Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 248: Finding The Council

Chapter 248: Finding The Council

Neither of them said anything as they got dressed. They both respected each other enough not to ask.

After finally getting dressed, they embraced one last time in a simple hug before looking around the room. Laz had a moment where he felt that maybe he should just burn the entire thing down but decided that since it wasn't his house, he wouldn't. Unknown to him, Malene was thinking about doing the same thing since there was broken furniture and body juices all over the place. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed thinking about it.

"What are you off to do now?" Laz asked, feeling like Malene intended to leave.

"I have to go speak with the other big faction in town. There are quite a few things to be done and never enough time to do it. Normally I would have just called or had someone under me call, but since I knew you were here, I..." Malene's voice trailed off, but Laz understood. The only reason she was down here was because of him.

"It seems you're doing quite well?"

"Very. You know..."

"I know. But don't. I need to keep going at my own pace to do my own things. But I would be there in a second if you needed me." Laz had too many worries for him to stop in one place for too long. He knew that Malene worked for a big corporation, one in which Ruby, Leona and Kennedy also worked for, but he didn't understand more than that. Even if they would take him in too, he always had a devil on his shoulder and he wasn't strong enough to fight her yet. As long as she was around, he would need to keep moving. He felt like she was always watching him and he couldn't predict what she would do if he suddenly became unmotivated. That was the whole reason she kept him alive.

"I know. But what about you?" Malene said, smiling.

"I have to figure out what the hell is going on with the chosen in this town. That's what I was asking Freya about. But she declined to help. I understand her reasoning in needing to protect those she is watching out for. But it doesn't change that it needs to be done." Laz said.

"The girls here are all known by the members of that church of the chosen. Even the members of the Vodun are known thanks to the many fights that have erupted between them. If any of them were seen hanging around, the church would recognize them right away."

"Is that why?"

"Yeah. Since we have dealings with both groups, we have been keeping tabs on things. It's not just this city either. There are tons of these kinds of conflicts everywhere. And the people behind the chosen are in close with the government. The only reason the government hasn't taken more drastic action it because the normal people aren't behind killing off their fellow countrymen just yet. But I feel like that day is coming soon. Right now they operate in the dark, taking infected who are never seen again. But that can only last so long..." Malene said a bit tearful.

Malene was quite a bit more knowledgeable than Laz about these things since they all tied in to Kennedy's company. This helped Laz understand that although he was looking at things from the small perspective, there were much bigger things going on.

Laz could only sigh at his bad luck. He felt like maybe he should quit his job and pursue this by himself. But that would just blow the little bit of cover he had. The last thing he wanted was to be on the government's radar again.

"But there is a third group here, although they are pretty weak and divided over all."

"You're talking about the council?"

"Due to their weakness and constant infighting, we have chosen to not work with them. But that doesn't mean that can't be of use. All you need to do is find a way to unite them," Malene told Laz with a bit of a wicked smile.

"And how do I do that?"

"How else? With strength. You need to stop looking at things from the modern perspective and start thinking like a warlord. You want people to do your bidding? You just need to conquer them first."

"Oh? Is that how I deal with you as well?" Laz said, pulling Malene close.

It was like a lightbulb had gone off in his head, but that didn't stop him from taking advantage of her..

"If you think you can, you're welcome to try..." Malene's multi-colored energy lit up around her while Laz was holding her close, threatening to throw him off from her if he tried something. Laz had forgotten how he had just helped to make her quite a bit stronger than before and could only slap himself silently.

Seeing the look on his face was enough to make Malene burst out into bell like laughter as she grabbed his collar and gave him a kiss before pushing him away.

"Come see me in three days at the hotel. You have until then to get results with the council. If not, I won't bother opening the door no matter how long you stand there. Got it?" Malene said with the air of a leader.

"Yes mam!" Laz answered, half honestly and half sarcastically.

Outside the room, Freya was still waiting with the four girls as the white barrier came down and the door opened. Malene and Laz would never know that they had been locked inside and that was the reason they remained undisturbed.

"Umm..." Laz had no idea what to say.

"It's fine. We will take care of it. The goddess has told us that you needed some time alone and that was why we didn't disturb you," Freya said, cutting him off from saying anything else. She really had no idea what had been going on as the sounds, despite being muffled, were pretty clear. After all, there was no way that anyone could be that violent having sex... right?

