Dark Blood Path

Chapter 15: Seduction

Chapter 15: Seduction

The girls around the fire were all frightened and panicked. A few people took up weapons and sticks and got ready to fight, and the big black snake was alarmed, its head raised higher before its cheeks bulged and flattened as it made a dangerous hissing sound.

At this time, a person amidst the crowd suddenly stood up, holding a forked stick with both hands, and used it like a snake fork, then precisely pressed the head of the big black snake to the ground. Next, a slender hand stretched out, firmly pinching the snakes head, and picked it up.

Wow, Yunyun, youre amazing!

Before the girl could feel proud about her feat, the snake in her hands twisted wildly, breaking loose with a burst of force and tumbling to the ground, a second passed before it struck her like a bolt of lightning. Yunyun, the terrified girl, became pale as she realized the fatal snake bite was about to reach her body.

Suddenly, everyone perceived a blur in front of their eyes as a figure flashed by, and the leaping snake vanished. Before anyone could react, the snake was already squeezed in Xiao Yus palm, and its long body was twisting madly, yet it couldnt escape, no matter how hard it tried.

What speed!

Everyone was amazed, as it was their first time seeing Xiao Yus skills. Even Han Kexin and the others were shocked; they didnt expect him to be so powerful. How fast was he at full speed when he exploded with such speed in just dozens of meters?

Wang Chao ran toward this dangerous big snake; his eyes glowed, then he laughed and exclaimed: What a big snake, I was just worrying that we didnt have enough meat for today!

Xiao Yu looked at the snake in his hand and said to the others: This is a very venomous snake. It emits a potent neurotoxin that may paralyze muscles, halt your heartbeats in a matter of seconds, and cause your lungs to fail functioning; it can kill a healthy adult within ten minutes. A small drop of its venom is enough to kill ten ordinary people.

The girl named Yunyun patted her chest in dread, It was that poisonous!

Xiao Yu sized her up. To put it simply, this young lady was stunning, with a fair complexion, excellent facial features, a small waist, a slim body, a pointy chin, with thighs far less wide than Jin shis arms; she was a thin but plump slender beauty.

Whats your name?

The girl glanced at Xiao Yu, blushed suddenly, and whispered, My name is Yunyun; thank you for saving me just now.


He had a vague impression of this name; she should be a relatively famous person in his previous life! He thought about it and remembered that in the beginning, she was a very famous individual, even overshadowing Han Kexin, who was just showing her talents at the time, but she died less than a year after leaving the greenhorn forest. Since she died too early, she was gradually forgotten by everyone, and by then, she wasnt even as much known as Xiao Yu. However, he believed she must have some remarkable talent; otherwise, he wouldnt have heard of her name. Her accomplishments were mostly in the early stages, but due to the changes he made, she became an ordinary member of their team, which hampered and delayed her growth.

I should find a suitable opportunity to call her out so she can display her potential in battle.

Xiao Yu just glanced at her for a while and then withdrew his gaze, Just now, you looked really skilled at capturing that snake; have you done this before?

At the sight of Xiao Yu looking away, YunYun flashed a hint of disappointment on her face, but this reaction was fleeting as she quickly replied: My hometown is located up a mountain village. When I was a child, I tagged along with my grandfather multiple times as he caught them.

Xiao Yu nodded and did not speak. He squeezed the snakes mouth open, found a container the size of a bottle cap, and pressed its two fangs upon it. Immediately, a light yellow liquid flowed out from the fangs, slowly gathering together.

Jiang Xiaowen watched his every movement like a curious cat and asked, Are you collecting the snakes venom?

Xiao Yu replied: Venom can kill human beings, as well as other creatures. A hunter should know how to use natures biological weapons. This kind of venom is only effective through blood transmission, and so it can be collected and used against our enemies.

The venom released by the venomous snake gradually decreased, and after a few seconds, no more liquid flowed out.

Xiao Yu crushed the snakes head and threw it into the fire in front of him.

