Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1030 - 1030 Chapter 15- Trinity – Trouble Is Brewing (VOLUME 6)

1030 Chapter 15- Trinity – Trouble Is Brewing (VOLUME 6)




I watched as all those that had been invited to the meeting filed in. And yes, I had needed to open a door for Trevor, Aunt Glory, Athair mòr, Carter and Riley since none of them lived that close to us. They didn’t hesitate though. They knew that if we were calling them, especially through a door, that it must be important. It must be something that we needed to work on together. And they were right to think that. This was very important.

I was glad, once again, that my office was very large. And that we had a lot of extra chairs that we could pull in here when needed. This time, unlike when we were dealing with the Jaegan, I didn’t add any extra tables. This was going to be as close to a round table discussion as I could get it at the moment.

I saw the entire group take their seats in the room. They were all looking at me as I sat on Reece’s lap. They were not strangers to seeing me in that position, but they weren’t used to seeing me look so worried.

Alright, that is a lie as well. There had been so much trouble lately that I had been making faces like this a lot. I had been worried about the safety of my people as there were killers rampaging across the entire world. And now I needed to worry about whether we were about to be revealed to the humans. It was nerve wracking.

“Good afternoon, everyone.” I addressed them all in a solemn and somber tone. “As you all might have guessed, we have a situation that came up.”

“What sort of situation?” Vincent asked, his voice in complete control.


“Someone has been in the area to see some of us. Well, two people really.” I corrected it as I looked around the room. Rawlynne was looking nervous as I started to speak again. “Yesterday, someone from the NSA went to Rawlynne’s office. They were there to discuss our involvement in the murder case recently, but that seems like it was just the surface. They hinted at more, and even accused Rawlynne of being a fraud because she looked too young.”

“Rawlynne, honey, you didn’t tell me about this.” David looked a little hurt when he looked at her.

“I had to tell Trinity first, you know that. I had to keep it a secret, but it was almost enough to drive me insane. I wanted to tell her so bad. And I knew that it was important. But I didn’t want to ruin her family time last night. So, I waited until this morning to tell her.” She looked around the room and there was not a single accusatory eye in the room. They all understood what was going on.

“It’s alright, Rawlynne.” I assured her. “You did the right thing. If you would have told me last night, Reece would not have been in his office to meet with another person today. Another member of the NSA.”

“They went to see him too?!” Rawlynne’s face went white. “Already?”

“What the hell!?

“What is going on here?!” There were other outbursts than just Rawlynne’s, but I ignored them. I needed to keep going. I needed to tell them what was going on.

“Listen.” I held my hand up to them. “There is more for me to say.” The rumblings and outbursts subsided then, the few people that had started making noise all quieted down. “The man that came to see Reece today wasn’t there to accuse him. They were there to warn him. He is a wolf like us, and he was there to tell Reece that the others, the ones that were behind the meeting with Rawlynne, are starting to seriously think that we’re not human. And they are even testing DNA from the murders that they got their hands on. They are going to check to see if there is anything different about them.”

That earned me a loud uproar of outrage from all of them. More than half of the people in the room were on their feet and they were shouting about how this was not good. I didn’t need them telling me that because I knew that already.

“I know this is bad. And, initially, before I knew about the warning to Reece, I had thought of a way to work with this. I thought they just wanted to know why we were involved with the case. I knew that stopping them from investigating would only make things worse. They would know that we had something to hide then. I had thought that we could use strategic transparency and be honest about the case while hiding who and what we were. Now though, I know that won’t work.”

“What should we do then, Trinity? Do you have any ideas?” Shawn asked me with a worried look in his eyes.

“Well, Shawn, I don’t think that we can make this go away. I think that, in all honesty, we will be found out. It’s just a matter of time. I mean, Grandfather over there looks almost fifty years too young for his age. He got younger looking. And that was a major red flag. To be honest, I am really shocked that we were able to keep it a secret this long.” I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. I was starting to get a really bad tension headache, and it was making the baby really unhappy.

“What do we do then?” Aunt Glory asked. “If the humans are going to find out about us regardless, what are we going to do to protect ourselves?”

