Dawning Skye

Chapter 197

197 Intrigue And Instinct

*****Language Warning*****

Tidas had a terrible feeling about his brother’s visit. He checked his desk and cabinets to see if anything was amiss, but couldn’t find anything. He was a little perturbed not to see the report he’d asked Corporal Radcliffe for. Putting two and two together, he figured Marco got his hands on the papers. It would explain why he’d brought up needing a tail for the magistrate in the first place..

The RMC didn’t handle things of that nature unless a mage was involved. As far as Tidas knew, the magistrate in question wasn’t one. Marco had no need to request a tail from him when the palace and regular soldiers usually handled it. ‘He most likely asked me for help as a guise to find out what else I knew..’

‘Why though?! Who is the magistrate to him? He’s never been in the palace, he’s never been seen with Marco...but that also tells me something.. I’ve never heard of him before Skye sent Klaus on Alfred’s behalf.. Maybe he’s related to one of Marco’s lapdogs? No, that doesn’t make sense. Marco would do a favor to gain something, but why This magistrate?’

As Tidas ran through different possibilities, another thought crept into the back of his mind that shot straight to the forefront. Marco might’ve known Skye was the one to notify him of the magistrate’s corruption. He knew Tidas was investigating, so it was possible that he knew why and how he started. If that were true, he’d most likely track down Skye to find out what she knew as well..

Knowing his wife was currently at the library, Tidas looked out his window in search of his brother. The library was down the road slightly, to his left. The right road led back to the palace. If he went towards the library, then Tidas would go there himself. If Marco headed to the right, Tidas would go about his daily work.

He watched out the window for ten minutes or so, before frustration and unease got the better of him. Tidas was going to go straight to the library to check on Skye, but the minute he opened his door, Corporal Radcliffe was standing in front of him. Her hand was up and balled like she was about to knock.

With an expression akin to a scared wee puppy, the Corporal spoke; “Oh! I-I was, *cough*-Excuse me, I’m sorry sir! I-I don’t know what happened! I mean, I know what happened, but I don’t know why, or how, and! Please don’t demote me, sir!”

“Corporal, it’s fine. You’re both adults; it’s not my place to judge. Just don’t do it on the clock, alright?” Tidas replied, then attempted to go around her.


Corporal Radcliffe grabbed his arm like a frightened child; “That’s what I need to talk to you about, sir.. It, it was consensual at first, but..”

Tidas pulled the lass into his office, and closed the door a moment. The Corporal was nearly in tears, so Tidas assured her again that she wasn’t in trouble. She took a shaky breath and told him that she wasn’t scared of him.. She explained how she’d felt around the Crowned Prince. As she spoke, it was made completely clear to Tidas that Marco had used his magic on her.

After she’d finished her story, Tidas looked at her in confusion; “Why were you coming into my office in the first place?”

Radcliffe stared off into space a moment, then looked at the prince with trepidation as she replied; “I.. I don’t remember..”

Tidas exhaled in exasperation at Marco’s ability to cover his tracks. He knew she was most likely bringing him the report on the magistrate when Marco saw her. After he saw what was in the report, he risked exposing himself to wipe Radcliffe’s memory of the documents.

‘What could’ve been so important?! What is he up to?!’ He racked his mind as he comforted the poor lass. She was a victim of circumstance; none of it was her fault. Tidas had no doubts that Marco used his magic on the poor girl.. ‘But Why wipe her memory of the report?’

Radcliffe openly admitted to being attracted to him. Marco didn’t need to use his magic if his goal was simply to coax her into sleeping with him. It would’ve been easier just to tell her where and when to meet him. From how Radcliffe explained herself, she gladly would’ve put herself in the line of fire..

The lass had not only been saved by Tidas intervening, but she’d dodged a Karena-shaped bullet as well. If she knew of the girl’s near-tryst with her husband, RMC member or not; she would’ve destroyed the poor lass. Tidas felt terrible for the innocent people she’d crushed on whims, but he could only protect those he knew about. Marco was a reprobate, and Tidas only actually knew of a handful of his ‘conquests’.

After about forty minutes of talking and calming the Corporal, Tidas gave her the information again, then readied to take off towards the library. The unease he’d felt earlier was tenfold now. His gut screamed at him to run to Skye; like he knew she was in trouble..

Right as the idea crossed his mind, a strange wave of magic rushed through Tidas. It was dizzying; enough so to make him step back from his door and grip his desk to steady himself. The feeling in his gut now reached his chest. In a panic; he attempted to tap into his magic, and take off to the library, but Zas stepped into his path, and flagged him down in the hallway.

