Dawning Skye

Chapter 223

223 Date Night: Zazzy’s Place

****WARNING: This Chapter Has Extremely Descriptive And Graphic Sexual Content. Viewer Discretion Is Advised****

Zazzy’s Place was literally made for her. It was built sturdy by being mostly made of large stones, and big enough to accommodate her growth. Aside from the three teams of workers, Tidas had also paid an Earth mage to reinforce the walls.

The young lass had recently showed up to train a bit before the Mage Trials. Her Earth magic wasn’t like Skye’s or Maevis’. It was limited to bolstering already existing materials. She wouldn’t make a very good soldier, but her trait was useful in a variety of other ways.

Instant fortification of cheap materials would make building costs plummet. If she were to open up her own construction company, her overhead would be unbelievably low. Thanks to her, the stone walls of Zazzy’s Place were stronger than steel.

Because he’d saved so much from paying her instead of buying actual steel, all the workers got a nice bonus once they’d finished the other details.

Once the painting and cleaning was done, a giant feeder and water purifier were installed. Tidas had them put at the back end, to keep it easy for Zazzy to get to. The purifier was connected to the irrigation system for the field, so it had a constant water source. The food was the more tricky part. Not just the feeder, either.

Eating over two-hundred and fifty pounds of food a day was getting difficult to come by. She was eating about half a cow a day now, and the amount she ate daily would only continue grow. The couple days leading up to a growth spurt, she ate a good fifty pounds extra. Then she would have to maintain the new amount to stop from being hungry.

Skye missed feeding her magic. It was a fun bonding experience, and she always made sure to have time to feed her. Now, she barely got to see her.. Until her wonderful husband had surprised her. Skye was floored by his gift, and showed him as Zazzy scurried over to her food bin. It had dried food pellets in it that were specifically made for her.

Being inspired by one of her ancient tomes, Skye had designed and made a dragon version of ‘dried dog food’. It had beef, goat, and chicken in it for meat. Potatoes, carrots, wheat, tomatoes, and other easily grown vegetables were in it too, since Zazzy was an omnivore. It was all cooked down, compacted, then dried for easier feedings on Peggy. It had been a time-consuming hassle for both Peggy and the palace chefs to keep the food coming for Zazzy, so they were grateful when Skye had invented an alternative.


As Zazzy happily munched away, Skye kissed her husband passionately. He hadn’t been expecting her to be so enthusiastic, but eagerly welcomed it. They hadn’t been intimate since Jakub had come into their room while they slept naked. When Skye pressed her body against his, Tidas gripped her tightly to himself as he matched her fervor.

Breaking the kiss to breath, Skye locked eyes with her husband; “I believe I saw a bed in there, correct?”

Tidas flashed a devilish grin that made Skye’s heart pound faster; “Aye, a nice big one that’s beggin’ to be broken in..”

As he finished speaking, Tidas scooped Skye up into his arms, and started walking towards the cottage. She’d instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled against him. Inhaling his scent deeply as he carried her inside.

Not wanting to be apart or waste time, Tidas kicked the door shut with his foot, then carried his wife over to their bed. After dropping her down gently, he stole her breath with a deep, ardent kiss. Right as Skye thought she was going to faint, Tidas broke away to begin undressing.

Skye had barely caught her breath when a naked Tidas started to help her with her clothes. She shot him an amused expression as he pulled off her boots, pants, and underwear. She took off her shirts, and was about to remove her bra when her husband decided she wasn’t going fast enough.

Lifting her bra up, Tidas attached his mouth to her right nipple. She stifled a moan as he suckled and gently bit down, then hopped over to tease her left. He brought up his hand to knead and taunt the other, making Skye’s body hot all over.

Feeling her desire building, Skye reached down and began to stroke her husband’s manhood. Stopping every few motions to cup and fondle his sack. The little grunts he was making let her know exactly when and where to apply pressure with her fingers. She loved to hear him enjoying her affections.

Pulling away from her breasts, Tidas leaned back and looped one arm under her leg. He grabbed his hardness, and rubbed at her entrance with his tip. Feeling her wetness, he slid inside her halfway, and sighed huskily. She felt hot and tight. If he didn’t take it slow, he might not last past a few minutes.

As Tidas went in and out, he went a little deeper each time. While moving his hips, he watched his wife grip their bedsheet. Half to steady them, half to steady herself. He loved seeing her expressions while in the throes of pleasure.

