan to work, they needed to be in Sai at Least a solid month before the Session. To give Skye and Zazzy time to win over the people, and to give word of mouth time to spread. If they showed up right before the Session, it would be pointless because the people would see it for what it really was..

After the three discussed a few more details about travel and possible trade ideas, Genie returned to the banquet hall. He was told not to say Anything to Skye and Tidas about it until after they had returned from the Highlands. They didn’t need the distraction before going into battle..

As Genie walked down the hallway, an image of a young, furious Skye popped into his head. Comparing her younger self to the older version.. Made him feel old. Despite his appearance, Genie was in his mid-thirties now..

‘Maybe after all of this is over, I can start a family of my own? I wonder how She would feel about that... Probably laugh at me..’


After Genie had left, Marco and Magnus argued over the validity of the agreement. Marco had some good points, but they all centered around some idea that Skye couldn’t take care of herself. As Magnus began to yell, Marco put his hand on his father’s shoulder..

A dark, twisted magic seeped out of him, and into Magnus. A sudden wave of dizziness had him reaching for his chair, which Marco ‘helped’ him over to. He had argued with Genie and Magnus, but it was all for show..

‘Once they come back from the Highlands with the Ethereal Spear, my plans will Finally begin.. If they can be out of the kingdom for the first phase: then there will be no stopping me after that..’

“I think you should call for Skye, son.. I don’t feel well again,” Magnus asked in a weak voice.

Marco was still funneling magic into him without realizing it. Realizing that Skye would notice the off amount, he pulled some of it back to himself. He was usually very careful not to overdose his father, at least not yet..

The fact that his plans were So close at hand: Marco couldn’t hide his perverse smile as replied to his father and king; “I’ll go fetch her right now..”

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