Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 261: Instructions

Chapter 261: Instructions

That's right, Laz just strolled right up to the front door and started yelling,

"OYH. Open up. I'm hungry and horny and I heard this is the best place for both. YOOHOO! ANYONE HOME? HELLO?!?!?!" Laz was using his most annoying and loudest voice possible, projecting it not only into the building, but also around towards the people in hiding along the street.

Those who were watching from the shadows weren't sure whether to laugh at this idiot or to inform their higher ups about this. As they were told, any unusual movement should be reported. But none of them wanted to be the one to report a day drunk individual yelling at the building.

As Laz continued to yell, he was annoying people so much that they were tempted to call marked police to come and take care of him when the doors suddenly opened and a woman walked out.

To the people watching, this was the task that they were being paid for and so they tried to take pictures of the person who came out, only to find that due to their relaxing at Laz's earlier actions of being an idiot, they ended up missing their chance. Laz, seeing the person come out, just yelled,

"It's about damn time. Let's do this," and dragged the young, surprised woman inside before shutting the doors.

Everyone who was watching was flabbergasted at the turn of events. They were stationed around here by the children of god to watch the place and report any information they could on the comings and goings of the people inside, only to have found when they got here that the place was closed.

'Ok, fine. We are getting paid one way or another so we will just sit here and wait.'

So when the first person walked up to the building and knocked on the door, no one answered and they just walked away, the people watching the building had taken pictures of them.

And the next person.

And the next person.

And the two after that.

The one after that just took a piss on the side of the building before walking away.

And after that, they just lost interest in the people approaching the building and stopped taking pictures. If there was nothing to report, what was the point?

"We got a picture of all of these people..."

"How long were they inside for?"

"None of them made it inside..."


No one was dumb enough to do that.

So when the drunkard walked up and started yelling at the building, they just figured he would eventually get tired of it and walk away, so they all returned to looking at cell phones or doing whatever else they were doing. They weren't exactly professionals.

Hence why every single one of them was dumbfounded when this person made their way inside. Although none of them had taken a picture, they immediately reported it..

"That was probably a ruse to get himself inside. Fine. See if you can get a picture when he comes out. I will send someone over to stop him and see what we can get from him."

The call hung up without any other instructions, but the people watching were having a bad feeling based on the flatness of the person's tone. They were only the lowest of underlings in the church and therefore, understood that they were expendable. Anyone who had spent any time in the church knew that failure ended up badly.

But what could they do?


Inside, Laz finished dragging the girl into the main lobby area only to see Freya sitting on her throne like chair. Whether she was there originally or she had heard Laz's voice, he didn't know. But either way, Laz got the impression that she was in a bad mood.

"Trouble eh?"

"You seem like your gloating?"

"Gloating no... But I did ask for your help in this and you said no. Now trouble is on your doorstep so I feel like my chances of cooperation just went up slightly," Laz replied with a smile. He understood as soon as he figured out that they were being monitored that something had changed and that something was big.

"That's gloating."

"Well, whatever. Honestly, they are weaklings you could just get rid of if you so chose. But they are still out there, alive and kicking. That's the real interesting part."

"And so what if I do get rid of them? Not only would they just send more, but that would put more pressure on us. And besides, for everyone that we notice, who knows how many are hidden, just waiting to take advantage of us doing something like that as an excuse to raid the building."

"Hmm. That does make sense."

"I told you before that I couldn't help you because I had to take into consideration everyone under me. That thought still stands. But now it seems like no matter what I do, they are going to be involving us. I heard about what happened with you and the council and I must say, that was not only fast but effective. Still, it seems like too little too late now that your people are being rounded up," Freya said with a sigh. She had seen the reports and knew that several of her girls, mostly new ones, had been taken too. But what could she do about it? The children of god were no longer working alone and unless she wanted to take on the armed members of government who had joined hands with them, she had no choice but to leave those girls to her fate.

She really was not happy. Too much had changed too quickly.

"Well, I'm not sure what happened, but I can make a guess," Laz said as he was thinking to himself.


"If they are out there now, watching you, they must be either worried about something or looking for something. Since we know they took actual infected, I'm guessing that they are looking for more energy, quickly."

"What do you mean?"

"The door they are trying to open? They had been taking people for a while now off the streets. Well, that's fine and all, but what if the door needs something like energy. A regular person might have a bit in them just because there is some floating around in the air now. But wouldn't an infected have a lot more?" Laz had thought about it ever since he found out that infected were now being targeted. In truth, he had no idea if he was right or not, but he felt like that was the case. Almost as if something or someone was telling him that this is what was happening.

Like a whisper that wasn't a whisper.

