Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1019 - 1019 Chapter 4- Talia – Meeting New Friends (VOLUME 6)

1019 Chapter 4- Talia – Meeting New Friends (VOLUME 6)




I hadn’t thought that there would be so many people showing up so quickly. There were some guests for the party waiting for us to start the event, but there was also a steady stream of people that were coming in and waiting for the party to start.

For the time being, I was standing a little to the side of my family, waiting to go into the older kids’ party room and to see how well the spirits that had agreed to help me were doing. After a moment or two though, my boyfriend Arthur came walking in my direction. I was excited to see him, so I ran in his direction. He opened his arms for me so that I could hug him. I even put a little jump in my step so that I ended up having him catch me as I leapt toward him. He and I had only been dating for a few weeks, but I liked him a lot. I didn’t know what was going to happen to us in the future, but I knew that I wanted to be with him for the time being.

Being werewolves like we were, we knew that one day we would meet our mates. And that when the time came, we would have to stop dating each other and be with the person that the goddess had determined for us. That was an understanding that we came to on our first date together. Yeah, I know, not exactly a romantic conversation, but I wanted to make sure that Arthur knew the way that things were going to be.

I had also done what I thought was the best option at the time. I told my dad that I had talked to Arthur about the future and how things weren’t set in stone for us. He was so happy that he jumped for joy. He said, and I quote, ‘no offense Tally girl, but I hope like fucking hell that this boy isn’t your mate’. I knew that he wasn’t trying to be mean with that one. He just wanted the best for me. And he was my dad, I knew that anyone that I dated wasn’t going to be good enough for him. He was going to be pissed at them all no matter who they were. And the sooner that I understood that, the sooner that I could stop thinking that I was doing something wrong with him and start trying to be happy with my life. And, by the way, I had already understood that, so I was already happy with my life. I knew that I would have my mate soon enough, no matter who they ended up being.

While I was talking with Arthur, complimenting him on his angel costume, I noticed that my friend Ada was coming toward me with some people that I had never seen before. She looked excited to see me, and I was happy to see her as well. She was my best friend, or as close to one as I had at the moment. She and I hung out more than just about anyone else.

I could tell that these people with Ada were super naturals like me and the rest of the people at the party, but I didn’t know what they were at first. They smelled a little salty, and a little like some other scents as well. I caught undertones of coconut, bananas, oranges, and other fruity smells. It was pleasant, and oddly enough, it reminded me of Ada as well.


She had that same salty smell to her. Does that mean that they were some sort of shifters from the sea like her? I wondered about that for a moment before they got to me, and Ada gave me a quick hug in greeting.

“Talia!” She sounded so excited. “I am happy that I found you so soon. I wanted to introduce you to my new friends here. They just moved to the city a couple of weeks ago. Their parents came here for the, you know, last month.” She was trying to say the battle without actually saying it. “They decided they were just going to move here and started to look for a place while the three of them were all staying with their grandparents. They just settled in like two weeks ago, but they don’t start school until Monday.”

“Oh. How cool. So, you will be in our class?” I asked them with curiosity.

“Yeah, we are seniors. We’re a grade ahead. It’s nice to meet you, Talia. My name is Sereia.” The only girl in the group of three stuck her hand out to shake mine. “I have heard a lot about you from Ada. And, of course, I already knew a little bit about you. My parents work for your parents.”

“Oh wow, really?” I was already a little intrigued. If they worked for my parents, then either my mom or my dad had personally interviewed them. Along with either Uncle Vincent or Uncle Gabriel. And this meant that they were trustworthy people. It helped me to feel like I could trust these three immediately and with no issues at all.

“Yeah. They are really happy at their jobs too. Let me introduce you to my brothers. This is Storm.” She pointed to a boy that looked about Arthur’s age who had dark brown hair with little red streaks in it. His eyes were a bluish green that caught attention right away. “And this is Saylor.” The other boy, also looking the same age, had darker hair that was nearly black. His eyes had a grayish blue quality to them, and even though they looked like they were the same age, they didn’t look identical. If they were twins, they were fraternal. Saylor had a little more of a square face that was still somehow delicate and pretty. He was handsome, that wasn’t the issue here, but he looked a little pretty as well. Storm, on the other hand, was a little more manly, a face that was a little longer with a slightly more narrowed chin. He was also a little more tan, though it looked natural and not like he had tried to tan himself in the sun. I could tell that they all spent a lot of time outside though, they just had that feel to them.

