Dawning Skye

Chapter 180

180 Willpower

After a thorough chewing out from Peggy; Skye and Shasta walked over to her table to sit and discuss her new Tank trait. Zazzy curled herself around Skye’s feet after her mother sat down. She purred and made her occasional happy wee trill noise while being pet, then drifted off as they talked. Shasta had scrunched down and pet her a few times herself before actually sitting down.

Since Tank was also Shasta’s trait, she felt she could help her new friend quite a bit. As they talked, she thought about all of Skye’s current traits and the totality in which she could wield them.

None of Skye’s traits seemed to be limited in their aspects, like most other mages. From what Zas had said, Skye could manipulate any mineral or plant she wanted; just like Maevis. Anything having to do with Earth magic: Skye was capable of it. Based off of what Shasta had experienced first-hand, her Water and Shaman traits seemed to be just as advanced. Even if she only had one trait, Skye would still be considered remarkably powerful due to it.

Skye was so petite that the VC decided training both aspects of her trait would benefit her the most. Especially since her traits seemed to be unlimited within their set. No one would expect such a wee thing like Skye to pack a punch. The thought led to another that made a devilish grin spread across Shasta’s face. Skye was explaining all the various ways she tried to figure out exactly what emotion triggered her new trait when Shasta interrupted her.

“About your new trait.. Don’t tell Tidas, ok?”

Skye shot Shasta a confused look; “What? Why? He could help me a lot with this?!”

“I think ye should tell him! It never turns out well when ye try and hide somethin’ like this,” Peggy added.

Shasta huffed in irritation; “I’m just saying to do it because when it comes to the trials, he’ll be your final obstacle.. And it’s not like you’ll see any of the other participants showing us their tricks.”

Skye leaned back in her seat. She had nearly forgotten that little fact. The king did announce at last year’s trials that the Pillars would be fully involved this year as obstacles. Fighting her husband was a scary thought to Skye. Not because she was afraid of him hurting her; the opposite, in fact. She didn’t want him to take it easy on her just because of who she is to him.


The whole reason Skye had even wanted to join the RMC was to get stronger and be with Tidas. She’d feared being indoctrinated since the day after she learned she had magic. To be away from her home, and to have to kill people that were generally just defending their homes.. Skye wanted nothing to do with it then.

When Tidas came back to her, she’d decided to never leave his side again, no matter what she’d have to endure. He’d gone through uncountable hardships on his own for her, and the kingdom.

Tidas was always going to be her main reason for joining, but not her only one. Thanks to Zas and Lawrence’s perspectives, her reasons were rapidly growing. Tidas, Peggy, her father, her mother; everyone back home in Moonshire.. Everyone she’d met in Dragonhorn, Zazzy, Mei, Genie, Zas, Shasta, Lawrence, Magnus, Marie.. Her list of loved ones kept growing as her life stretched through time.

As scared as Skye already was, the idea of being powerless to save her friends and family scared her far worse. Her dreams had shown her that something dark and evil was coming. Something that wanted both her and Tidas dead.. Visions of the dark man from her dreams sent an ominous chill up her spine. Zazzy grunted and growled in her sleep as Skye fought back against her prophetic instinct.

‘It doesn’t matter; I’ll do whatever I have to. I Will learn how to use me power at will. I Will save Tidas, AND anyone else I damn well please! I don’t know what the Catalyst is yet.. But if being it will allow me the strength I need: BRING IT ON FATE!’

As Shasta watched Skye lose herself in her thoughts, a familiar flash of light lit up Skye’s eyes for a split second. Shasta shot up in her chair, and pointed at Skye with wide eyes and a slacked jaw. She shuddered a moment before she got two words out: “YOUR EYES!”

“I saw it too!” Peggy exclaimed with just as much shock as Shasta.

“Saw what? What about me eyes?!” Skye yelled as she rubbed at them.

“They flashed that weird glow again. Like they did when you flung me like a rag doll into the wall yesterday,” Shasta replied with a growing smile.

Skye beamed as she looked from Shasta to Peggy and asked; “Are they still, or...?”

“No, but what were you just thinking about? Just then?” Shasta inquired as she leaned forward.

Skye took in a deep breath before she told them her innermost thoughts, except about the dark man. Peggy stared sympathetically at her bairn while Shasta simply listened. Once she finished, they sat in silence for a few moments before Shasta muttered, “Willpower” under her breath.

Skye lit up like a Yuletide tree at the word; “What did ye say?!”

Shasta smirked; “Willpower.. That’s the drive behind your Tank trait. It’s when you don’t think; when it’s pure instinct to survive and protect. That’s the commonality!”

Skye and Shasta had stood while they spoke. Both had giant grins on their faces as they looked back and forth at one another. ‘Like children about to cause mischief,’ or so Peggy thought.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?!” Shasta exclaimed as her tail swayed happily.

