Dawning Skye

Chapter 259

259 Present..

***WARNING: This Chapter Has Extremely Descriptive And Graphic Sexual Content. Viewer Discretion Is Advised***

When Tidas walked up to Zazzy’s Place, he wasn’t expecting Skye to have a special surprise for him. Since he was a child, his birthday hadn’t of been particularly special. He was turning twenty, which wasn’t a big deal, but he was excited to spend it with his clever wife.

When Tidas went to ask his father for his birthday off right after the Summer Games, he found out that Skye had already bargained with him. This morning, he’d found a note on his desk telling him to meet her at Zazzy’s, but that was all. It was in Skye’s handwriting, so he complied.

As soon as Tidas approached, Klaus and Ronnie waved at him, called out to Skye, then they left. They wished him a happy birthday as they left, then Zazzy nearly knocked him over in her excitement so see him.

Skye and Tidas hadn’t been able to see Zazzy much during the Summer Games. With her mother’s popularity at court, their frequent family dinners had become few and far between for a while now. Knowing that they were both staying the night had literally made Zazzy jump for joy when Lenny had told her.

“How’s the sweet scaly baby today? Ate all of your food, did ya?” Tidas asked as he rubbed and patted Zazzy’s head.

“She got extra today to make sure she doesn’t beg at us here in a wee bit,” Skye paused to give her husband a kiss; “Dinner’s almost ready. How was yer day?”

A giant smile touched every feature on Tidas’ face upon hearing his wife’s inquiries. It was usually the first thing she asked when she saw him, but with the cooking comment before it.. He just couldn’t help himself.

Tidas laughed out loud as he said; “You sound so.. Domesticated-Ouch!”


Skye had smacked her husband hard as she chided him; “Don’t poke fun at me, and move yer arse! We need to eat, then we need to leave.”

Tidas quirked an eyebrow; “And where are we going?”

Skye smirked as she clasped her hands behind his neck and kissed him again before quickly saying; “That’s for me to know, and you to be surprised about, now..”

Skye broke her hold and twirled around as she added; “Move that fine arse of yers, husband!”

The smile that Skye’d had on her face was akin to sunshine to Tidas; brightening his life. Her golden irises sparkled mischievously when she’d spoken and kissed him.

‘Maybe today will be even better than I thought it’d be. Skye can be rather creative..’ A devilish smirk played at his lips as he moved his feet. Chuckling as he followed after her, Tidas quipped; “You’re the one who keeps kissing me..”

Shooting him a mock pout, Skye opened the door and went inside with her husband trailing behind. When Tidas walked in and saw the decorations, a giant smile lit his face. They were mostly handmade, and with bright, ridiculous colors. His heart warmed at her efforts.

The few birthdays that he’d spent with Skye were his favorite ones. Being the Third Prince; Tidas’ parties were never really for him. The courts just wanted a reason to have fun. Even as a child, when the Guest of Honor couldn’t even attend because it was past his bedtime.. They still ‘celebrated in his honor’.

As Tidas looked around, Peggy came out of the kitchen with a soft smile, and a birthday hug. He gladly accepted it, then asked what was cooking. With a small smile and a nod in Skye’s direction, Peggy said; “Ask the chef: Skye cooked most of it.”

Skye scoffed at Peggy; “I seasoned everythin’, set the rice to boil, then had to get dressed. You did most of the work, Peg.”

As the two started to lovingly bicker, Tidas gently interrupted; “Pardon, ladies, but I thought we had a schedule to keep?”

“Oh shite! He’s right! I need to get goin’! See ye two in a wee bit!” Peggy shouted before grabbing a few things in bags, then took off out the door.

The look of utter confusion on Tidas’ face made Skye giggle as she told him; “We’ll see her after a bit..”


Skye smirked; “Just sit down so I can bring you yer food.”

When Skye admitted to being the one that seasoned the food, Tidas knew he was in for a good meal, but he was honestly surprised at how delicious it was. The roast she had tenderized and seasoned fell apart upon touch.

Using the juices from the roast, Skye had made a rich, thick gravy. Peggy had cut up and added all of the carrots, peas, celery, onions, and mushrooms to it while Skye bathed. In all honesty; Peggy had only done the menial work, aside from the rice.

Peggy had brought over fresh rolls and butter from the palace, but only a few were even touched. The pot that Skye had made the gravy in was used to feed six people.. Skye and Tidas ate everything except the few rolls left..

Zazzy had stuck her head in through the window, but didn’t get anything from her parents as they are. She’d whined like a puppy, but the two refused to give in, not only did Zazzy get extra earlier, neither Skye nor Tidas had really eaten that day. They’d been too busy.

Whining to the point of irritation, Tidas gave in and tossed her a roll. It wasn’t the yummy meat she’d smelled earlier, but the flaky, buttery bread was still tasty. After scarfing it, Zazzy looked up expectantly at her father. Waiting for the other two she could clearly see in the basket.

Skye narrowed her vision at her husband; “Now yer gonna have to give her the rest, or she definitely won’t stop.”