Minutes and seconds passed by as the darkness fully encompassed the surrounding fields. Even thouh the top of the small mountain was relatively safe, accidents were inevitable. For instance, the giant spider they met the other day could easily climb to its summit, so for safetys sake, everyone didnt rest there after they were full. Instead, they cleaned up and returned to the underground cave immediately.

Xiao Yu returned to his personal cave. The cavern area was only a dozen square meters, and there were various strange glowing plants growing around. However, this kind of plant could only illuminate a small area, so while it was a little dim inside, it was still pitch black outside the cave, and you could barely see anything.

Xiao Yu was cleaning the bone blade, and his keen hearing caught the sound of footsteps approaching slowly, very lightly.

A womans footsteps.

At this time, a clear female voice came from outside his cave, Xiao, Xiao Yu, are you awake?

He put away the blade and replied lightly: Why are you here? Whats the matter?

Thank you for saving me today.

Its fine.anything else?

A pair of slender and elegant legs stepped into the cave. It was none other than Yunyun, the girl he had met not long ago. She looked like she had specially washed and changed, the dirt on her face was almost cleaned, and she looked amazing.

Yunyun seemed a little nervous and apprehensive, but when she saw Xiao Yu, who was sitting in the corner of the cave, she clenched her fists, walked up to him, and said, A woman coming to you in the middle of the night, what else can it be?

Xiao Yu frowned slightly and said, What do you mean?

Yunyuns face was flushed; she gritted her teeth and gently took off her clothes. Her white and smooth skin was immediately exposed to him, and the moment that pair of big white rabbits on her chest were released from their binds, they trembled slightly, rippling and swaying. Under the dim light, that exquisite and well-proportioned body was even more alluring.

Xiao Yu looked at the beautiful figure in front of him, and his face changed slightly. He had already guessed this womans intention just now, but he didnt expect her to be so direct.

Yunyun took a step forward, and her slender legs closed together, I want to be your woman.

Xiao Yu shifted his gaze to the side and whispered softly: Leave, and Ill pretend you never came here.

Yunyun had not anticipated the other partys refusal. She quickly said, after being surprised for a few seconds, Dont worry, Im not going to tarnish your reputation. Nobody will spread rumors about you.

Xiao Yus demeanor remained unchanged, and his expression stayed the same.

The girl felt a little anxious, I know that I am not as beautiful as Xiaowen, and I am not mature looking like Teacher Han. But I am still a virgin, and I can give you everything in exchange for a promise!

Promise? Xiao Yu was a little surprised, What kind of promise?

Yunyuns eyes were firm, and she said with a sad smile: I am a weak girl, but I believe I am beautiful; I can only survive in this world if I rely on a strong guy like you. This is fair; I will offer you my body, and you will guarantee my safety.

Xiao Yus eyes narrowed slightly, but he didnt look down on the girl. On the contrary, because of this incident, his evaluation of her grew even higher than before. Yunyun wasnt young, she was a couple of years older than him, and since she was still a virgin, it meant that she was a good girl who kept herself in check. Now, in just a few days, she could change her thoughts and priorities and give up the things she cherished in exchange for survival. In a sense, this womans personality traits might be even more suitable than Han Kexins for surviving on the chaos continent.

Beautiful women exchanged their bodies for survival. This situation could be seen everywhere in the future. Its just that theyve only been here a few days, and most of them havent really adapted to this new environment yet.

You should go back. Xiao Yu wiped the withered bone blade and continued: You dont need to underestimate yourself. In fact, you have great potential, no worse than Jin shi and Wang Chao. The most important thing is that you become aware enough to attempt and get stronger. Its better to control your own destiny than to leave it in the hands of others.

You Yunyuns eyes were complicated, Can I really control my own destiny?

Xiao Yu said in his usual flat tone: Dont you think its a real pity to give up before trying?

But I

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at her; their eyes met.

Yunyun was silent for a long time and suddenly said, You are a decent person! After speaking, she picked up her clothes and left the cave quickly.

