Dawning Skye

Chapter 200

200 The King’s Guilt

Skye explained the day’s events to Peggy as the old servant set out their clothes for dinner. Maevis and Tidas began to thumb through one of the books that was in the box with the legend. Zazzy rubbed and trilled at Tidas as well, which didn’t happen often. She bounced from Skye to Tidas like an overexcited puppy the entire time that her mother spoke with Peggy.

Each book was sectioned and filled with theories from a dozen different researchers. It seemed like a lot to go through, each having their own theory on the legend’s meaning.

As soon as Skye finished talking to a now-distraught Peggy, a knock came from their door. Tidas and Skye exchanged a glance before he set down the book, and nodded to Peggy to answer the door. Upon opening it, one of the King’s Guardsmen entered their room, and bowed to the royal couple and diplomat.

Tidas stepped forward when he saw an envelope in the guard’s hand; “Do you have a message for me from my father?”

The guard cleared his throat and replied; “No sir, it’s for Princess Skye. The king has summoned her for a private dinner. He sends his apologies for the abrupt notice, but also said that both of you would understand the time constraints of a king.”

Skye scoffed as she smiled, trying to hide her frustration as she said; “You may tell Mag-the king, that I am at his service whenever he has need of me. What time should I arrive?”

The guard hesitated a moment; “He said within an hour, but then commented that ‘you’re never on time’, so I should say an hour and a half to you instead. But also stress to you Not to be late.”

Maevis fluttered over; “Did he also tell you to tell her your entire conversation?”

The guard shrugged slightly; “Aye, Lady Diplomat.”


Maevis scoffed with a sad smile; “He’s cheeky like his ancestor as well..”

Skye saw her friend’s expression, but she didn’t have time to discuss it now. Magnus had requested a private dinner with her, and her nerves were already shot from the day. If it had been anyone but him, she would’ve refused, and spent the night researching with Tidas and Maevis.. But one did not refuse the king.

Washing, dressing, and doing her hair in record time(for her), Skye rushed down the hallways led by Peggy, and closely followed by two of Tidas’ Personal Guard. They were not only meant to keep her safe, but if Marco were to show up, one was to immediately run back and tell him. He wasn’t taking any chances with his wife’s safety anymore...

Rushing up to the king’s parlor door just in time, Skye stopped a moment and caught her breath. Peggy’s breathing was barely strained, causing Skye to wonder if she should shadow Peggy for a few weeks to build up her stamina. If she wasn’t Tidas’ wife it wouldn’t be a problem. ‘I can only imagine the size of the aneurysm Karena would have if she saw me, haha! Maybe I should-no, no.. Can’t be evil now; Ima supposed to be the good guy.. Sucks sometimes though..’

“Princess Skye Moonstone, Your Grace..” the King’s Guardsmen stationed outside the room announced.

“Enter,” came the singular reply from the king.

Skye knew this was coming. She thought he would’ve summoned her earlier than this, but that was most likely on purpose as well. Magnus knew that Skye hated to stew. To sit and wait instead of fixing the problem was maddening to her, therefore his small way of punishing her for withholding her power from him.

As she walked in through the door, Magnus had to rub his eyes a moment. Aside from her hair color, Skye was the spitting image of her mother. Her face, her smile; every inch of her resembled her true mother. A sharp pain ripped through his heart as Skye’s appearance forced nostalgia to cloud the king’s head and heart..

Magnus really did see Skye as the daughter he never had. If her true mother would’ve lived, she might’ve become Tidas’ sister instead of his wife, or so Magnus had daydreamed. The truth of the matter was that he knew Sorcha loved Lucas as much as he loved her. Enough to risk the ire of their king..

Lucas Moonstone was famously known as ‘Moonie’, but everyone only knew half the tale.. The story went that he’d supposedly gotten into a fight with the king over a game. As punishment for insulting the king, he was assigned latrine duty the following day. After months of shoveling shit, he’d gotten sick of it, gotten drunk, and mooned the king on his way out of the capital. Both offenses would’ve gotten any regular man killed, but not Lucas. Supposedly their friendship overcame Lord Moonstone’s discretion, but that wasn’t entirely true..

The fight had started during one of their games, but not over Magnus being a sore loser. Lucas had told his friend of his intentions to marry Sorcha, not wanting any secrets between them. Magnus had exploded with rage, and demoted Lucas for his ‘betrayal’.

They had both openly admitted to having feelings for the same woman, and even joked about it. That was when Magnus thought that there was no woman alive that would turn down a king’s proposal.. But Sorcha had.

She’d already fallen in love with Skye’s father, and wanted their friend, and their king’s blessing. Magnus had dismissed her, and forbade them from marrying.. But the deed was already done by the time she went to see him. Shortly after Magnus had assigned Lucas to latrine duty, they’d married without his knowledge or consent.