Tidas nodded, said “Okay,” then threw the last two at her.

“By the gods, ye been spoilin’ her lately,” Skye muttered, not expecting him to actually do it.

“We haven’t seen her much lately, and you Just told me to give them to her,” Tidas replied a bit defensively.

Skye chuckled at his tone; “You haven’t, but I see our scaly bairn almost every day. I have to or she’ll come lookin’ for me..”

The two shared a knowing smile at the reference. They’d spoken before about how funny it was when Zazzy crashed the Summer Games. She had quite the fan base now because of it.

Skye had literally seen an uncountable amount of little stuffed black dragons in every non-specific shop she’d walked by. A few children had even asked her to sign their wee plushies. Calling her ‘The Last Dragon Rider’ as they did so.

Skye couldn’t deny it had crossed her mind more than once. Especially since Zazzy was about four months ahead in size; compared to what the Roland Snare’s journals had stated.

‘I may need to start readin’ that Dragon Rider’s handbook sooner than I thought.. I really need to send that bookshop owner from Dragonhorn a fruit basket or somethin’.’

Once they cleared and washed the dishes together, the two headed outside to play with Zazzy for a while. Skye showed Tidas how proficient their scaly bairn had gotten at flying by having her do air tricks they’d been working on to strengthen her various wing muscles.

After a small aerobatic show, Tidas found a large branch, and played fetch with Zazzy for about twenty minutes or so. Skye had budgeted time for their sweet Zazzy, but they needed to leave soon if they didn’t want to be late to his surprise party. Yelling as she went, Skye told Tidas that she needed to grab her bag from inside, then they could leave..

Watching his wife run into their little love nest, Tidas decided he’d rather be late...

Turning around from grabbing her small purse off of her nightstand, Skye yelped at her husband’s sudden closeness. She giggled as she tried and failed to step around him.. He had her corned against the edge of their bed.

“Alright, silly man. We’re gonna be late if ye keep messin’ around-”

Before Skye could protest further, Tidas was stealing her breath with a passionate kiss. He’d slipped one hand around her lower back, and used the other to grab her loose hair. Pinning her to himself.

When he finally broke away, Tidas leaned back and spoke in a low, sultry voice; “I think I’d rather unwrap my present first..”

Skye’s heart hammered in her chest as her husband’s warm breath tickled her ear. She tried to protest; “But we Have to go.. I-I timed things out-”

“It’s my birthday, isn’t it? The only thing I wanted today was to spend time with you and Zazzy, and to make love to you until your toes curl.. Is that so much to ask?”

Skye couldn’t think as Tidas immediately went to teasing her earlobe after he’d finished talking. Flicking and nipping it just right..

‘Ack! What do I do?! Everyone is already waitin’ for us! But.. oh, by the gods, is he good at that..’

As Skye inwardly struggled, Tidas moved down to her neck, then across the tops of her breasts. As he moved to the lining of her dress, Skye grabbed his head on either side of his face, and yanked him into a kiss. He was the birthday boy, after all..

While maintaining a sensual gaze; Skye lightly pulled and pushed her husband around, and onto the bed. Once seated, Skye slowly began to remove her dress. As she pulled at the strings, Skye spoke; “Ye want yer present, hmm? How’s this..”

When Skye’s dress and purse dropped to the floor, it revealed an enticing cupless lingerie set. The dark-blue lace and silk outlined her heavenly figure as her breasts sat exposed on her chest. A scrap of material covered her most private area, and covered nothing in the back.

Tidas knew this because after Skye stepped out of her dress, she’d intentionally turned around to pick it up off the ground. Giving her husband a perfect show. He’d inhaled sharply when she’d disrobed, then exhaled just as loudly when she bent over.

Tidas was already hard from Skye’s little display, but he wanted to enjoy his present’s packaging before enjoying his prize. As she tossed her dress onto a chair, Tidas stood up, and wrapped his arms around to Skye’s front.

The cool touch from her husband’s hands on her bared breasts sent a shiver of pleasure throughout her body. The outfit that Skye had picked at Madame Clara’s Boutique was an off-shoulder, cupless corset set with a matching thong and garter set. She liked how the blue brought out the gold in her eyes, and the creaminess of her skin, and so did her husband.

Tidas knew such things existed, but he didn’t think Skye was the type to like sexy lingerie. It was a happy surprise, but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

“Do you want to keep that on? Is it uncomfortable?”

A sad tone was etched into Skye’s voice; “No, Ima fine..Why? Do ye not like it?”

Tidas hastily stepped in front of his wife; “I love it, I just want to make sure that you’re comfortable.”

Skye sighed; “Don’t freak me out like that! ..So.. Ye really like it? It looks okay on me?”

Tidas smirked mischievously before grabbing Skye’s hand, and placing in on his rock-hard member as he whispered in a husky voice; “What do you think?”

Skye returned his smile with an even cockier one as she replied; “Mmm...I think someone needs a wee bit of attention..”

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