Dawning Skye

Chapter 246

246 Summer Games: King of the Hill(Part One)

As the early morning light stung her eyes, Skye stretched lazily in her lonely bed. After they had saved Petrie from Shasta, then saved Petrie and Shasta from Magnus; the couple finally got to retire for the night.

Skye was all caught up with Shasta’s romantic developments, and on Petrie’s life and family, but she had wanted to speak with her father. He’d basically stuck to Magnus’ side the entire night. Tidas had commented to her that he hadn’t seen them that chummy in a long time.

Petrie told Skye that the king and her father had talked alone for almost an hour before they called him back into the room. He spoke his peace, got his Ambassador Crest, and left. He’d head the yelling; mostly Lucas, oddly enough. ‘Who’s daft enough to yell at their king?!’

Her mother had eaten dinner with Marie and Maevis, so even seeing her wasn’t possible yet. It bothered Skye much more than she wanted it to.

It was actually really hurtful to Skye that she hadn’t been her mother’s first priority, especially since she thought they’d worked their problems out for the most part. ‘Maybe she’s avoidin’ me because she figured I’d learn things while bein’ here? Does she suspect I figured out that me Da isn’t biological? Damn it! I wish I could just talk to her!’

As Skye lamented in her bed, Peggy bustled in with a tray full of food. She began to go off about how she needed to eat and dress now, or she wouldn’t see the opening to the King of the Hill Event. Her Shaman rounds were taking an additional hour and a half due to the influx of people.

The Summer Games had never been so popular before, but Skye had changed that. People flooded in to be healed by her, and to enjoy the event. The stalls that gave away Fae-made products as their prizes ran out a couple hours after the fairgrounds opened.

Maevis hadn’t gone to the Summer Games because she didn’t want the attention. It somewhat worked to her favor. The diplomats and dignitaries enjoyed their time and familiarized themselves with some of the goods that the Fae made. Then, they would seek Maevis out in a setting that she felt comfortable in.

The Empress of the Fae and Tiberius had taught her how to keep the upper hand when negotiating. They wanted access to the Fae goods of Warrick Forest, but that was strictly reserved for the Kingdom of Alcon. They would have to buy from the stalls and shops that Maevis and Nicolas did business with.


Many descendants of their friends from Tiberius’ days owned shops that now specifically catered to Fae goods. Maevis and Nicolas had tracked them down and made a rather generous offer. Those few and Lucas Moonstone were the only ones sanctioned to sell the goods, with the understanding that thirty percent of profits went straight to the crown.

The amount everything was selling for was well worth the ridiculous tax. They were having literal bidding wars breaking out within their shops. One of the merchants had even given up selling the clothing she received traditionally, and simply did an auction every Friday night. It was a genius move.

Even though she was proud of herself for how she was handling everything, Maevis was still very pissed at Nicolas for taking off. He left for Warrick Forest right as the delegates began to arrive. ‘I’m going to kick his ASS when I see him! He’d just gotten back! It was MY turn to go back home!’

Skye usually started her rounds at about seven, but was now already up and out of the palace at seven. She woke up at five or so, got ready, then headed up to the the Medical Ward to start her day. The competition was at about three, so she still had time for a quick visit to see Zazzy.

Shasta and the twins wound up joining her for the visit. Lenny watched over Victor and Anna as they played with Zazzy, and Skye and Shasta got about an hour of training in before they had to stop to eat and leave.


By the time they reached the fairgrounds, it was packed. The final day was the most popular because of the jousting the King of the Hill Event. The possibility of gore or death always drew people in for some morbid reason. As the pushed their way through the crowds with the twins in their arms, Skye hoped that anyone but Marco would win...

Walking up to their seats, Skye saw Magnus in his usual spot, her father next to him, then her mother with Marie and Karena. She wasn’t too happy to see her mother happily chatting away without saying anything to her yet. She’d hopefully asked Peggy this morning if her mother had come looking for her, but she hadn’t event sent a note.

As she laughed as something Marie said, a sharp pang hit Skye’s heart as she sat down. ‘I guess she really does care more for her social standing than me..’

Shasta saw how downtrodden her friend looked, but couldn’t do anything about it at the moment. The twins were between them since Skye was temporarily taking Lawrence’s seat until the end of the first event. They were only two chairs apart from Magnus. Lucas was occupying Marco’s seat until the end as well.

While Skye was still stewing, the horns resounded throughout the field as the competitors took to the field. About thirty-six men came out wearing fitted pants, and without shirts. Skye’s eyes bulged as her husband strutted out with Lawrence and Petrie at his sides.

