Dawning Skye

Chapter 164

164 Other Side

“Why on Earth would those Fools leave Skye alone with that damn stray!? Ima gonna tan their hides me self! Even the giant fuzzy one; I don’t care!”

Peggy was finishing up one of her projects when Tidas came into the room and told her where Skye was. She immediately began to rant about Zas, Ronnie, and Klaus leaving Skye’s side.

Zazzy was sleeping on the end of their bed with her stomach turned up, limbs splayed out, and her tongue hanging out from her mouth. Occasionally she twitched, but other than that, she’d stayed sleeping throughout the two’s entire conversation.

Tidas shifted his weight to his other foot as he stood against the doorframe to his room, explaining from a safe distance; “It wasn’t from Shasta, it’s due to her previous injuries.. From Jacob.”

Not thinking or caring; Peggy snapped about the situation. She ranted and raved about how Skye never listened to her, and that she ‘knew something like this was bound to happen’.

Tidas listened patiently as she vented her built up frustrations. Learning exactly how long Skye had been hiding her pain from him by the unwitting servant’s words.

After a bit more ranting, Peggy squared her hips at her supposed sympathetic ear; “And where were ye during all of this?! Workin’ again, I suppose..”

“I was, actually. Is there a problem with that?” Tidas replied a little sharper than he would’ve liked.

Peggy glared at the prince’s smart-ass reply; “Aye, when it’s to the point of Never seeing yer wife!”


“I see her every day!” Tidas snapped; he’d just gotten a similar lecture from his brother.

“Ye See her, but ye don’t spend any Time together! Work is important, providing for yer self and yer loved ones is important. An entire kingdom, generally speakin’ when it comes to ye.. But not at the cost of leavin’ yer wife by herself all the time.”

“She’s got you, her studies, her training, her socializing with my aunt and the Fae-”

“They Aren’t You! She misses You, ye bloody fool! Ye been runnin’ yer self ragged since yer honeymoon ended. Don’t ye think a newlywed couple should spend SOME time together?!”

Tidas sighed with a look of defeat. Both Peggy and Lawrence were right, and he knew it. He needed to work out a schedule for himself that involved time spent with Skye. He missed her terribly whenever he didn’t have his face utterly buried in reports and paperwork. It was why he made it a point to spend every dinner with her.

“I understand your point, Peg. I’m fairly caught up now, so I plan to make a schedule. That way I’m guaranteed to have time with my wife,” Tidas finished with a satisfied smirk.

“The only one who can guarantee that is you, not a piece of bloody paper,” Peggy snipped.

Tidas tone and temper were short as he spoke; “You know what I meant.”

“And you, me! Now stop yer caterwaulin’ and take these things to yer wife. Tell her I’ll have a bath ready for her when she gets back so she can relax properly,” Peggy shoved the dress Skye nearly wore this morning into Tidas’ arms, and pushed at the side of his arm to move into the doorway.

The prince paused as she started to walk away; “Aye Peg, thank you. We’ll be eating in our courtyard for dinner tonight, but we’ll have two more guests: General Zas and... Shasta.”

Peggy stopped mid-stride to turn towards the prince with a deadly stare; “Why would you Ever invite someone who treats yer wife with disrespect into her space?!”

“It’s a favor for my brother. He’s leaving tomorrow morning and wants to dine with Zas and Shasta as well. Please make sure the extra sets are in place, and the kitchen knows to triple the food and drinks.”

Tidas’ tone had be sterner, letting Peggy know he was at his limit for her antics. She wasn’t afraid of him in any way, he was just obviously worn out. She agreed to his requests, then he left. Each of them lost in their thoughts as they went about their own separate businesses.

Peggy hadn’t liked The dark circles under his eyes. They were becoming prominent now, and he seemed thinner than normal. His clothes weren’t fitting as well, and he’d even needed a belt for his pants this morning. Peggy worried about him, but not as much as Skye...

The only reason the prince was eating regularly was because he was training the new recruits before his meal times. If he didn’t, he’d never remember to whilst at his desk.

It was a habit developed on the battlefield. You ate, slept, and relieved yourself whenever you got the chance; in case they were few or far between.

Tidas had noticed a slight drop in his weight, but it hadn’t seemed important. Until Ralph came back with proof of his uncle’s whereabouts, he needed to have everything at the ready. He was nearly caught up with all of his work, so the idea of creating a schedule was possible.

Walking back from his quarters, Peggy and Lawrence’s words churned in Tidas’ mind. They seemed to feel very strongly about his and Skye’s personal time, which bothered the prince greatly. It didn’t surprise him that Peggy knew of his wife’s personal feelings. Lawrence, on the other hand..

