Dawning Skye

Chapter 231

231 Genuine Couple

After Lord Bibalow dragged his daughter away with Shasta as their escort, Tidas apologized to all the spectators. Most praised the young couple for how they handled themselves. Some were irritated to find out that the prince was planning on maintaining a single wife. They’d hoped to weasel their way into royal prestige by such means.

As the night progressed, everyone came to see just how in love the newlyweds truly were with each other. They spoke in turns and moved in sync flawlessly. After dinner, Skye and Tidas danced so beautifully that most other couples had stopped to watch. Their looks and personalities complimented each other perfectly.

Karena had been watching the two the entire day and night with masked disdain. The way everyone was fawning over Skye and Tidas had her boiling with anger and envy. ‘That’s how everyone should be treating Marco and I, not Them!’

Marco had been watching the couple as well, just like his wife. He’d watched them together with his ever indifferent expression in between conversations. It wasn’t strange at the moment because practically everyone was. They wanted to know everything about then; just like him..

From the way they dressed, to what foods they ate was carefully noted and talked about. Many of the women started to design their dresses closer to Skye’s styles, which were always a bit more on the elegant side. Karena had always preferred more flamboyant and gaudy dresses. The sift in the court’s fashion was directly influenced by Skye.

Karena hated what was happening in ‘her’ court. ‘Dresses are Meant to be flashy and daring! She acts all noble and righteous, but look at her dress! It’s almost as low as mine! And the way she laughs and smiles at other men with Tidas Right next to her! They aren’t even talking to him! Just her!’

“Calm down. Your face looks ugly right now. It’s obvious what you’re thinking,” Marco said in a low, monotonous voice as he leaned over from his chair.

Flipping the switch to a lovely-dovey act, Karena leaned in with a fake sweet smile on her face; “You know I don’t like it when you say things like that. What if someone heard you?”

Marco turned to face his wife with dead eyes; “They would agree with me, you looked ugly a minute ago. You look better now.”


Karena scoffed, but covered it with a fake laugh before she spoke in a low, angry tone; “Only better? You used to say I was beautiful.”

Marco turned back to watching Tidas and Skye talking with the Meccano diplomat before saying; “Maybe if you smiled like that I’d start saying it again.”

Karena whipped her head over in the direction of her in-laws and felt her rage boiling. Skye was grinning away as she spoke with her brother’s representative. She looked back to her husband, but saw nothing reflected in his eyes but the room itself.

Her husband never used to be this cold to her, but the past five years he’d been particularly frigid. As soon as he had gotten a son from her, Marco changed. His usual public doting was drastically limited to only when she initiated it. While he held her hand regularly with no issues, anything else seemed to irritate him.

Karena didn’t care how he felt. She still hung on him and kissed him frequently whenever eyes were on them. Even though they weren’t, she wanted everyone to think that they were the perfect, happily married couple. Now, Skye and Tidas were ruining it.

A momentary comparison was enough to tell the difference between the couples. Tidas was attentive and caring, and Skye constantly watched him with admiration and love. The way they were with each other wasn’t an act, it was genuine affection. Not like with the crowned couple.

The true difference didn’t matter to Karena. She was just angry they were making her and her husband look bad, especially Skye. Every time she heard her name, Karena gritted her teeth.

‘Skye this, Skye that.. Arrg! I’m so Tired of hearing about her! It’s sickening how much people talk about her! If it weren’t for her powers, nobody would give a shit about her! So what if she goes around healing people?! She’s a Shaman! It’s her job!’

‘Oh, but she’s crafty.. Sending away all that useless commoners’ crap by ‘donating’ it was a brilliant PR move. No one that has experienced the finer things in life can go back to slumming it.. I know she did it just to look good, I know it!’

As Karena’s thoughts slipped into a dark place, Marco watched Skye with increasing interest. He’d heard the rumors about them being lovers, and couldn’t help but actually smile almost every time he heard about it. People loved to gossip, especially when they don’t think anyone is listening.

Both servants and members of the court talked about it frequently. Some of the nobles believed the rumors for various reasons. Some saw Skye as a ‘commoner harlot’, while some figured it was the old standby of ‘one does Not refuse the future king’.

The nobles that knew Skye already, or were healed by her didn’t believe the rumors at all. Most of the commoners in general didn’t believe them. To the point that a few fights had broken out in taverns and such it. A goodly portion of them had Shasta or Klaus involved, but they didn’t particularly care because Magnus privately excused their behavior later.