Everyone in the overflowing crowds screamed for the competitors, but the MacArthur men and the Nomad were particularly turning heads. Women fawned and screamed as they politely waved. Several guards had to hold back the large groups of women clamoring to touch them as they passed.

When the majority had taken their place, Marco came out last. Skye and Shasta were both surprised to see he was even more ripped than Tidas. You could tell by looking at him fully dressed that he was muscular, but no one had expected him to be in shape to that extent.

Marco wasn’t bulky, but every inch one could see was tone to it’s max without adding much girth. The women practically swooned on the spot as he walked over to be just out of their reach, and gave them a breathtaking smile. When a steward asked him to take his place, he’d even blown a kiss at the crowds, making Skye and Shasta quietly scoff in unison.

Since they knew what Marco was really like, it irritated them to see him dupe the general public into thinking he was a nice guy. He’d made it a point to walk over to a group of commoners when he’d pulled his little stunt. It was a clever move on his part.

As all of the competitors readied themselves, a hush fell over the area. The air was thick with anticipation as all eyes remained glued to the starting line. Tidas looked over at Skye and smiled, earning him a wave and a kiss. He waved back with a beam, then focused on the task at hand.

Magnus stood at the podium, radiating his royal status as he called out; “Let the King of the Hill Event commence!”

The moment the trumpets sounded, the men took off in a frenzy. The crowds roared to life as Tidas, Lawrence, and Petrie took the leads right off the bat. Marco was keeping back with the main bulk until his opportunity could come about...

The course had been altered slightly from the Obstacle Run. The hurdles had been raised, the water under the swing loops was removed, and the barbed wire had the points they were so famous for back.

The tradition focused on what it meant to be king, and what it took to be one. Everything from the hurdles to the the barbed wire symbolized some aspect of the responsibility a king bears. The hurdles were about perseverance, and the loops were interrupted as being about diplomacy.

The barbed wire was the most debated about. Some thought it meant one must be willing to bleed to rule, others thought it was another perseverance lesson. No matter the reason for it, Skye didn’t like that the competitors had to be shirtless to compete. To her, it was another way for them to exclude women.

As the competitors went through the course, they were also allowed to fight each other. The reason being shirtless with tight-fitted pants was required is because it’s a fail safe against cheating. One cannot hide a weapon without clothes, and everyone’s magic was sealed away. It was the best way to ensure fairness.

As they cleared obstacles, Tidas, Lawrence, and Petrie worked together to take out any other competitors that tried to rush ahead of them. They’d slow their pace slightly to draw them in, then either knock them out of the race, or just knock them out altogether.

Petrie was particularly having a good time beating on the nobles until one took him down with him. As they tumbled out of bounds, he yelled after the MacArthur brothers; “Kick some arse for me!”

Lawrence and Tidas both snickered at the Nomad, not paying attention to who was coming up on their other side. Marco was to Tidas’ left as they came up to the hill. It wasn’t a real one. It was more like a machine than anything else.

Four sections rotated in opposite directions every other tier. They also had protruding objects to knock the competitors down as they climbed. As Skye looked at it, she spoke her thought out loud; “Should’ve named it King of the Tower instead.. Would’ve made more sense.”

Shasta chuckled as she replied; “True, but I think King of the Hill has a nicer ring to it.”

Right as Shasta finished speaking, Marco came to be shoulder to shoulder with his brother. She smiled as he huffed with his efforts before saying; “How about a temporary truce until these fools are dealt with? It would make father happy to see us all working together for a change.”

Tidas and Lawrence were so shocked by his proposal that they nearly tripped each other up. Marco didn’t work well with others, but he was a good fighter. If all three of them stopped right before the hill, they could take out the last dozen or so competitors easily. Then only have each other to deal with..

Tidas looked to Lawrence, who was still mulling it over, so he decided for them; “Alright, but We three don’t fight until everyone else is out, and we’ve all acknowledged it.. No back-stabbing.”

Marco scoffed; “That’s what I said: deal?”

With a nod from Lawrence, the three MacArthur men screeched to a stop right in front of the hill. Realizing what must’ve transpired, another competitor called out; “They’ve teamed up! Everyone: CHARGE! Tis our only chance to beat them! With numbers!”

“The man had a reason to be cocky. Usually five to one odds were a bad matchup... But not to the MacArthur lads. All three grinned like devils as the men ran at them. Right before they collided, Tidas said; “Let’s get this warm-up started..”

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