Tidas felt a jab of irrational rage at his brother for lecturing him about His wife. He slowed his pace as murky anger started to fill his head.

Shaking it twice, he stopped completely as a strange, eerie sensation radiated from a darkened hallway. The moment he took a step towards it, the feeling intensified to the point of pain, then vanished.

The prince could’ve sworn he’d seen the outline of a person there, but when he checked, there was nothing. Confused, Tidas continued on his way. Unaware of the figure watching him from a cracked door..


Turning the corner at the top of the third floor, Tidas saw the two nurses, Dr. Gohan, and Lawrence standing outside of Skye’s room. As he approached, the doctor smiled and nodded. He told the prince that Skye had healed herself better than new, and that she awaited him in the room. Tidas thanked everyone for helping, then headed into the room.

Skye was sitting up in her bed, looking at her hands. When she first saw Tidas, she smiled before she took on a sad, yet determined expression. After gesturing to the chair near the window, Skye clasped her hands together nervously. She stared at them as she waited for her husband’s response.

After a simple nod, Tidas set her dressings down on the end of her bed. His face was slightly pensive as he grabbed the chair she’d pointed out. Once he dragged it closer to his wife, he gently grabbed her hands, then sat down. After kissing them delicately, he began to look them over.

Tidas examined each one in turn; paying special care and attention to his wife’s left hand. He knew it was her dominant hand, so he wanted to be thorough with it.

He knew Skye wouldn’t stop her training, or give up on joining him; RMC or not. Leaving him with two choices he disliked; lock her away and have her hate him, or support her and watch her jump into dangerous situations.

A dark part of the prince tugged at his mind, urging him to lock her away to protect her. He shoved it down, but every time he saw Skye hurt, it fought to the surface with avengeance. He hated the possessive side to himself, but it was a part of him. The only thing he could do was channel it into constructive things.

Tidas took a deep breath and asked, “How are you feeling?”

Skye affixed a soft smile to her face; “All better now, except that Ima starvin’.. Ima sorry, Tidas. I didn’t want to worry you; I didn’t want to worry anyone. It’s fine now though, well, better than fine now. I don’t know why but me magic was-”

“I should apologize to you as well. You shouldn’t feel like you need to hide things from me. I know I’ve been working a lot lately, but I want to do something about that.”

Skye looked at her husband with shaky hope; “Do what? That’d be wonderful, but I know yer busy; it’s ok. I just don’t want ye to strain yer self any more than ye already do.. I worry about ye.”

“And I, you. I knew you felt pain on occasion. That’s why I asked you to see the doctor before we even arrived in the capital. If I would’ve known how bad it was, I would’ve dragged you here kicking and screaming.”

Skye eyes narrowed on her husband; “That’s precisely why I didn’t tell you; I knew you’d react like that! Like hell I’d let ye drag me off-”

“No, Skye. It would’ve have happened that way.. I Would have dragged you here. Kicking, screaming, using your magic on me and all; but I would’ve gotten you here,” Tidas said in a deep, unsettling tone Skye had never heard him use before.

“And blew me chance at joinin’ the RMC! Tien tried to talk me into a proper surgery, and I turned him down. If Magnus knew how bad me hand was, whether I fixed it or not, he would’ve forbade me from the trials..”

“He would’ve for your own good!”

Skye’s eyes bulged with indignation; “So let me get this straight; the decision I wished to make isn’t the one ye want, so ye think me right to choose should be taken away?! Is that what Ima hearing?!”

“No, that’s not what I-”

“Then it’s just yer father who should decide what I can and can’t do with MY life?!”

Tidas grimaced at his wife; “No, well, a wee bit; he is your king.”

“Do you consider me a weak person?”

Tidas saw where his wife was going with her point and flipped it; “No, I don’t. You’re an incredibly strong, versatile mage with little combat experience, and a very high position in the royal family.. It’s not just your abilities that are taken into account in my father’s head, Skye.”

“Now, let me ask you a question: what do you think I would do if someone took you hostage?” Tidas’ eyes were fixed on his wife’s.

A cold chill ran up Skye’s spine at the look in her husband’s eyes. It often slipped her mind because of who he was to her; how he treated her and those around him. Small moments had given Skye glimpses into the other side of her husband, the side he didn’t want her to see.

On and off the battlefield, the prince had many names. Most called him hero, Pillar, savior.. Some called him a demon or monster, but one specific name held the truth. The eyes that looked at her now belonged to that Tidas: the Vengeful Prince.

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