Laz didn't say anything else and Malene had a poker face on, one that basically said 'I will never say a word about this, ever."

Although Laz didn't notice at first, mostly because he was still absentminded about destroying the room, Malene quickly picked up on the fact that the four girls in front of her had all broken into the foundation realm. She even noticed that Freya seemed stronger than before albeit not amazingly so. Compared to her breakthroughs, these could hardy be considered a lot.

"Congratulations," Malene said, looking at the four girls.

"Thank you mam," They responded in unison.

Laz finally noticed and couldn't help but smile. He knew that he had sent the energy their way, but he didn't know it would have such an profound affect. He was about to smile when he noticed the strange look he was getting from Malene and decided to keep quiet about it.

"Alright. I must be off. I will be in town for three more days before I leave again. I will visit you once more before then. I trust that everything will be in order." Malene had gone all business like, causing Freya to tense up and nod.

Malene then left without anything more than a smile to Laz, causing him to wonder if he shouldn't had used the left over energy the way he had.

When she was gone though, he was greeted by the almost fanatical gazes of the girls through their masks. Even Freya was eyeing him with desire.

"Well. I have to get going to. I will stop in again soon."

With that, Laz started to run the same way Malene had went, leaving the five girls speechless.

"I thought we would be able to thank him at least.

"He left faster than I thought."

"Do you think he knows what he did?"

"I think he knows, but not completely."

"We should thank him."

"Yes. We also need to get more help from him." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=12217418205098505)/finding-the-council_%!d(string=51640488901539101)">#%!d(string=12217418205098505)/finding-the-council_%!d(string=51640488901539101) for visiting.

"We need to be around him more."

"And remember to share if there is the chance."

"ENOUGH. IT GIVES ME SUCH A HEADACHE WHEN YOU TALK LIKE THIS." Freya couldn't help but lose it. These girls were normally mute which she wished they weren't. But when they started talking like this, it was almost like hearing one person have an internal monologue coming from four different speakers. It was enough to drive her insane.

"Yes mistress," all four responded.

"Whatever. Just go do your own thing. I will call you when I need you." Freya stomped off with a headache.

They could just do whatever as she trusted them for that. She didn't need to keep a constant eye on them even if she was the leader.


Laz was just walking around without a destination in mind. He was thinking about what Malene had suggested. If he needed muscle to do something, then he should just beat it up until it agreed to work with him. No one who was infected was going to go to the police unless their head was screwed on funny.

Looking up at a bank clock, Laz noticed the date and time. He didn't know that it was almost eleven at night. Apparently, his 'fight' with Malene had lasted several hours. Looking at the date, Laz also noticed that based on information he had gotten from Julia, the council was meeting tonight. Although at this point it was probably almost over, Laz figured that if he could find the place, he should at least see what was happening there.

Laz only had a rough idea since Julia only talked about it in passing. Prior to getting the idea form Malene, he had no intentions of meeting with the council since they seemed like a bunch of useless animals. Still, he remembered a street name and the fact that she mentioned they met in a hotel conference room.

Laz made his way over quickly, wanting to get whatever info he could.

The street itself was designed for tourism as it was just one hotel after another after another, each one different but not so much so that you could really tell them apart.

'Lacks local flavor,' Laz though to himself before spreading his spiritual sense outward. Not surprisingly, there was a complete lack of any traces if infected in the area. Laz wasn't discouraged and continued looking. Even if everyone was hiding their aura's or wearing the beads, it wouldn't block everything out, especially from his senses.

It didn't take long for Laz to find traces of a large group, including Julia's aura. But when Laz finally came upon the building, he couldn't help but look around in doubt.

A big neon sign of a girl pole dancing hung above the red leather covered doors as several bouncers were standing outside, telling the occasional drunk passerby that the club was closed for a private party.

'This is obviously a strip club! Why the hell did she tell me that they had been meeting in a hotel conference room..."

After a few minutes of looking around to make sure, Laz knew that the people he was looking for were inside.

Laz couldn't help but sigh to himself as he approached the guarded door.

'Nothing can be normal, can it?'

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