But Laz had no idea what that source may be, he just felt like he could believe it.

"So what's your plan? They want to open the door but what do we want? To close it? To save our people? I had seven girls taken from their homes in the middle of the night. Gone. When they didn't show up for work today, we knew something was wrong. Then I see them being paraded on the news like some sort of terrorists and I can't do a damn thing to help them unless I want to risk everyone's lives. So tell me what the hell am I suppose to do?" Freya was upset and it showed. She had gone from being the playful, seductive and naughty head of this restaurant/organization to being a leader who felt like she had failed those she had promised to protect, even if they were just newbies.

Laz finally understood something. Being in charge meant a lot of perks but also a lot of cares and worries.

'Maybe I shouldn't leave everything to Julia...'

Still, there was nothing to do about that now.

'What should I do...?' Laz thought to himself as he watched Freya glaring at him. He hadn't really thought about it.

His first plan was he wanted to find out what he could about the door and the happenings of the church. But now that things had escalated, he needed to reevaluate it.

:Four days. At midnight on the fourth day, the door will open. Be ready to enter it then and bring along anyone at the foundation realm or above...:

"WHAT THE HELL?" Laz yelled out, a bit louder than he intended.

"WHAT?" Freya, who was already tense, shot up from her seat and looked around. Not finding anything, she glared back at Laz.

"Nothing... nothing." Laz replied, thinking to himself.

'That voice was definitely A'ruya's. So she wants me to go into this door? But what is it? What could be so important that it was worth the lives of thousands of people and now infected?' Laz had questions, but not answers. He also didn't really trust A'ruya, primarily because she hardly ever told him anything. As Laz grew older, his fear of this homicidal woman decreased, but his wariness of his increased.

Despite that, she also hadn't actually acted against him either. She had kept him alive on more than on occasion so although it went against his better judgement, he would do as she asked.

"Four days from now, a few hours before midnight. We will meet up with anyone who is at least at the foundation realm. That door is going to open and we are going to be there when it does to go in it," Laz finally said to Freya, causing her to frown at him.

"Why? What's in that door?" Freya asked.

"I don't know..." Laz replied honestly.

"Then why would you..." Before Freya finished her question, she heard a voice talking to her. It was her goddess.

:Do as he says. And trust your people with him.:

:My goddess. Are... are you sure?:

:Always. I sensed that the fluctuations from the door indicated that it would be opening soon, but I wasn't entirely sure when that would be. It seems he has a stronger backing than I. But no matter. If he is being sent there, there must be a good reason. Get some of your strongest people to follow him and see what kinds of benefits they can find as well.: With that, the voice went silent, causing Freya to frown.

She had a load of questions, but no answers.

But she trusted this goddess of hers and would do as she asked.

"Alright. I will send eight of our foundation realm members with you... the four horsemen and four others."

"They reached the foundation realm?" Laz asked, clearly not knowing this.

"He he. Thanks to you and your... battle in my office, yes. Speaking of which, I have to thank you for that sometime..." Freya eyed Laz a little awkwardly, but Laz didn't understand so how could he be embarrassed. Since she had committed members to the adventure, then that was good enough.

"What are your next plans?" Freya asked, eyeing Laz.

"I'm going to extend the same offer to the Vodun. Since it seems like there might be something to gain beyond the door, we might as well bring as many people as we can to the party." Laz replied.

"This is getting too.... ergh...." Freya laid back in her seat, tucking her small, soft and sensual legs up underneath her, causing a bit to much skin to be revealed by the lack of clothing. Despite this gesture, it was clear that this wasn't what was on her mind.

"Alright. I shall be going I guess," Laz said, taking one last look at her legs before turning around.

"I will let madam Malene know about this as well. I'm sure you don't want to keep it as a secret from her, yes?"

"Yes. I mean no. I mean... yes, please tell her about it. She has been busy?" Laz asked, knowing that there was only two more days before she was suppose to leave, even though Laz hadn't dropped by her hotel room to meet with her.

"Very busy. If only you knew..." Freya's voice trailed off as she quickly hid what she as going to say next.

"I suggest you visit her tonight after speaking with the Vodun and let her know what you are planning. I will just speak to her about the fact that you will be coming to meet her."

"Alright. Fair enough. Thank you mistress Freya."

"My peasure. And I'm sure I can think of something you can do for me in return... when you get back..." This time, Freya didn't hide her thoughts at all as she arched her back, causing her already boisterous breasts to be further accented.

"Um. Yes. I will be more than happy to help with that. I must be going. Goodbye!" With that, Laz ran towards the front door at full speed while Freya's soft laughing added music to the air.

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