Being the king, of course he knew of their marriage. It took months for his ire to cool, but he loved Sorcha enough to want her happy. He was contemplating whether or not he wanted to invite them back to court, or banish them for good when Lucas had earned his nickname..

Magnus hadn’t realized how much he’d missed Lucas until then. He was a man who had not only saved his life, but was a true friend to him. He never prettied his words, or beat around the bush like every other sycophant at his court. If he were to truly be honest with himself; Sorcha and Lucas were his best friends. He should’ve been happy for them, but his wounded pride drove him to childish actions. Ones that made him partially blame himself for Sorcha’s death..

While Magnus knew that they married, and were even expecting a child; he still ‘forbid them from marrying’. He called Lucas to the capital constantly, keeping him away from Sorcha a good chunk of her pregnancy out of spite. When Sorcha neared her due date, desperate; Lucas told Magnus that he had impregnated his mistress. And requested time away to be present for the child’s birth, in case it happened to be a boy.

Not realizing he’d gone on playing his vindictive little game Sorcha’s entire pregnancy, he gave Lucas open leave from court. He was to return once the child was settled, and the mother happy. Lucas thanked his benevolent king and friend, then took off from the capital.

Lucas had rushed home just in time to see Skye born. She was so tiny, but cried like a warrior; or so he’d told Magnus in a letter. He’d explained how healthy and beautiful his daughter was, and that the mother was doing well and was happy. It hurt Magnus to know that the woman he loved was happy with another, but it did give his a small piece of solace to know that it was with Lucas.

They were living is a tiny house while Lucas had Moonstone Castle built on the property next to Sorcha’s family’s property. The Warricks were very close to each other, and gathered often for nearly any reason. Their temporary home was about halfway between the capital and Sorcha’s family home.

Her older brother, and Lidia’s husband; lived with her parents in the main branch family’s estate. Since he was the oldest, he was set to inherit while Sorcha received a generous dowery. She and Lucas had decided to spend it on their dream home, and had the castle started being built less than a month after Skye was conceived.

From what Magnus knew, one of Sorcha’s family members was having a party when the fire had started. Lucas was at home with the nursemaid and a sick Skye, and Lidia Drummond was out in the garden when everyone else burned.. Including his dear Sorcha.

‘They were only living in that hobble of a house because they couldn’t be seen together. If only I had told Lucas I knew, maybe Sorcha would still be here, instead of dead.. Skye would’ve never gotten sick if she would’ve been in a proper house.. Lucas and Sorcha would’ve been here presenting Skye to me instead of her going to her family’s home. My goddaughter.. It’s my fault she’s grown up without her true mother.. Why she knows nothing about her family’s history.. And on top of it all, we never caught who set the fire. I’m a failure as a king, a friend, and a man...’

Skye eyed the king with nervous suspicion. He didn’t often stare off into space like he was now, and his complexion seemed far paler than normal. She noticed tiny beads of sweat on his forehead, and felt worry beginning to build within her gut. After several minutes of him simply staring off, Skye walked over to his side, and began to check his temperature and heartbeat.

The pace was slower than she would’ve liked it to be, and his skin was cool to the touch. Walking over to the couch, Skye pulled a thick, soft blanket from the back of it, and laid it across the king’s lap. The pressure from the blanket, and activity around him brought Magnus out of his thoughts. He shook his head slightly, happy that Skye was the only one in the room with him, therefore the only one to see it. The king was about to turn seventy-four soon, and was feeling his age more and more, with each passing day. He felt like this would be his final year, but Skye had other plans..

Instead of taking her seat, Skye stayed standing by Magnus’ side. She set one hand on top of his head, and the other on his upper chest. When he went to say something to her, she actually shushed him as she funneled her Shaman magic into him. He felt fine at first, then began to cough hard. So hard, he nearly fell out of his chair.. But Skye kept her magic flowing.

After a few seconds, several guards rushed into the room; swords drawn and pointed at Skye. She didn’t flinch as she maintained her contact with the king. He was coughing up a mix of blood, and blackish-grey goo. The guards were screaming at her to step away from the king, but Skye wouldn’t budge until she knew her father-in-law was alright.

Right as one of them lifted his sword to strike Skye down, Magnus lifted his hand up. All four guards froze in place as the king caught his breath, and wiped his mouth. He looked to Skye, who was staring at the sword tip an inch from her face. He coughed a couple more times to clear his throat, then asked; “What the Hell was that?!”

Skye put the tip of her finger on the tip of the sword, and slowly moved it away from her face as she spoke; “That was me forcing a slow-acting poison out of yer system.. Umm, can these guys put their swords away now?”

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