“I have been trying to think about that. It hasn’t been that long since I learned of all of these things, so it is still new to me as well. However, I think that we need to just accept that it is going to happen, and try to move ahead of the NSA. If we work things out with the leaders of the world, we might be able to spin things into a way that we can control them. We need to make sure that our people are not persecuted for being what they are.”

“Well, if worst comes to worst, we can just make them accept us. We outnumber the humans. We can make them accept us.”

“No, Trevor.” I snapped at him. “That won’t make them accept us. It will make them fear us. And I don’t want that. I don’t want them to see us as monsters. I wanted them to think of us as the same people that we have been for all these years. We aren’t going to act differently just because they find out what we really are.” I reprimanded the giant of a bear and saw him blush. He hadn’t thought about how they would see us if we used force. Wasn’t that just like a man? You can’t make them respect you with fear and control tactics.

“I am sorry, Trinity. I didn’t mean that. I know that we can’t control them like that.”

“I don’t want to control them, Trevor. I want to live peacefully with them. I want the same sort of life that we already have. We need to live with these people. It’s not like we can fly off to Mars and live there because the humans don’t like us.”

“You are right about that.” Athair mòr said in a voice that sounded like he was deeply worried and saddened. “Unlike us Fae, the shifters and vampires don’t have somewhere else to retreat. I guess we could invite you all there, but that would be a little hard on you all. I am sure that everyone wouldn’t want to move. And Faerie isn’t that big.”

“No, Athair mòr, it’s OK. We will figure this out.” I used my hands to make a calming gesture in the air. “We can’t have half of the world’s population leave all at once. That won’t be good for the world here anymore than it would benefit Faerie. The best thing for everyone is for us to stay where we are. We just need to make it so that there is a lot less backlash after the humans all find out about us.”

“I don’t see how that is possible.” David looked thoroughly unconvinced.

“Trinity, what is it that you are thinking?” Gabriel asked. He was able to see straight through me. While Mom, Dad, Lila, Grandfather, and the others were wondering if there was even anything that we could do, he was the one that knew I was already formulating a plan.

“Well, Gabriel, I want to set up policies and plans. There are a lot of our people in political offices throughout the world, but not enough at the top of the food chain. I know that there are some world leaders that are in our community, but not as many as there are humans. Those that are, though, can help us with this issue.”

‘What are you going to do?” Dad asked me with a curious tone. He and the others were watching me with intense eyes.

“We need to travel again, but nothing long term. We will be back every day, and we will be convincing the world leaders that we are not a threat to them. If we can get the leaders on board, and perhaps a few bills passed to help us out, then we might be able to reveal ourselves to the humans before the others get the chance.”

“Why would we want to reveal ourselves though?” Grandfather didn’t look like he approved of my plan at all.

“Well, that is simple. They are going to find out regardless, right? Wouldn’t it be better if the reveal was in a positive light and not a negative one? If we revealed ourselves as friends and not foes? If the NSA releases information on us, you can guarantee that they will not paint us as innocents. They will likely think that we are monsters and criminals, and that will affect the opinions of the humans. If we reveal ourselves though, then we will be able to tell them that we have always been here, and we do not mean them any harm at all.”

“W..well, I can see where you are coming from, but I just don’t think that we need to be revealed to the humans. We should continue to hide it from them. We need to make sure that we are still living in our hidden world of shadows.”

“We just can’t do that, Grandfather. They will find out about us, and soon. If we don’t do anything about this, then the NSA will tell the world that we are out to kill them all. They don’t know how many of us there are. They just know that we are different, and that scares them. I don’t want the humans to be afraid of us. I don’t want them to revolt and riot over us. I want them to be comfortable with us. Maybe they will be scared in the beginning, but they will see that the monsters of the world have always been here, and that they aren’t really monsters at all. We are the same people that they have known for so long, and nothing is going to change that at all.”

“Alright.” Grandfather nodded at me. “I can see your point. I am not happy with the situation, but I understand it. And I will not stop you from doing what you think is best.”

“Thank you.” I nodded at him. “Now, I need to know who will be coming with me on these trips. We need to make a list of all the people in our kingdom that are politicians and world leaders. We can’t sit on this for long. We need to get moving right now. There isn’t a minute to waste here.” I saw the looks in the eyes of everyone in the room. They were all thinking the same as me, well most of them. We had to move, and we had to do it fast.

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