The boys were taller, but not as tall as my dad, who was six feet five inches tall, and Reagan was nearly that tall. They were taller than me though, by several inches. Maybe six foot one. Actually, I think that Storm was that tall, Saylor was an inch shorter. And Sereia was more about five foot seven. A couple inches taller than me, but shorter than her brothers by a lot. She is pretty, very pretty. She had eyes that were similar to Saylor’s, but her hair was blue. I didn’t know if it was dyed or natural, but it looked amazing on her. It complemented her pale complexion perfectly. Her face was slender and perfectly sculpted. She looked like she could have been a model, she was that pretty.

However, I was certain that there weren’t many companies that would sign on a model that looked so punk and tomboyish. Sereia was wearing a pair of black jeans that had rips and tears across the legs and thighs. Her shirt was tight and showed a logo from a band that I was only slightly familiar with. And she was wearing a black jacket that had metal rings around the hood and pockets. It was really cool, and I had never owned anything like that before. Oh, and to top off her unconventional beauty, Sereia’s hair was really short. It was a pixie cut and it styled to be in a messy and partially spiked style. It was amazing, and I loved it.

I could already tell that I was going to get along with these three. They just smelled like good people. And I really did need more friends. While I was thinking about that, Sereia started to say something else, something that caught me off guard.

“Yeah, we’re triplets, so we’re all in your class now.”

“Oh, cool. My older brother and sister are twins, and my younger siblings are quads. They thought that they were going to be triplets though, until the delivery time came and there was my sister with the three identical boys.” I pointed across the room to them. “See, there are my brothers. And over there with the white hair is my sister. Reagan and Rika, the older ones, are on the hunt tonight.”

“Wow. I thought we were cool for being trips, you got quads though, that is awesome.”

“Thanks.” I smiled even though it wasn’t like it had anything to do with me. It was my parents that were responsible for them.

I think that I was paying too much attention to Sereia and her brothers for the last several minutes, because Arthur tugged on my arm and got my attention back towards him. He looked a little jealous and I instantly felt bad for ignoring him for so long.

“So, hey, why don’t we all go to the party and hang out. It’s going to be great. And there is a lot of food. Arthur, I know that your birthday is next week, so I made sure that my mom included your favorite dessert on the menu. It’s like an early birthday celebration. Oh, I forgot to introduce you all.” I clapped a hand to my head. “Sereia, Storm, Saylor, this is my boyfriend, Arthur. He is from England and is here as an exchange student at the moment.”

“Wow! Awesome. How is life in England?” Storm asked in a voice that was excited and full of life.

“It’s fine.” Arthur spoke a little stiffly. Maybe he thought that I was flirting with the other guys or something. I didn’t really know since I hadn’t really been in the dating game for a long time. “I met Talia there. When her family came for a visit. My father and I came to help out last month, and I decided to stay here for school. And because I wanted to be with Talia.” He was acting really weird just then, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to his side.

“Dude, I see what you’re doing here, but you don’t need to worry.” Storm was shaking his head. “I ain’t hitting on your girl. I would be more likely to hit on you, but you’re not really my type.” He laughed as he walked away. “You don’t need to worry about us. We’re here to make friends, not steal partners.”

“I..I didn’t-.” Arthur started to object, but Saylor cut him off.

“Yeah, you did.” He laughed gently. “It’s OK though. You’re a wolf, and they are possessive and dominant people, we know that. Seriously though, we’re not here to find love, we just want friends. Relationships of the intimate kind will come later.” They were talking so much more maturely than Arthur usually did that it threw me through a loop for a moment. I ignored it though. I mean, they were advanced, like me. And Arthur was still in the grade that he was supposed to be, I guess the triplets were a little more mature than him.

“Come on, Arthur. Let’s go party.” I took him by the hand and pulled him into the ballroom.

Now that the awkwardness had come to an end, we were all able to enjoy our night. We danced, ate good food, talked, and sang along with the music. By the time that the night was over, I felt like I was really friends with Sereia, Storm and Saylor. They were really great people, and I wanted to get to know them all more. And so did Ada, since they were also merfolk like she was. Well, one of them was a Merman. Saylor and Sereia were Sirens, which I thought was amazing.

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