Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 263: The Immortal Dwayne

Chapter 263: The Immortal Dwayne

'No way... That's..." Laz was about to deny it to himself. After all, there are how many people named Tom, Tommy, Thomas in this country?

'I didn't even bother to learn that asshole's last name... Still though...' Laz had a rather sinking feeling that it was the same guy he got into a fight with in gym class all those years ago. Remembering that time, he already knew that Tommy was a chosen even though he didn't know what they were called at that time. He could remember the hate he felt done to his very bones although he had no idea why.

'If it really is him... I wonder... could he know something about the people that took my grandpa, grandpa Chu and Bill?' Although a long time had passed, he had never forgotten the three old men. He knew he wasn't strong enough to rescue them, but he wasn't going to forget them either.

Even though these thoughts came up, Laz brushed them aside quickly. What he needed to do was to focus on what was happening right now. The 'doctor' was a normal human while the two thugs who grabbed him were both chosen of the church.

Laz had no idea who the weak yet healing guy was, but he was sure he was an infected like him so although Laz bore him no ill will, he wasn't going to trust him either. But leaving the doctor for him was no big deal.

While Laz was thinking about what to do with the guy strapped to the table, Laz noticed something shocking. The man he had already killed seemed to be emitting a light from his body, or at least that was how Laz saw it.

He got closer and noticed that the light, a pale yellow color, was actually energy that was gushing out of him like a spring.


"You've never killed one of these bastards before, eh?" The healing man on the couch asked, groaning as he sat up.

"I have... but not in a while. And the last time it happened, I was a little incapacitated."

"Oh? Must had been a strong one if they knocked you down."

"Well, the lightning bolts hurt a bit and the gunfire was no picnic," Laz said remembering the encounter with Brian.

"Lightning bolts and gunfire? The fuck kind of fight you get yourself into? Nope. Know what, forget it. Those bastards are like pure little energy wells. Feel free to absorb it, but be careful. The leave their bad feelings in it when they die so it's best to sip it slowly. You ain't going to get all of it, but that's that. Don't go asking me bout nothing else though cause I ain't got a clue." The young man said, laughing a bit at his own helplessness as he tried moving his legs.

"Alright." Laz went over to the energy 'spring' and sat down while circulating his infinity technique. Before he could limit the amount of energy he was taking in, it all gushed at him like a firehose that found a target.

"HOLD THE FUCK ON... THAT'S WAY TO MUCH..." The man looked on, dumbfounded as Laz absorbed in everything while his body became engulfed in a black flame. Although he felt the resentment of the man who died mixed into the energy, the black flame burned it away as though it was boiling water. Had Laz taken it all in, he would have probably been ok anyway, but he would have been in a bad mood for days upon days thanks to it. Not only that, but he would have had to had spent those days trying to expel the negative intent just to go back to normal and that would have wasted his meditation time.

Thankfully, his black flame seemed to be able to burn it away as soon as it entered his body, providing Laz with a pleasant surprise.

'The real question is, what exactly is this black flame?' It was a question without an answer for now.

See that Laz looked to be ok, despite absorbing everything, the young man couldn't help but let out a sigh as he sat back. His body was still in the process of mending itself and he couldn't speed it up anymore. Even if he wanted a share of the energy spring, it wasn't going to happen this time. Eyeing the man who was still strapped to the table, the young man couldn't help but smile.

'Looks like he sees what it happening... Oh... he pissed himself. Still, this kid is something else. I wonder who he is exactly that they been looking for him...'

Laz finished up and felt refreshed from the energy he had just gained. His foundational base was incredibly stable and Laz felt like he would be breaking through as soon as he found the last key phrase. Until then though, Laz was going to keep reinforcing the foundation to make it as strong as possible.

'Wait a sec. Is the reason it's locked... because it wants to make this happen?' Laz had a strange thought when he considered it. He had unlocked two phrases and made his way into the mid stage of the foundation realm. The first phrase broke into the realm while the second phrase brought him to the mid realm. While it was locked though, every bit of energy he body brought in, intentionally or unintentionally, went towards strengthening that foundation. The grey, fog like energy was different in that it's use was geared towards strengthening Laz's body and because of that, it didn't have much of an affect on his foundational core as far as he had noticed at the time. But now, thinking about it, he felt like he might have been mistaken..

He just wasn't sure how.

Still though, he would approach that problem later.

"Have a good meal?" The young man said while looking at Laz open his eyes.

"Quite. I didn't know this was a thing. If you killed one of us, you'd get a bit of energy out of us, but it looks like these guys have quite a bit too..."

"How you feeling?"

"Fine. Normal."

"Interesting. So thanks for you're help here, though I don't think you came here for me."