Am I really a good guy? Xiao Yu raised the bone blade, and the glowing blade reflected a self-deprecating smile on his face, Thats stupid!

Gee, what a pity; I thought I could see some good drama. Accompanied by that teasing voice, a slender and plump beautiful leg stepped in from outside the cave, followed by another one. Han Kexin walked in, crossing her hands in front of her breasts, with a slight smile on her face, her eyes were bright, but there was a strange look in her eyes that she didnt usually wear.

Xiao Yu put down the blade from his hands, Miss Han, is that you?

Why did you reject such a delicate beauty? Han Kexin paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, Dont pretend to be innocent. Usually, when Im teaching in class, you little perverts will look at my breasts, butt, and thighs, in that order, dont act like you know nothing.

No, I was actually very tempted. Xiao Yu didnt try to lie, Its just that I dont enjoy this method of exchange, and I dont have the energy nor the power to shoulder a useless burden.

Really? Thats a pity. Han Kexins face froze for a moment, lots of girls out there are thinking about how to be with you. To be honest, I occasionally have similar thoughts.

Xiao Yu made a rare joke: If its you, I can think about it.

When she heard those words, Han Kexin was startled for a moment, but the mature and charming woman quickly recovered, and a flush appeared on her beautiful face.

Xiao Yu lowered his head and continued, Okay, lets talk business.

Han Kexin shrugged, with a slightly more serious expression on her face, Weve been in the woods for a few days already, and now were back on our feet. Should we consider leaving?

Its far too early to talk about this matter. Our power hasnt yet reached that level. Outside the forest, is not one bit less peaceful; instead, its actually far more deadly and dangerous.

Han Kexin asked: Then what are your plans?

Xiao Yu thought for a while, Everyone must advance to at least the elementary level. We also require a few elites with first-order strength. Otherwise, even if we leave, we will struggle to find a foothold beyond the forest. You, Xiaowen, Fatty, Stone, and I will eventually reach that level in the near future. But for that to happen, we need to challenge first-order monsters and strive for breakthroughs. Only in this way can we push everyone with us toward improving their fighting power.

After a full night of rest, everyones mental state significantly improved the next morning. Xiao Yu summoned the four of them to his side early in the morning and began to prepare todays plans. The groups current fighting power was too weak, and he needed to help these guys break through to the elementary level as quickly as possible. Therefore they could also, in their turn, assist others in improving their strength and driving the entire teams progress.

Xiao Yu, Im ready! Jiang Xiaowen came to report after packing up her equipment, full of fighting spirit, as she asked him, Where are we going today? Is it that coal mine from yesterday?

Xiao Yu shook his head and replied: No, we will not go there since there arent many zombies left near the coal mine, and I have basically wiped out all the low-level monsters inside it. Deeper inside, there is a monster that even I am afraid of, and there are ogres there as well, so it is not very safe. Today Im taking you to a new location where there are plenty of creatures for you to hunt. You must strive to advance to the elementary realm!

Jiang Xiaowens beautiful eyes lit up when she heard the word elementary, and she nodded her head.

He continued: However, the place we are going to today is much more dangerous than the zombie mine, and the journey will be much longer. The five of us cant handle this alone, so were going to bring a couple of helpers. You can choose some people you know to join the team, though they must be brave and willing to risk their lives.

Really? Jiang Xiaowen seemed to think of something, her eyes widened, and she hurriedly said, Yes, I have a few good friends of mine that really want to go out with us to fight monsters and increase their strength. They have urged me to recommend them several times. Ill ask them now; theyll definitely choose to join the team.

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, Oh? If that is so, then please bring them here for me to see.

Okay, wait a minute. Jiang Xiaowen ran away with a pair of crystal clear feet, and it didnt take long for her to bring back two beautiful girls over here, You have all met my friend before, and this is my sister Yunyun whom I just met recently!

Yunyun stared at Xiao Yu, and the two gazed at one other; she couldnt help but think about yesterdays events as her pretty face flushed, and she quickly bowed her head, afraid to look at him.

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