The king was outraged by the rumors, but couldn’t publicly acknowledge them. Except when people were stupid enough to talk about them around him. He’d considered making an announcement of some kind, but quickly realized it would only fuel the fires. All he could do was make whomever spoke about it around him feel like fools for even suggesting it.

Magnus sighed, then smiled cheekily as he looked over at Skye and Tidas. ‘After tonight I probably won’t hear about the rumors anymore, haha! Look at those two.. Such a happy and fetching couple.’

Skye and Tidas had just finished chatting with the Meccano diplomat, and were talking to each other with enormous grins on their faces. Skye was saying something when Tidas began to laugh loud enough to draw even more attention their way. Because he was laughing, she started, which made almost everyone either smile or glare at them.

It was odd to see the divide from his throne, but not very surprising to see who was on who’s side. Magnus sighed again as he gently rubbed the bridge of his nose near his eyes. When he looked at Skye and Tidas, he felt hope. But when he looked to his oldest son’s wife, he feared for the future of his kingdom..

Skye and Tidas were in their own little world. They were completely aware of the amount of eyes on them, but Skye was too buzzed to care. Tidas was irritated with Marco for how he was watching Skye, but knew the best revenge would be to simply enjoy his time with his wife.

When they were dancing he’d actually seen Marco grimacing in anger! Tidas knew he was being a little petty by enjoying his irate attitude so much, but he’d earned it at this point. Aside from the hallway and library incidents, he’d attempted to be alone with Skye twice more.

One time he’d attempted to summon her to his office while she was training with Shasta, but she’d accompanied her and refused to leave her side. Another time he’d shown up at their bedroom when he knew Tidas was out in the field training himself, but Skye wasn’t there.

Peggy had walked in with an armful of laundry to find him standing near their bed. The experience had completely freaked her out, so she’d made it a point to go with Skye whenever she was staying At Zazzy’s Place. Tidas didn’t want her presence to negate any romance he and Skye might engage in, so he’d had another small, but heavily soundproofed room added to their little cottage.

Marco had been frustrated before the banquet, but watching his brother fawn all over his wife had put him in an even worse mood. He wanted Skye for her powers and beauty at first, but now he wanted everything of her. Not just her presence, but her affections and intellect too.

The Crowned Prince was extremely impressed with the innovative ideas and inventions that she and Jakub were creating. Skye drew inspiration from things she’d read about her entire life, and gave them form. From a more effective snow compactor, to storage cells for electricity, to redesigning a schematic for a hydroelectric dam. Her crowning achievement would be revealed at Magnus’ birthday celebration on the final night of the Summer Games.

Marco knew what it was, and couldn’t wait to start secretly futzing with it, and copying the design. Skye had made it with the best intentions, but had no idea of the ramifications it would cause. Marco was truly looking forward to the day that his plan went into action...

Skye and Tidas enjoyed themselves thoroughly, despite being constantly hassled. Lawrence had saved them a few times, but once he saw Shasta, they disappeared for the majority of the night with his children in tow. Skye had wished her friend the best of luck, but didn’t really think she’d need it. Victor and Anna were wonderful tiny humans.

Watching the two leave, Skye turned to her husband excitedly and said; “Oh, I can’t Wait to hear her story tomorrow! I know that the children will love her.”

Tidas chuckled for the millionth time that night and said; “I think so, too. Did you see his face when he saw her? I thought his tongue was going to roll out of his mouth like one of your comic strips.”

Skye chuckled loudly at her husband’s joke before cupping his cheek, and giving him a quick peck on his lips. She flashed him a sultry smile, then grabbed his hand and squeezed.

Giving him a small tug, Skye said; “Come, husband.. Let’s say our farewells for the night and retire. Tis been a long day and I want to make extra time with Zazzy tomorrow.”

Tidas pulled Skye into his arms, then spoke low into her ear; “As long as you’ve already slotted time for me, I’m fine with that.”

A shiver of need raced up Skye’s back at her husband’s words. He could say ‘lovely weather today’ to her in that tone, and it would affect her. Tidas knew everything about her, and loved to tease her. She was cute when playfully provoked.

After bidding Magnus goodnight, the two turned to Marco and Karena. She had a smile on her face, but it didn’t reach her cold eyes. Marco didn’t even acknowledge his brother. Staring at Skye, Marco asked if she was participating in the games. When she replied no and inquired why he’d asked, Marco smirked evilly as he stated; “Just wanted to make sure you’d be available for a dance...”

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