After Tidas had worked his way down to his base, Skye’s hips began to move in sync with his. Making his every thrust as deep as possible. As their speed began to build, she locked eyes with her husband. The level of infatuation reflected in their eyes for each other was so intense that they lost each other to their desire.

Tidas nearly came crashing down on top of Skye as his need to taste her lips overwhelmed him. They’d even stopped moving their other various parts to properly show each other their adoration. After the kiss, they basked in each other’s loving gaze as they moved slowly; as one.

“I love you Skye.”

“I love you Tidas.”

Those were the only words spoken. Feeling a surge of affection for her husband, Skye tugged at his arm, signaling him to flip to his back. Pulling out and laying down flat, Skye straddled Tidas, then slid down onto him until he was fully sheathed within her.

Skye loved everything about her husband, but their lovemaking was her favorite thing that they did together. In their bed, every ounce of love they held for each other could be expressed. It wasn’t the only way they did it, or the most important, but it was the funnest; in Skye’s opinion.

As Skye was about to hit her first peak, Tidas gripped her hips, and pushed his upwards. He had learned this little trick the last time that they’d made love. It was equivalent to expecting a single slice of cake, and receiving the whole thing.

Feeling the size of her build, Skye knew she wouldn’t be able to hold her scream of pleasure in. She didn’t want Zazzy to come bursting through the door thinking she was being hurt, so Skye grabbed the bra that was still attached to her, and bit down on it right as she hit her peak.

Seeing his sweaty wife riding him, gagging herself with her bra to stifle her cries of pleasure pushed Tidas to his breaking point. Her breasts bounced as she rode him, and she’d flung her head back as she cried out. The erotic sight of his gorgeous wife in pure ecstasy made him call out her name as he climaxed and shuddered.

After Skye collapsed onto his chest, Tidas simply wrapped his arms around her. They were both breathing hard, and needed a few minutes to recover enough to form words. As they lay in bed cuddling each other, Skye removed her bra from her mouth and fell into deep contemplation.

She felt out of touch with reality. Like her world was a perfect bubble that no one could pop. Skye wondered if every couple felt this way when in love, but let the thought go. Nothing mattered right now except his steady heartbeat, and the calm she felt. Wanting to enjoy the feeling, she let her mind wonder to more benign thoughts.

Everything was vivid and bright as she looked about the part of the room that she could see without moving. When Skye and Tidas’ eyes were locked, something had clicked within her. She didn’t understand the feeling because she didn’t think that there was a deeper level to her love for her husband. But here she was..

Lifting her head up to look him in the eyes, Skye asked; “That was.. Did ye feel that too?”

“Aye.. What was that? Did you use your magic or something?”

Skye shook her head; “No.. I just wondered what you were feelin’, then.. I felt you, in here..”

Skye sat up and put her hand on her chest; “Like I could feel what ye feel for me.”

Tidas scooted and sat up on the bed; “I know.. It was like a fire that didn’t-couldn’t, burn me.. Does that even make sense?”

Skye chuckled; “No, but aye.. To me it does.. I love you, Tidas.”

The genuine adoration in her voice and expression made Tidas’ throat stick with emotion. He felt how much Skye loved him, and she knew he loved her just as much. During their coupling they had connected on some deep, unfathomable level. Their souls had mingled and become one, albeit only for a moment. Grabbing Skye and pulling her to him, Tidas let all thoughts drain away as he listened to the steady breathing of the one he loved most in existence..

A loud, gut-wrenching roar of a sound shook the happy couple from their daze. Skye’s heart sank as she identified the noise’s origin: Zazzy. Dressing as fast as she could, Skye ran out the door while still buttoning her shirt. As she passed the corner of the cottage, Zazzy came into view. She was laying on her side with blackish-green ooze coming out of her mouth.

“ZAZZY!” Skye screamed out of panic.

Placing her hands on Zazzy, Skye began to check her over as she built up her Shaman magic. She reassured Zazzy she’d make her feel all better in just a few moments. The second she had enough magic, Skye immediately funneled it into the baby dragon.

As she realized was was wrong, Skye’s anger hit an all-time high. She tried her best to keep it in check, at least until she’d finished healing Zazzy, but it was hard to do.

“What happened? What’s wrong with her? I checked the surrounding area, there’s no one here..”

Skye spoke in a dark tone that turned his blood cold; “Oh, Someone was here.. And when I find out who, ima gonna kill’em me self..”

“Why? What happened?”

Skye stood up after she knew Zazzy would be ok and said; “Someone tried to poison Zazzy.. I swear: if I find them, I’ll kill them..”

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