"Nope. Got dragged here after coming out of Heaven or Hell..."

"You visit that place? Damn. Last time I tried to go, my sister told on me to my granddad who whooped my ass. Something about not wasting money on those blood sucking whores."


"Anyway. You didn't mean to save me but ya did so for that, thanks."

"No problem."

"Name's Dwayne. The Immortal Dwayne. I'm sure ya heard of me?"



"Did you... name yourself that?"

"What? No. My parents named me Dwayne."

"No. Not that part."

"Oh. Immortal? Yeah? Pretty catchy eh? That's what they call me since I can't die. Hell, I even can grow back toes and fingers and shit."

"You... tested this out?"

"What? No. What kind of freak would I have to be to be cutting off my own fingers and toes. Nah bro, the Immortal Dwayne never backs down from a fight. So these bastards keep coming and starting shit with me. You know I've been capture by these types of assholes like six times in the past year? And then there's all the random accidents. Shit man. I am one unlucky bastard."

"You... have you ever considered that calling yourself immortal is like asking for the universe to fuck your shit up? It's like... something goes right and you scream out best day ever then you get hit by lightning? Or a falling piano or some crazy random shit?"

"Damn bro... I never thought of it like that.... ok, ok. How about I call myself the undying Dwayne instead? Would that be better?" Dwayne looked like he had a moment of clarity... but then lost it the very next second.

"Maybe it's not because you call yourself that. Never mind. Anyway, names Laz. Good to meet you."

"Yeah, you too bro. So why did you let yourself be caught? Looks like you could have gotten away no problem."

"I needed to let them think they had me. They are circling Heaven or Hell at the moment and not letting the girls take one step outside. In fact, they have targeted all three organizations in the city. I'm assuming you know of them? Anyway, I'm making my way over to ask the Vodun to help me with something if they are up for it. There is too much shit going on right now for everyone to be acting on their own and there might be some big benefits to what I have to offer," Laz explained without really explaining, leaving out some key parts. Laz had a hunch that someone like Dwayne must know something of the organizations and since he didn't seem to be part of the one Laz knew about, maybe he knew something of the Vodun.

"Oh, I see. Let me guess, your telling me this thinking I'm part of the Vodun just cause of my skin color huh?"

"No? I'm just explaining what I'm doing..."

"Good, cause I am part of the Vodun, but it has nothing to do with my skin."


"Anyway little bro. Come with me, I know just the person you can meet."

"I was going to get in touch with Madam Cal."

Hearing this, Dwayne suddenly trip forward while trying to stand up. Apparently that name meant something to him.

"You... Know... Madam Cal?"

"Yeah. Little bit. We met and talked before."

"Oh... I see..."

"Uh. Anyway, you can come with me if you want?" Laz sensed there was something he was missing, but had no idea what it was. Dwayne, hearing this, finally stood back up and took some deep breathes as though he was fighting some thought in his head before his shoulders slumped in dejecting. Just when Laz was about to ask him what was wrong, Dwayne shot forward and began kicking the knocked out doctor, causing his body to be tossed around like a rag doll. The impact from the first blow woke him up and caused him to scream before the second kick broke his jaw.

As for the kicks after that, Laz no longer paid attention to how many bones broke and turned his attention towards the passed out guy on the table, thinking.

Dwayne only stopped kicking the doctor when the sounds of bones breaking stopped. Laz had the distinct impression that the doctors bones had all been shattered since he now only resembled a sack of human flesh and not much else.

"You good?" Laz asked.

"Much better. You going to kill this one too? Better that than to let him go."

"Yeah. I don't want his people to know I am here."

"Sweet. Let's split the energy then, eh? Since you probably can't absorb much more of it... I HEY!?!?" Before Dwayne even finished speaking, Laz had applied his black flame to the man, killing him quickly before he would even make a sound.

After that, his body started to melt as the remains of energy inside of him started to sprout out, splashing into the air. As it hit the black flame that Laz was still firing off, the energy seemed to sizzle as it was purified while Laz started absorbing it.

Seeing this, Dwayne didn't hesitate to start absorbing what he could as well. Even if Laz could take call of it he couldn't do so right away so Dwayne was able to get quite a bit as well.

The most amazing part for Dwayne was understanding that the reason Laz could absorb so much was due to him being able to purify the evil intent within it.

This was a radical discovery in that the energy could be purified, one that he would have to let his family know.

'Ha. The Immortal...err, Undying Dwayne has figure out something even more impressive than you old things. Can't wait to rub it in their faces,' He thought to himself.

Of course, thinking about meeting Madam Cal made him wonder if maybe being immortal was actually going to be a curse, not a blessing.

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