Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 216 For Educational Purposes

The realization that she could be pregnant made Ran Xueyi feel tremendous joy. Previously, she wanted to rely on her child and pour all her affection to the child that she never received from her family after taking revenge on them.

However, after getting a call from the doctor that operated on her during the procedure and told her that it failed, Ran Xueyi was disappointed and saddened by the news. Added with the fact that she had to find out that Song Yu Han was actually the owner of the sperm donor that she received, it heightened the disturbance of her mood.

Thus, she snapped on him that night as soon as he returned from a foreign country to deal with business.

However, it had been almost three months since she took the insemination procedure. If she calculated it then the possibility of her pregnancy was higher. However, that doctor's call made her suspicious and when Song Yu Han arrived at the cafe, she didn't tell him about it just yet.

If she remembered correctly, Song Yu Han also wanted a child. What happens if she told him that she didn't have her menstruation period for two months and when they arrived in the hospital to have a check, they found out that it was a false alarm. That she wasn't really pregnant?

Would he feel devastated and disappointed?

Ran Xueyi didn't want to make the only person who showed real support and affection to her feel disappointed.

Hence, she decided to go to buy a pregnancy test kit later without Song Yu Han's knowledge. It was better for her to be sure first before telling him.

It would be nice if the test gave her a positive result. Wouldn't that make both of them the happiest in the world?

While Ran Xueyi was in a daze, pondering about what action she will do, Song Yu Han decided to bring her to the cinema to watch a movie. In his head, he couldn't help but think that they didn't have much time to spend with each other due to their busy schedule. Thus, he wanted to continue their shortened date from last time.

Since it was quite late in the evening, when they arrived at the cinema, there were only a few people lining up at the ticket counter. Some of them were couples who decided to spend time with each other like them, some were planning to watch a movie alone, while some brought out their children to bond with their family.

"What do you think we should watch?" Song Yu Han wasn't really interested in watching any movies. They could do it at home with their wide and tall TV against the wall, but he heard that the sublime experience from going on a date at the cinema was different.

Ran Xueyi looked at the posters behind the ticket counter and thoughtfully looked at each one of them. The thoughts and disturbance in her heart was suspended for a bit after she was distracted by Song Yu Han's sudden plans.

"I'm not sure..." Ran Xueyi wanted to scratch her lips but because she was wearing a mask to cover her face so she could avoid being recognized, she changed it to rub her ear. "How about you pick the movie instead?"

Song Yu Han looked at the poster and after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at a movie poster that was placed at the corner. "I want to watch that then..."

Ran Xueyi followed the direction where he was pointing and felt choked up.

It was a rated eighteen plus movie.

The poster was very suggestive and ambiguous. As for the title... Ran Xueyi didn't even want to say it since she felt that her mouth would rot if she said it.

"Why do you want to watch that?" Ran Xueyi felt blocked up and coughed twice.

Song Yu Han saw her flustered expression. It was actually a joke, but since she asked, he could only continue teasing her.

He leaned forward until his lips were almost touching her left ear and huskily said, "For educational purposes."

Ran Xueyi was slightly confused before she finally blinked and blushed profusely. How could she not get what he meant? Song Yu Han was telling her that he wanted to watch it so they could try the things out that will show up in the movie.

Glaring at him, Ran Xueyi decided to blindly pull him to an empty line and bought tickets and a bucket of popcorn. It only took her a few minutes to do this and she pulled Song Yu Han to their designated theater number and went inside.

​ The contrast between the long corridor outside that was very bright and the dark theater hall they went inside made them think that they were pulled into another world. There were several empty seats and only a few people sat in different places from the front to the back. The huge screen where the movie will be shown was already playing the advertisement from the investors and sponsors of the movie.

Song Yu Han looked at the theater in front of him and had an enthralled expression on his face. This was actually his first to set a step inside a cinema and theater. Actually, when he was young and before the Song family took him away from his mother, he didn't get the chance to go to this kind of place because he focused on his education and part-time job to help lessen the burden from his mother.

Seeing it for the first time, he felt like he was an alien who stepped foot on Earth and was curious about everything he laid his eyes on.

Ran Xueyi noticed his strangeness and guessed what he was thinking. She tentatively asked, "Haven't you been to this place before?"

Song Yu Han shook his head as he replied, "No... But when I was younger, my mother wanted to bring me to this place on my birthday. At that time, it was winter and my mother fell sick before my birthday so we decided to celebrate it at home."

Ran Xueyi's eyes softened and tightened her hand around his hand. Even though she hadn't met Mother Song, she felt that if Song Yu Han's mother was alive, they might get along.

Song Yu Han's life was really painful and filled with suffering. He lost his mother at an early age and had to watch as people ruined his mother's reputation in front of him.

Suddenly, her eyes couldn't help but tear up a little bit. If... If she was really pregnant and she had a child with him, would the emptiness that was left by his mother be filled again?

Sensing that the mood turned a bit too solemn, Song Yu Han reached and patted her head before saying, "Don't cry... It's been too long and I already forgot the past. Now, we will focus on our present and future, alright?"

Ran Xueyi bit her lips and nodded.

That's right. The past cannot be changed, but their future can and they will just have to make sure that they will stay together for a very long time.

However, what Ran Xueyi didn't know that she said these words a bit too soon.

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