Dawning Skye

Chapter 178

178 Her Determination(Part Three)

“Calm down, we’ll figure this out.. What did you feel when you flung me into the wall yesterday?” Shasta asked, finding what she’d just said slightly amusing.

No one had ever sent her flying like that except two people: Maevis and Tidas. Grant it, Maevis was also with Aero at the time. But Tidas had sent her flying after she’d gotten a little too rambunctious with some of the new cadets a while back. She’d been hitting her cream hard while being in a particularly bad mood. It was due to one of the many times she’d seen Lawrence go off with another woman.

It was idiotic of her to get jealous over someone that wasn’t hers to begin with, but Shasta couldn’t help herself. The cream usually made it easier to cope with the pain, but it hadn’t been enough for that particular day. Lawrence had spent most of the night flirting with various women, but it was when she went to leave that she saw a heart-wrenching sight.

Lawrence was in an alcove near the main doors to the throne room. A beautiful dark haired, dark skinned woman had herself wrapped around his body. Her breasts were practically hanging out as the foreign king fondled her. When he saw Shasta, he’d smiled, winked, and gone back to his public debauchery.

Shasta could feel her heart shattering as she forced herself to smile and nod at him. As soon as she did, she turned away hastily and rushed out of the throne room. She knew it wasn’t Lawrence’s fault; he didn’t know how she felt about him at that time. If he had, Shasta knew he wouldn’t have been so cruel.. But there was nothing to be done except take out her frustrations.

Once she’d left the palace, Shasta had immediately gone to the arena. She didn’t know that Tidas was there as part of a late-night training session with Zas. All she knew was that a bunch of the high-potential cadets were there for special training.

Both Zas and Tidas hadn’t realized she was there until the war cries from the cadets turned into screams of terror. Shasta had lost her temper and told six to rush her all at once. When they did, she transformed and started to rampage. Attacking anyone near her. If Tidas and Zas hadn’t of immediately stepped in, she might’ve really hurt someone.. Possibly caused a death or three.

Zas had received several scratches, but nothing serious. He’d distracted her while Tidas looked for an opening. When he found one, he slammed into Shasta full-force, and sent her flying into the wall. She’d landed just a few feet apart from where Skye had imbedded her. The only difference being that Tidas had knocked her unconscious.

Skye watched as two drops of blood dripped from her hand before she healed herself. Shasta had been pounding on her for hours, but her new trait hadn’t resurfaced yet. It activated at random times, making it hard to figure out the emotion connected to it.


All of Skye’s traits were linked to a specific emotion she experienced when channeling it. That was why her emotional state affected her magic to such extremes, or so she thought. Fighting Shasta yesterday had drudged up some of her more hostile, ugly feelings. She focused on each one individually, but still couldn’t get her new trait to activate on command.

Frustrated, Skye got up from the ground and headed towards the direction of the locker area. She stopped mid-stride, turned to Shasta, and thanked her for the day’s lesson. After confirming their time tomorrow, the downtrodden princess went to change.

As Shasta stood contemplating her friend’s issue, she huffed out of frustration for Skye. There wasn’t much Shasta could do for her but be her sparring partner. The key and control the princess needed couldn’t be found in anyone or anything else but herself. Books and teachers were tools to refine what laid within a person, but it was still up to them as an individual to bring it out in the first place. Skye would have to figure out where her new power came from before she could wield it..

Skye’s spirits were low as she exited the arena, and met up with Klaus and Ronnie right outside the gate. She had invited them in to train, but they had declined. They didn’t tell Skye that they scared of the Vice Commander, but their attitudes had made it apparent. They asked how her training had gone as the group mounted their respective horses. The question made the princess sigh in defeat as she flicked Thoth’s reins.

Jerking her head up, Skye balled her fists around her reins and answered with; “It was terrible, but I’ll get there.. I Will figure it out..”

Klaus and Ronnie shared a knowing smile between them before the group headed back to the palace. Shasta and Maevis were just coming out of the arena as the trio were heading around a corner. The two Fae exchanged a look between themselves, but it wasn’t as mutual as it’d been between the two men.

After a small, hesitant nod and a deep breath, Shasta grabbed Maevis, and took off after Skye’s group. They bobbed and weaved through the crowds and alleyways until they came out ahead of their targets. Shasta wanted to catch at least a piece of their conversation, but it was nearly over by the time she’d caught up to them.

“She’s not that bad! She’s a female Fae tryin’ to make it in a human-run world! She has to be tough!” Skye argued over the noise of the crowds as they trotted along down the street.

“Aye, but she doesn’t need to Damn-near kill every recruit with a wee bit of potential, either! It wouldn’t be so bad if she just held back a little!” Ronnie hollered back.

Skye pulled Thoth off to the side so as not to obstruct traffic is they spoke; “Do ye think the enemy will hold back?! Tis her Job to prepare us for real battles! I’d rather be properly prepared goin’ into a life or death situation; wouldn’t you?!”

