Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1028 - 1028 Chapter 13- Reece – A Warning (VOLUME 6)

1028 Chapter 13- Reece – A Warning (VOLUME 6)




I stepped into my office and toward my desk. The man, Mr. Dayton, turned to look at me. I knew that he had smelled me, heard me, and even sensed me while I was talking to Blaire out in the corridor, but he hadn’t focused on me. I think that it was his way of giving me some privacy while I spoke to the woman.

Now that he was looking at me, I saw that the man had some very wolf like features. His face was sharp and angular, his jaw slightly squared, and he seemed to look like a scowl was the go to look on his face. His eyes were a bright yellow green that were practically luminous, like most of the nonhuman people in the world. His hair was a dark blond that was cut military style, as in a crewcut.

There were other things that made the man resemble a soldier in my eyes. He had perfect posture, standing tall and straight. His eyes were sharp and didn’t miss anything. He looked strong, even by our standards. And he gave off an air of someone that had a lot of authority in his line of work. I didn’t know if he was in the military now or if he was retired, but I knew that he had to have served at some point in time. Hell, a lot of boys in our communities like to serve because they go far in the military.

“Hello there, Mr. Dayton.” I spoke in a polite and professional voice. “I am sorry to have kept you waiting. The last meeting that I was in ran longer than I expected.”

“I understand. You are a busy man, King Reece, so seeing you personally is something that I feel honored to do.” Well, he was already treating me with respect and courtesy. That was way better than Kensington had done.

“We are in my office at the moment, Mr. Dayton, we can drop that title and go with Mr. Gray for the time being. I can’t explain to a human why you are calling me king.”


“I..I thought that this place was staffed entirely by nonhumans.” He looked confused for a moment.

“Oh, it is, but who is to say that Blaire wouldn’t have a human deliver her some lunch. Still, regardless of whether or not there are humans, I am at work right now, and when it comes to business matters, I am Mr. Gray.”

“I can understand that, King Reece, but this isn’t a business matter. I came here to speak to you about something that has to do with the community.” He said the last word as if it were to mean something else. And of course, it did. He was meaning the entirety of our people, and not a part of the city that we were in.

“If this had to do with the community as a whole, wouldn’t it have been better to meet me at my home, where I handle matters that are associated with that part of our lives?” I was a little annoyed that he was meeting here for things that had nothing to do with business.

“With all due respect, King Reece, I didn’t want to chance that they would follow me there. I didn’t want to let them past the barriers of protection.”

“Led who? What is going on, Mr. Dayton?”

“Well, first, my name is Dayton Long, but you can just call me Dayton. And second, there is something big coming, King Reece. Something that I needed to warn you about without putting your family in danger.”

I felt an ice cold iron grip circle its way around my heart. Something big was happening, and it could put my family in danger. What the hell was it? And why the hell couldn’t we catch a damn break?

“Sit down, Dayton.” I motioned to the chairs. “And tell me what is going on.”

I didn’t immediately sit down. I walked across the room to the bar and poured two glasses of a strong whiskey before I went to sit behind my desk. I deposited one of the glasses in front of Dayton, sat in my chair, and then slugged back half of the drink. Dayton took his drink, swigged a small drink of it, then started to explain to me what was going on.

“Alright, King Reece, my name, with official title, is Special Agent Dayton Long of the NSA. Recently, there have been a few people in my department that are getting a little too interested in you, and the case that you recently helped the FBI with. They are a little concerned about the level of involvement that you seem to have with the authorities, and they are starting to look into a possible corruption case with the FBI.”

“So, they think that I am buying them off and helping them with other cases so that they ignore my own wrong doings? Fine, whatever, let them investigate me. I haven’t done anything wrong. They can search all that they want.”

“No, you don’t want that, King Reece. And that isn’t all either.”

“Then what else is there, Dayton?” I asked him as I sipped again from my glass and felt the burning liquid spread across my tongue.

“They already started to look into things, without you knowing. I know that they are sending someone to speak with Agent Otsana, if they haven’t already. And I know that they are starting to suspect more and more about you and your wife.”

“What about us?” I felt something inside of me that wasn’t right. It felt like something was gnawing at me, at my stomach and my mind at that same time. I was feeling sick, anxious, and even a little scared. What were they looking for with Trinity? What was going on here?”

“They looked into you personally. Your appearance, medical records, those aren’t as private as people think, your family, how Queen Trinity’s grandfather suddenly reversed in age, how so many of the people that you are closely associated with seem to be the same as they were twenty years ago. They are starting to notice patterns among it all. And I think that they are starting to see the truth.”

This couldn’t be happening. This was impossible. The humans were supposed to reject the idea of people like us. They were supposed to think that we were nothing but myths and legends. They weren’t supposed to look behind the curtain and see the truth. Not yet anyway. We weren’t ready for them.

“Dayton, are you telling me that they think that we’re not human?” I had to ask, even though he basically already confirmed that.

“Yes, King Reece. That is what I am telling you. These people that are investigating you, my own colleagues, are on to you, and soon they will be onto all of us.”

“Shit.” I spat the curse into my drink before setting it down. Suddenly, it didn’t taste all that good anymore. I was feeling just a little too pissed off about what I was hearing from Dayton.

“My sentiments exactly.” Dayton said as he set his glass on the desk. I could tell that the drink wasn’t doing that well in his stomach either.

“So, you’re absolutely sure that they are thinking that we aren’t human? They’ve actually said it?” I had hoped that this day wouldn’t come for a long time. Not until Trinity and I had talked about what would happen when the world needed to know about us. However, after our date last month, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Those were just waitresses at a restaurant and even they were talking about us not being human. They were way off on the correct species, but they seemed to be seeing something in us that they never used to.

“It’s not just suspicions. They got a hold of some of the DNA from some of the crime scenes. They are having it tested, and then they are going to know for sure. We’re in trouble, King Reece. I don’t know what is going to happen down the line, but I know that there are going to be some major consequences here soon.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I know that you are Dayton, I just don’t know why this had to happen. And right now, of all times.” I was thoroughly annoyed.

“I don’t know what the timing has to do with it, but I am with you on it being inconvenient.”

“You want to talk about inconvenient?” I leveled a stern look at the other man. “My mate is pregnant. I do not want any of this affecting her and the baby. But she is the queen, and I know that when she finds out about this, she is going to freak out. And that sabbatical that she has been taking will come to an abrupt end. Dammit! Damn it all to hell!” I growled the words out, grabbed my glass, and drained the remaining contents in one large gulp. “Things couldn’t be worse right now. And the shitty thing is, I don’t know what to do about it yet.” I looked up at him. “I think we’re done here for now. I need to talk to my wife. But I might want to see you again soon. I might need more information.”

“I will meet with you whenever you need me to, King Reece. But I would prefer not to do it at the castle. I don’t want to chance that they have someone tailing me when I drive there.”

“Understood. We will meet here in my office. Take my card, it has my cell number on it.” I wrote the number down and handed it to him.

“Thank you, and here is my contact information. I will be in touch, King Reece. If anything changes in the investigation, I will let you know.”

“Thank you, Dayton. I will see you soon.” The man turned and left the office after that.

I was so drained that I collapsed back into my chair, another sigh escaping me, this time it was from exhaustion.

“What the hell is happening here? What the hell am I going to do?” I was shaking my head and trying to process everything that I had just heard. “And dammit, but now I need to tell my Little Bunny about all of this. And that is going to make her worry.” I started to get out of my chair then, about to head home. “Hmm. Maybe I will take her home some lunch. That will put her in a better mood. That or she will just have a handy weapon to hurt someone, not me, but someone else. Damn it all!

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