Dawning Skye

Chapter 208

208 Work To Be Done

After Tidas had left his room, he’d headed straight for the RMC headquarters. Information on all the mages in Alcon were stored there. He had some questions about Skye’s lineage, and figured he’d start with Lucas’ service record. He also needed to restart the investigation into the magistrate that was extorting money from Alfred and the other Fae.

‘I might have to put Shasta on that, but I don’t think I can trust her to keep calm. If it’s connected to the slave trade at all, she’s gonna be pissed..’

Memories of previous raids he’d done with Shasta began to flood the prince’s mind. She was reckless when it came to the slavers themselves; charging in without understanding her surroundings yet. As her commanding officer, it infuriated Tidas quite a bit that she’d risk her life so carelessly. But being a former slave herself caused her to react strongly to those situations.

If the magistrate truly was embezzling money from Alfred and the other Fae-run businesses to support slavery in any way, Shasta was sure to snap. ‘Most of the owners are former slaves.. If she finds out that the money is being used to support slavery, she might kill him.. Maybe he’s just ripping them off because of what they are? Maybe he thinks no one would care because they’re not humans? Damn it! I wish Marco didn’t take that file!’

As thoughts ran amuck in his mind, Tidas’ feet took him into his office. He was sitting for maybe three minutes before a knock came from his door. It was right around midnight or so when he’d gotten to his office, so it was odd to him that someone was still there. Usually the only ones he ever saw were the guys from the R&D Department.

It was easier for them to submit their paperwork after normal hours; no one around to directly argue their requests with. Magnus was fascinated with the ‘gizmos’ that the Research and Development Department came up with. They not only reworked or reverse-engineered many artifacts, but were using the basic principles to create new types of magic items that combined ancient technology with specific magic.

One of the latest, most promising inventions was a motorized tiller that made the soil more nutrient-rich as one used it. Crop rotations and labor would nearly be cut in half, so long as they had an electrical source. Most of the farms were owned by nobles, so they would be interested in the cost cuts. The commoners who did the actual work would be happy about the time saved.

The machine itself released Earth magic into the soil as the blades spun. It was created using Manic, Earth, and Water magic, and was one of Jakub Yeager’s most recent inventions. His Manic and Tank traits made infusing large amounts of magic into each item relatively easy, so long as the other mages could keep up.

The only other Water Mage aside from Skye in the kingdom, one of Marco’s guards; was ordered to help. The other was a veteran Earth mage that could draw specific minerals to himself like a magnet. It had taken several tries, but the three-person team had pulled it off. They had made maybe three dozen that were designed to last sixty to seventy years so far, and had another three thousand to go.


It was a project that would take years to finish, but the king insisted on it after his sons had actually agreed upon it’s value. It was rare for Tidas and Marco to agree to something the first time around on anything. So Magnus insisted upon there being enough for the whole of Alcon, plus some for backups and diplomatic gifts.

Tidas and Jakub had known each other since his indoctrination. Being moved straight to the R&D Department had caused a few waves amongst some of the cadets that had passed their trial. Tidas had visited him often after a threatening note was found on his work desk. They grew to be friends after a short time; good enough for Jakub to make a generator for Tidas’ now father-in-law. ‘I wonder if he’s received it yet?’

After Tidas had called out to whomever to open the door, a large smile stretched across his face. It was Jakub coming to visit and drop off some paperwork. He had the small stack in his hands, and a grin on his face as he entered the room. Chortling at the prince’s seemingly irate state, he said; “Someone seems pissy tonight..”

Tidas half glared, half smirked at his friend; “Don’t start, Jakub.. I’m not in the mood for your sense of humor. What do you want this time? I already told you that neither Zas or Shasta are available to help you; we’re too busy.”

Plopping down into one of the chairs in front of the prince’s desk, Jakub snickered; “And what about you? I just need your strength for two hours, three at the most.. Come ooon! You know you want to help-”

“If I had any extra time, it wouldn’t be spent with you. I do have a wife, you know..”

Jakub scoffed cockily; “Wow, are you surly tonight. What happened? Did the baby dragon drool all over your clothes again?”

“That’s a real problem, and I don’t appreciate you making light of it,” Tidas replied testily.

Jakub put his hands up in a defensive manner; “Consider it dropped.. So what’s got your boxers in a bunch?”

“Why are you here, Jakub?”

“Can’t a man stop by to see a buddy while dropping off some paperwork? You have a very suspicious nature; can’t be good for your health,” Jakub answered jokingly.

Tidas scoffed; “Probably the only reason I’m still breathing..”

“Ok, your fowl mood is bringing me down. What happened, and can alcohol make it better?”

Tidas exhaled in exasperation as he ran his hands over his face, then through his hair; “Just found out some bad news, that’s all.. And no, alcohol will not help. It’s not something I can change..”