“Late night sparring session? Can we?! How do we see?” Skye’s enthusiasm matched Shasta’s.

As the two were smiling, Shasta’s expression dropped; “Wait; do you have plans with Tidas or anything? The note?”

Shasta pointed to the paper sitting on top of a stack of books as she finished speaking. Skye turned her head to glance at it, smiled cheekily, then lightly blushed. Shasta had thought it was a message about dinner or the like, but Skye’s reaction made it clear that it wasn’t at all.

“So..” Shasta had her signature catty smirk on her face as she spoke; “What did the note say? Anything interesting?”

Skye chuckled as she replied; “I don’t think that you or Peggy want to be readin’ that.. Fair warning..”

Shasta outright laughed at the inference. She couldn’t believe that Tidas was bold enough to write a love letter. He was always the perfect little prince, then he grew up to be mister proper hero. Skye was the only subject he didn’t seem so calm and collected about. If she didn’t see him as a brother, she’d be tempted to read it just to see.

“Ack! Have some Decency!? What kinda lass did I raise?!” Peggy bellowed.

“A good one that is obviously loved by her husband very much,” Shasta answered with a smile.

Peggy looked to Shasta with surprise; “Did You just compliment both of us?!”

Shasta smirked; “Don’t get used to it you old bat.”

Peggy grinned cheekily back; “Oh aye, stray; I won’t.”

“Alrighty then! Let’s-Ahhh!”

Skye had forgotten Zazzy was curled around her feet. The instant she tried to take a step, she toppled over. Instead of landing face down, she’d caught herself with her arms; taking on a push-up position. Skye was shocked she’d caught herself, and happily called out, “Ima OK!”

Shasta burst out laughing while Peggy attempted to help Skye right herself again. Zazzy huffed testily at the minor disturbance before falling back asleep. After Shasta calmed herself, she suggested that they get going before it got too late. If Skye was leaving the palace, Klaus and Ronnie had to accompany her. It wasn’t fair to them to keep them out all night, so Shasta was trying to be quick.

Before the two women could take a step, Peggy was chiding them; “Excuse me?! But yer not goin’ anywhere until ye all eat something! Ye been out and about all day, you need a proper meal before you can do any else.”


“Don’t you ‘Peggy’ me, Skye Moonstone! Ye know what happens when ye don’t eat! Don’t make me go get yer husband to yell at ye too!”

“Ha! Like that’s scary,” Shasta retorted.

Skye looked to her friend; “No, but problematic if he starts askin’ questions..”

“So you decided then?” Shasta asked with a more serious expression.

“Aye, if I tell him, it’ll only add to his worries. But I.. I want to Win. I want to take the rank of Division General. The higher my rank, the more freedom I’ll have within the RMC to pick me own assignments.. So long as the king approves.”

Shasta grinned at Skye with amazement. Every time she got a new piece of information, she worked into how to reach her goals. It didn’t matter what the information pertained to, she would find a way to use it to her vantage. If Skye could be the first to cross the finish line, that would put her directly below the control of the Pillars.

Skye would be one of ten that had direct command of an entire division. Placing over ten thousand mages under her command. The nobles and other generals hadn’t been happy about a greenhorn being elevated so quickly. The argument had ended when both Magnus and Lawrence had pointed out that, “If a greenhorn could get past the Pillars, then they would’ve earned the rank.”

Determination shined in Skye’s eyes as she issued orders to Peggy; “Yer right, Peg. We all need to eat before we leave. Have some of the palace servants bring up a mix from the banquet hall. They don’t need to make anything special for us, just whatever they have cooked already. Tell the two in the hallway to help ye if need be, otherwise send them in as ye go. We’ll all eat here, then head over to the arena.”

“Why can’t ye train here? There’s that open spot in the courtyard ye could do it in?” Peggy suggested as she began to clear the books from the table.

“Because I can’t risk Tidas seeing me trainin’. Shasta’s right; if I want to beat the strongest man in Alcon, I’ll be needin’ a few tricks up me sleeves to do so.. Haha! I can’t Wait to see his face! It’s gonna be hilarious!”

Peggy sighed deeply as she tidied up a bit. Skye had another new power, and it scared the old servant to no end. She didn’t understand why it had to be Skye, but knew there was no use in complaining about it. ‘Fate is a fickled bitch..’

After she finished tidying up, Peggy quickly left the room and sent in Klaus and Maevis. Ronnie volunteered to help her carry everything, so only the two entered. Shasta panicked internally a moment, but it passed as Skye greeted the old fairy and said; “Sorry Maevis, but I’ll have to cancel our trainin’ for today.. but I’ll be needin’ yer help with somethin’ else, if ye don’t mind?”

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