“I agree with Princess Skye! Although I still think her attitude needs a drastic adjustment..” Klaus added as a new mass of shoppers and workers flooded the streets, acknowledging the princess as they passed by.

It was nearly five-thirty, and most were on their way home for the day. The sun was already halfway set as the people walked down the twilight-lit streets of the capital. Street lights that were a mix of electric and oil began to fill in the darkened gaps of the capital. Skye usually avoided crowds like the plague, but lately she’d simply found herself mixed in with the people. Many still acknowledged her, and thanked or blessed her as she passed by.

Shasta wasn’t surprised that it was happening, but what did shock her was the variety of people, as well as Skye’s reactions to them. Everyone from high-ranking nobles, to a few street urchins showed the princess gratitude as they rode at an amble pace. Skye greeted each person the same as the last, paying no mind to rank or status.

It amazed both Shasta and Maevis to see. Not just that Skye didn’t seem to differentiate, but the nobles didn’t seem to need their usual pomp and flattery. They thanked her as she passed, then generally said nothing but good things after. Shasta had caught one or two of them saying something negative about her, but she was positive that they were some of Marco’s lapdogs.

The capital seemed more peaceful lately, akin to a calm settling in. Skye felt the serenity around her and let herself forget her troubles a moment. She listened to the voices around her as the three traveled through the streets. Children laughing and playing, a baker calling out his final orders for the day, a little lass begging her father to put her on his shoulders..

“Do ye hear them? The people? The ones we’ll be responsible for protecting when we three Do join the RMC? They are why I want to fight..” Skye spoke with certainty in her tone.

“What about Prince Tidas? What does he think?” Klaus inquired, hoping that he wasn’t the only one who disapproved of the princess fighting.

Skye chuckled; “Well, he took a wee bit of convincing, but Tidas supports me.. So long as I don’t do anything reckless.”

“Does he know yer sparring with the Vice Commander then?” Ronnie asked snarkily.

Skye narrowed her eyes at Ronnie before she responded; “Now listen here ye two! I won’t have ye badmouthing Shasta in my presence, do ye understand?! Do it again and ye will see first-hand what Ima capable of with me Water and Earth magic!”

Ronnie shrinked at Skye’s reprimand, but Klaus rebutted; “Forgive us, princess.. But it’s hard for us to respect someone who treated you so badly upon their First time meeting you! To us, she’s no better than the nobles!”

Skye sighed in frustration before she calmly replied; “I was angry with her at first too! But she just wanted to make sure I was ready! She’s still tryin’ to do that! Ima tellin’ you two; Shasta is a great person! Ye just need to get to know her a bit!”

Shasta was utterly shocked at how vehemently Skye had defended her to her other friends. Most people would’ve agreed; even herself. She was moody and belligerent, and often took her frustrations out on whomever she found in the rings at the arena. Occasionally even a bar.. The two young guards weren’t wrong, but Skye was also right.

Being intentionally surly and intimidating helped to sort out those too weak to take to the battlefield. Shasta knew first-hand that strength didn’t automatically equate to bravery. The weakest man can become the strongest warrior simply by standing and resolving to fight. But one needed to stand on their own two feet first.

Shasta had seen far too many of her comrades die bloody to Ever want to see it again. If the ones who passed the Mage Trials couldn’t handle her, then there was No way they’d survive a real skirmish; let alone an actual war. Being liked wasn’t in her job description; training soldiers was. And no one would make her bend her standards, even if she liked them.

After the three made it to the palace, Ronnie broke off to report to Commander Tidas. He insisted on knowing whenever Skye left the palace, and when she returned. It was tedious, but the prince had every right to know where his wife was, and she him. Especially since the two seemed to attract trouble.

Skye had Klaus stand outside her hallway so she might have some privacy for a while. He agreed and told her to yell if she was in need of anything. After thanking him for the escort, the princess disappeared into her room.

Shasta was annoyed. There was no way she could observe Skye through a wall. A mean thought ran through her head about Skye relaxing on the other side, but she shoved it out. The princess looked too determined to just give up on the problem now. If Shasta had to bet, it would be on Skye having her nose buried in a book. Trying to figure out her power.

Wanting to know if she was right or wrong, Shasta approached Klaus. He’d visibly tensed upon seeing her, but that was the only change he’d made. Klaus stood in front of Skye’s hallway, blocking Shasta from easily entering. When she’d told him to move, he’d refused. Saying, “Princess Skye did not wish to be disturbed.”

Shasta’s usual play would’ve been to fly off the rails and threaten him, but she wanted to try things a little differently first; “I know you and the smaller one don’t like me, and I don’t blame you. Skye is a friend to me now, and I don’t plan on picking or teasing her anymore. I will, however, train her how I see fit. If you have an issue with that, then you can take it up in the ring any time..”

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