Right as Zas was waving, a Lieutenant began to approach him muttering about incomplete signatures. The research and development department had requested a mage escort to for an artifact test. As the two came at him from both sides, Tidas turned and aimed for the back exit of the RMC Headquarters.

As he went to take a step, the realization hit him: that was how Marco had left earlier without Tidas seeing him. Anger at his brother’s cleverness and his lack of foresight surged, causing him to send out a wave of magic. Both Zas and the Lieutenant froze in their tracks at the hostile intent that accompanied his magic.

Zas saw Marco leave earlier and knew that the prince would be irritated, but this was a whole other level. The last time he’d seen Tidas this angry was when a slaver tried to use a child as a shield. It took a lot of convincing for Tidas not to kill him, and it seemed he needed similar convincing now.

Zas cleared his throat and called out to Tidas; “I don’t know what he said or did, but whatever you’re thinking; it’s not a good idea!”

Tidas locked eyes; “Depends on if he’s done anything to her..”

Zas instantly knew who the prince was talking about. Skye was the only person that could drive Tidas to do something insanely rash; like threaten or injure the future king. Doing either, brother or not; he would be put to death. Especially if it got physical, Magnus would make sure the law was enforced.

After his brother’s attempt on his life, Magnus unconsciously kept Lawrence and Tidas at a distance. Both knew he hadn’t intended to, and didn’t hold it against him. Zas thought it was ridiculous that he could hold his sons responsible for his brother’s actions in any way, but he was king. All Zas could do was try his best to protect his friend...

“If you do anything to him, you risk not only your life, but hers too! DON’T Do Anything Stupid!”

Tidas scoffed at Zas’ warning, and took off towards the back exit. The general growled low as his ears flicked back in frustration. Skye was a great person, and suited Tidas well, but his reactions to her were going to get him in trouble; if not worse. As he and the Lieutenant merged and talked in the hallway about the protection assignment, Zas contemplated the high possibility of Skye passing the Mage Trials.

Zas knew that Tidas would never be able to let Skye take to the battlefield without him. Especially if she beat all odds and gained the rank that accompanied first place. She would most likely be assigned a different section of the field than him, causing him to lose focus and possibly get killed. Zas’ heart lurched in his chest as a possible solution entered his mind: ‘What if Skye lost during the trials?’

If he could beat her, the Skye would most likely be assigned to the Field Medics. It was still a dangerous job, but most didn’t bother to engage in battle with healers. It was considered dishonorable, but combat was still a high possibly. Only Shamans with fighting experience were allowed to be Field Medics, and Skye would be perfect for the job.

Zas could use his connections within the RMC to have Skye placed in the Medical Squad attached to Tidas’ company. It would put him at ease, and generally keep her out of danger. Skye would be angry not to win, but Zas felt it was something he needed to do. He could possibly even get Klaus and Ronnie to help him, if they were placed on the same team. As the Lieutenant walked and talked with him, Zas began to calculate who he needed to talk to about it all..

The moment Tidas appeared in front of the doors to the library, Klaus and Ronnie knew something was wrong. He had told them to stick close to her, but Skye didn’t want them with her as she looked for study materials. Neither knew that the prince had requested Dr. Lyberth to gather the materials ahead of time.

When Tidas came through the door and asked where Skye was, angry confusion covered his features before as he quickly explained the situation. As soon as the two heard Marco’s name, they shared a worried glance with each other, prompting Tidas to ask why. They explained that they’d felt someone watching them earlier, but saw several people staring at them, so they’d brushed the instinct off.

Panic surged within Tidas as he glanced around the room. He focused his trait, and listened for his wife’s voice. That was when he heard her say something about a debriefing, and Marco telling her that he would tell him about it later. The tone of his voice held irritation due Skye’s hesitation.

His fury nearly choked him, but Tidas was able to keep it in check with his relief that Skye was still in a crowded room. She was literally in the process of refusing to leave with him; only him.. Which nearly made Tidas’ vision go red.

Immediately heading in the direction of his wife, Tidas heard his wife say loudly; “I would Really feel better if Tidas were there as well.”

Feeling his anger and relief battling it out within him, Tidas coolly said; “I think so, too.. What did you need my wife and I for, brother?”


Turning their heads, Skye and Marco watched as Tidas, Klaus, and Ronnie cross the room with long strides. All three looked irate, but only to those who knew them; like Skye. She could feel their fury as they approached, and noticeably felt Tidas’ magic spike when his eyes fell on their clasped hands.

Walking up to his brother, Tidas spoke in a low, threatening voice that only Skye, Marco, and himself could hear; “If I ever see you touch my wife again, I will cut your fucking hands off..”

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