Dawning Skye

Chapter 241

241 Summer Games: Second Day

It had taken Skye about an hour to answer enough questions to satisfy people that their safety was secure. If she didn’t know Zazzy, she would be mixed in with the crowds, demanding answers as well. During Hogmanay, the king had announced Zazzy’s existence, but she was only an egg to everyone’s knowledge then.

As Skye explained Zazzy’s hatching on Yuletide and the chaos that ensued within Moonstone castle over her unexpected appearance, the crowds laughed at the way the princess had told the story. It quickly endeared the baby dragon to the people’s hearts as they watched her play with the gathering children.

Several of both common, and noble children had gathered around Zazzy after slipping through the guards. She looked nervous at first; like she was scared she was going to hurt them. Zazzy looked to her mother, who just mouthed ‘ keep yer tail down’ at her. With the unofficial approval, as soon as they started to grab on to her, Zazzy began to drag the children around in the mud.

The twins and a couple of other children had carefully climbed onto her back, and were enjoying a leisurely ride around the competitor’s grounds. A dozen or so other children were hanging on to her wings and sides as Zazzy happily sloshed about. She splashed the children that walked with her, making them giggle as they tried and failed to dodge it.

Marco had finally decided to join them out on the field, but Karena refused. She’d had her fill of mud and mess for the day, and decided to take her leave instead. Marco hardly noticed that his wife stayed back. The only difference to him was that he didn’t have to be as guarded about his fondness of Skye.

Right after she’d spoken, Skye went straight back to her husband’s side. The majority of the gathered spectators had dispersed. Only the parents of those playing with Zazzy, and those who were gathered around the king were left. The sun was beginning to inch down, casting a beautiful array of reds, oranges, and yellows across the sky.

As his oldest brother approached, Tidas watched as his eyes never left his wife, and it pissed him off. He stepped into his line of sight, effectively blocking Marco’s view of his wife. Locking eyes, a silent battle ensued as Marco moved closer to the group.

As they stared each other down, pure blackness traversed Marco’s eyes for a split second before he blinked and smirked; the darkness gone. Startled, Tidas tensed all over as his body. His brother’s grin widened, then vanished almost as quickly. By the time he came to stand next to their father, his standard apathetic expression had returned.

Tidas came around to stand on the side of Skye closest to Marco, continuing to block his view of her. Magnus had noticed the strain between his sons, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He wasn’t sure how to broach the issues revolving around Skye.


The king knew his daughter-in-law had nothing to do with them, and that the gossip about her and Marco were utterly false. Anyowho watched Skye and Tidas together for longer than two minutes could see how they felt about one another.. ‘So why do the rumors persist?’

Before the king could think further on it, the Fire Nation’s diplomat started to discuss whether or not the Fae had more eggs. The thought had crossed his mind, but that wasn’t the point of the conversation that peaked his interest. It was when Abdul off-handedly mentioned ‘safe bartering’ in exchange for an egg..

‘Is the man a fool? He basically just admitted that his country’s piracy issues are internally controlled! What a fool.. Many of the delegates here don’t look too pleased with him now..’

Magnus wasn’t the only one who’d caught the vulgar man’s words. Both Lawrence and Shasta had as well. They shared a look between them that said it all: “What a scumbag..”

Skye was too busy being bombarded with questions, and Tidas and Marco were too busy getting into a pissing contest with each other. No one was really paying attention to him and Richard Yaris except those three.

Catching his father’s eye and nodding, Lawrence then nodded in Abdul’s direction. With a subtle gesture, Magnus silently agreed to keep an eye on the Fire Nation’s representative..

It took another forty minutes to get all of the children off of Zazzy. The twins were especially troublesome; refusing to get down until their aunt and uncle promised to take them to see the dragon again once more before they left. Several pinky promises later, they finally came down. Allowing the group to finally make their way back to the palace for dinner.

The meal was lively as the diplomats and dignitaries swapped stories from home, or discussed the day’s events. Skye was the most popular topic; ranging from her powers, to her Shaman and engineering work, to her beauty.

The main dish for the first day dinner of the Summer Games was the same thing every year, and a MacArthur favorite: Haggis. It’s a dish that predates the Great Shift, so not much was known to them about it’s true origin. All they knew was that every Alconian ever born had sat least tried it.

It was one of Skye’s least liked foods because of the common iron undertone to the flavor. Haggis is made from minced sheep liver, lung, and heart, onions, oatmeal, suet, and other various spices. All salted and mixed with stock, then cooked while encased within the sheep’s stomach.

The saltiness and metallic taste to it through Skye off, so she could only ever eat a little any time it was served. The sides were her favorite part.