“Whoa.. That does not sound like you at all..”

“What?” Tidas was nearing his limit.

“Don’t get stabby.. I’m just sayin’ that the ‘Great Hero of Alcon’ wouldn’t back off so easily.. Anyways, here you go.”

As soon as the papers were in Tidas’ hand, Jakub tried to rush out the door. Knowing what a quick getaway meant Tidas barked at him to stay put while he thumbed through the requests. The ones on top were usually reasonable, but the ones he hid in the middle were usually ridiculous. The first sheet he saw was one Jakub put in often.

“There is no scientific reason for you to take my father’s car for a ‘calibration test’, you just want to drive it..”

“Oh come on! Just one wee spin around the palace? I swear I can improve it! And I need to know how it rides if I’m gonna make one,” Jakub pleaded like a teenager.

Tidas jerked his head up from the papers; “Did someone request it, or is this another one of your projects?”

Jakub grinned mischievously; “My idea, your benefit!”

“No! For the last time, no.. What’s this?”

As the words left Tidas’ mouth, he pulled a slightly different sheet out from the stack as Jakub said, “Shit..”

Tidas recognized the sheet as a personnel request form. It was filled out strangely, which is why it’d caught his eye. All mages within the RMC were assigned to specific companies and squads. When requesting a specific individual, you needed all of their information that was available. He had the RMC information crossed out all over, and only a name sat by the request heading: Skye’s name.

“Jakub..” Tidas’ voice was low and threatening.

“I know she’s not an RMC member, but come On! You can’t expect me to wait until the trials to even See if she joins or not. The general consensus is divided, but I won’t risk waiting!”

“What do you mean general consensus?”

Jakub squirmed as he stood; “Well, Ahh.. Some.. Not naming names, but Some think that she won’t pass, and I don’t see a point in waiting. Plus I’d like to meet the poor woman that is the center of your obsession.”

“I’m not obsessed, just mutually in love you ass. Now quit trying to distract me and tell me what do you want with my wife?”

Jakub stuck his hands into his pants pockets like a child getting scolded; “I wanted to see if she could help me. Sheri and Malcolm in the same place is hard, so I was wondering if your wife could help? Please? Please, please, please?!”

“Geez, alright! I’ll ask her to help! But she’s definitely gonna want something in return,” Tidas had a cheeky smile on his face as he finished.

Seeing the prince’s reaction made Jakub a bit nervous, but that was probably intentional. The two joked around with each other nearly every time they saw one another. Even though he was a prince, Tidas was just like most people. As he watched his friend zone out staring at the sheet of paper, he began to imagine what kind of person Skye must be..

After Shasta, Zas, and Ralph; Jakub was probably the prince’s next closest friend. Of course there was Maevis, Nicolas, and Peggy too, but they were more like Skye’s relatives to him. Which made them more like family than friends. And Skye..

Tidas’ wife was in a league all her own to him. She was his partner in every way; his other half. Losing one of his friends would break his heart, but losing Skye would most likely kill him..

‘Is this the kind of hell Skye went through when she thought I was dead? No, it must’ve been much, much worse considering I can’t even get to the point of imagining it. I really owe that woman everything..’

As the two stared off into space, neither heard the knock from the door, or the subsequent creaking from the door opening. Zas had stepped into the room, and was now wondering what the two were doing just.. staring off.

Once he cleared his throat, Zas spoke in a boom voice; “Is there a particular reason you two are just sitting around doing nothing? Are we philosophers now?”

Tidas snapped out of his dreary thoughts; “Why is everyone awake at this time?! I was hoping to get some work done.”

Zas shrugged; “Hey, you’re the one who played hooky today. Don’t get mad when the work is still here when you get back.”

“I have done nothing But work since I got back so I could make time with Skye, but you two and Shasta seem to be determined to keep me from her! Zas, I’m not gonna say it again: SIGN BOTH SIDES of a DOCUMENT. And tell Shasta if she doesn’t go to a writing class, I’ll hose her down with ice water..”

Zas whistled; “Someone’s cranky today..”

“That’s what I said,” Jakub added.

“I swear by the gods...” Tidas stated as he pinched the bridge of his nose, and squeezed his eyes shut.

‘I have about eighteen things I have to do before I can go home and sleep. I probably won’t get the chance to tonight since it’s already after twelve-thirty in the morning.. That’s it..’

Raising both his head and voice, Tidas spoke to Zas and Jakub; “I’ll ask Skye to help you, but it has to be on a day I specify.”

“Why?” the two asked simultaneously.

“Because I plan on doing something special for Skye soon, and I’ll need a designated time she’s gone so I can surprise her.. Haha! She gonna flip..”

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