Conquering The Novel

Chapter 174 Skill: Eye Of Chaos!!!


[Received User's Permission To Use The Skill.]

[Initiating Command...]

The world around Ares seemed to slow down as he knelt on the ground, writhing in pain. Suddenly, a menacing aura emanated from his left eye, casting an eerie glow upon the surroundings.

At the same time, Ares heard the sound of chains shattering, their echoes reverberating through the air.



[You Have Encountered The Demon Lord Pazuzu!]

[New Quest: Defeat Or Escape The Demon Lord Pazuzu!

Description: You have stumbled upon the breaking of the seal of the Demon Lord Pazuzu. The Demon lord, sensing your presence, has deemed you as a threat and is now advancing towards you with full force.

You are given two options:

[Option 1: Flee] Escape from the wrath of the Demon Lord and preserve your life.

Rewards for this option are yet to be determined.

[Option 2: Battle] Defend yourself and defeat the Demon Lord Pazuzu.

Rewards for this option are yet to be determined.

[Note: This is not a decision to be taken lightly. The Demon Lord Pazuzu is known to be one of the most powerful demons in the realm. Proceed with caution.]


Ares heard the sound of a quest notification from the system, which was different from other notification sounds. Nevertheless, he was not in a shape to focus on its contents.

However, even without seeing the content of the quest, Ares had an idea what it must be about as he felt a powerful presence rapidly approaching him, its demonic energy growing with each step it took.

He exactly knew whose presence that was. Hearing the shattering sounds of chains and sensing the sudden surge of demonic energy, Ares already realized that the seal of the demon lord Pazuzu has been broken and the demon was advancing towards him with full force.

Despite the unbearable pain threatening to consume him, Ares' mind didn't stop working.


Just when Ares felt the demon lord nearing him and was about to strike.

"Use it now!" Ares exclaimed, indicating the system to use the skill right away.

Despite being unable to read the name of the skill or its description due to the intense pain blurring his vision, Ares heard the mysterious figure boasting about its power. He hoped that the skill would at least inflict some damage on the newly-released demon lord, who was not yet at full strength.


[Using The Skill...."EYE OF CHAOS!!!"]


As the skill Eye of Chaos was unleashed, a bright, pulsing energy shot out from Ares's left eye, enveloping the entire throne room.

The air around him began to crackle with intense energy. His eyes glowed with a fiery intensity as he unleashed the full force of the skill.

The energy from the skill was so potent that it caused the walls of the room to shake and crumble.

The floor began to crack and shatter, chunks of stone and rubble rained down from the walls and ceiling as the room's structure was unable to withstand the sheer force of the skill "Eye of chaos", that was destroying everything in its path.

Pazuzu's advance halted for a moment as he was caught off guard by the sudden release of power coming from Ares.


With a resounding roar, the Demon Lord Pazuzu attempted to retaliate with his own dark demonic ability.

He called forth dark energy from the depths of his being, channeling it into a powerful beam of destructive force.


The demon lord Pazuzu shouted as he unleashes his skill.


As the Eye of Chaos and Storm Wind Blast collided, the resulting explosion created a blinding flash of light that filled the room with bright hues of blue and purple.


The clash of these two powers also created shockwaves that rippled through the air, producing a swirling vortex of dark and light energies, accompanied by the sound of thunderous explosions and the crackling of raw energy.

The sound was so intense that it was felt as much as it was heard, a visceral and overwhelming force that would leave those who heard it reeling.


The throne room began to crumble and collapse around them, as the energy surged back and forth between the combatants.

For a moment, it seemed as though the Demon Lord might gain the upper hand, as his beam pushed back the force of the skill Eye of Chaos.

But it was just for a second... as in the next moment the power of the Eye intensified, surging forward with renewed force and overwhelming the Demon Lord's attack.

The Dark Lord Pazuzu's beam shattered under the onslaught, the energy dissipating in all directions.


Now the power of the skill Eye of Chaos roared forward, slamming into the Demon Lord.

Despite the demon lord's valiant efforts to resist, the overwhelming power of the skill proved to be too much for him.

Having been unsealed only recently, he was still weakened and unable to fully withstand the force of the attack.


Those were the last words of the once-powerful demon lord Pazuzu.

As the bright, pulsing energy from Ares' eye consumed the demon lord, reducing him to ashes and obliterating him from existence.


Pazuzu's pained scream echoed through the surrounding as he was consumed by the chaotic power.



However even after consuming the demon lord Pazuzu, the force of the skill Eye of Chaos continued to surge forward, and its power continued to wreak havoc on everything in its path.

The whole throne room was now demolished and now the entire temple trembled and groaned, the very foundations of the ancient structure unable to withstand the immense force.

Pillars toppled and shattered like brittle twigs, sending clouds of dust and debris swirling through the air.

A deafening roar filled the air as the skill's energy coursed through the temple, threatening to tear everything apart.

As the power continued to surge forward, Ares could feel his consciousness slipping away. The overwhelming force of the Eye of Chaos was too much for him to handle, and he struggled to keep his grip on reality.

The air around him shimmered and warped, the very fabric of existence threatened by the chaotic power that surrounded him.

For a moment, it seemed as though the entire universe would be ripped apart by the sheer force of the skill.

But just as suddenly as it had begun, the Eye of Chaos began to dissipate, the skill's immense power ebbing away as quickly as it had come.

Ares slumped to the ground, gasping for air as he struggled to regain his senses.

Around him, the destruction caused by the clash was evident - broken ground, shattered walls, and debris scattered in all directions.

As the energy dissipated, the silence in the now demolished throne room was deafening.

It was a scene of devastation and destruction, the aftermath of an epic battle that had raged within its walls.

The temple lay in ruins, reduced to rubble that exposed the endless desert outside clearly visible under the light of the moon.

Amidst the wreckage, Ares lay motionless. His body was the only thing left standing in the location of the battle, with no ceiling left to block the moon's light.

However, upon closer inspection, it could be noticed that his eyes had gone white, a sign that he had lost consciousness.

With a thud, his body fell to the ground, and he remained still, completely unaware of his surroundings.




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