Colcannon, garlic and herb baked potatoes, and the bread spread were first. A vegetable medley that had carrots, sweet onions, cucumber slices, green pepper bits, and chunks of hard cheddar paired well with a kind of balsamic vinaigrette. The last thing served was dessert: massive tiered trays filled with every kind of mini fruit pie one could think of.

Skye and Tidas were so exhausted by the time the evening was done that they didn’t even bother bathing. Stripping down and crawling into bed was the only thing either of them cared about. By the time they’d made it to their room, Peggy was already asleep.

As they cuddled in bed, Skye stated; “Two more days, love.. Just two more and we’re done.”

Squeezing his wife tightly, Tidas stated flatly; “We need a vacation.. A long one.”

Giggling at her husband’s tone, Skye simply said; “Aye.. We’ll have to do that soon. I want ye all to me self for a bit after all this.”

Tidas grinned in the dim light from the fireplace; “Aye, wife.. With no more prying eyes about us either..”


The second day went off without a hitch. The Archery Competition was the first event, followed by the Sword Matches, the Sheaf Toss, and ended with the Obstacle Run. The course they used was also partially for the King of the Hill Event tomorrow, so it made the most sense to make it the final event for the day.

Skye had wanted to join it the Archery Competition, but magic wasn’t allowed, and she wasn’t proficient enough with a real bow to feel like she could compete. As she watched the competition, a sour expression overtook her face right as Shasta was walking up to her.

Tapping her shoulder, Skye smiled as Shasta greeted her and said; “You look like someone kicked your dragon! What could have you looking so pissy so early in the day?”

Skye’s smile instantly deflated at her friend’s bad joke. Shasta wasn’t the most tactful person, but she made a point. Skye was acting like a pouting child over not participating at all in the games, and needed to stop.

“Ima fine, just irritated that I can’t participate. I was gonna do the archery, but tis pointless without me Water magic. I can barely hit the side of a barn with a bow,” Skye lamented.

Shasta quirked an eyebrow; “Why not do another event?”

“I can’t.. The risk is too high that I’ll use ‘that’, before the Mage Trials. I still can’t stop every time yet,” Skye stated, referring to her Tank trait.

Being in the know, Shasta ranked; “What about the Dance Contest?”

Skye chortled loudly; “I think Karena might actually kill me if I upstage her again. She’s singing and dancing in the competition.”

Shasta laughed just as loud before she replied; “Yeah, you show up with your violin, you’d definitely win.. I’ll pay you to see it, hehe.”

“You sound like a maniacal kitten,” Skye retorted, earning her a playful smack from her friend.

The two stood quietly for a few minutes and watched as they switched out the archery equipment, and began drawing a large circle with stark white paint for the Sword Fighting Matches. The two opponents had to stay within the circle as they fought. The first to get knocked out of the ring, or to give up lost, and the winner moved on to the next round.

As they completed the circle, Shasta asked; “Who do you think will win the King of the Hill Event tomorrow?”

Skye grinned; “Tidas, of course. He trains without his magic all the time, like you suggested to me. His core strength is ridiculous! I doubt anyone can match him.”

Shasta’s face went flat as she unintentionally scoffed; “Not true. I think Lawrence has a decent shot. He’s never had magic, so he’s trained his body his entire life to keep up with Marco and Tidas. I think if anyone will win, it’s him.”

Skye smirked at Shasta, amused she was getting defensive about Lawrence; “And what makes you think that Lawrence could possibly compete with Tidas? He’s a Tank and the Commander of-”

Shasta’s fur visibly fuzzed as her voice rose out of indignation for her love; “So what?! That’s all Magic-Related stuff! Lawrence is highly intelligent, strong, and can work with any situation dealt to him with a cool head. I Can NOT say the same thing about your husband.. If it’s Anything to do with non-magical situations, Lawrence is the best! Hands down!”

Skye’s smirk turned into a devilish grin right as Lawrence wrapped his arms around Shasta from behind her. She jumped at the sudden embrace, but relaxed slightly as she realized who it was. Then, her face fell as Shasta asked; “How much did you just hear?”

“Oh, let me see... Since you asked Skye whom she thought was going to win tomorrow,” Lawrence replied as he leaned into the side of Shasta’s face.

Turning her head to look at Skye, Shasta asked; “Did you know he was there?!”

“I may or may not have noticed him after I said Tidas would win,” Skye’s grin had widened as she spoke.

Staring at her friend flatly, Shasta said, “I hate you”, then flashed the biggest grin Skye had ever seen as she nuzzled Lawrence’s cheek with hers.

A touch of pink was barely visible on her cheeks as she pulled away from Lawrence’s face, locked eyes with him, and stated; “And you’re just lucky you’re cute..”

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