Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 240: Famine

Chapter 240: Famine

"You... wait... what?"

"Please... please?"

Laz thought he was hearing things, but then he felt his arms being lifted by her tiny hands and ended up right at her neck. Although it wasn't his intention, Laz's hands were place directly on her neck and all he had to do was apply pressure.

Laz couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on.

"Hurry..." Ivy pleaded while wiggling around. It had to be said that after she had taken off her gown, the only thing she was wearing was the skin tight leather suit that left almost nothing to the imagination. Although he knew that underneath the suit were layers upon layers of scars and barely healed injuries, just the feeling of this woman rubbing against Laz was enough to ignite his desire.

Laz could only say to himself that there had to be a reason.

As such, Laz started to squeeze her neck, causing her entire body to tighten up. Just when Laz wanted to stop though, she encouraged him more.


Hearing this, Laz squeezed even more causing her eyes to roll back into her head as her body shuddered. He might have been mistaken, but it almost felt like her body was shaking in an orgasm.

Laz kept up the pressure while Ivy's hands grabbed onto the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair as though wanting to feel him more. Just as her squirming body began to stiffen before going loose, Laz let up the pressure, causing Ivy to fall limp into his embrace as the sounds of her sporadic breathing filled the room.

Laz didn't say anything for a time and just let her shudder on his ap. It only took a few minutes for her to calm her breathing and go back to being 'normal.'

This just left Laz with a lot of questions.

But he wasn't going to rush it.

Finally, Ivy relaxed and wrapped her arms around Laz's head, bringing him in close for a kiss. Despite it's sloppiness, Laz felt like she was getting better at it.

"Thank you," She whispered.

"What was all that about?" Laz asked, truly curious.

"I need to starve. Otherwise, my need to feed will grow to the point that I can't control it."

"You... your what now?"

"Master... have you heard what they call us?" Ivy seemed much more talkative than usual. She even took off her mask to look at him without it.

"The four horsemen?"

"Yes. What do you know about them?".

"They are the four heralds of the apocalypse. Seeing them is like seeing the end coming, right?"

"Yes master. That is what it is. My sister's and I are special in our abilities. We aren't like the rest of Freya's kin that received their abilities from the sleeping goddess. She helped to wake them, but it was something far beyond her control. My sisters and I each have an ability that corresponds with one of the horsemen. Mine is Famine."

"How does that work?" This seemed amazingly peculiar, even for Laz. He wanted to know everything he could.

"Do you see his body? My special ability is withering. I can drain the life, blood essence, energy... everything from whoever I wish. Because of this, it makes them eventually die of starvation. But it doesn't have to be so intense. Even just a little bit is enough to make them hungry enough to kill to eat. This is why I have become known as famine."

"But then why did I need to choke you?" Laz asked, not making a connection.

"Because master, once I take everything inside of me, it wants to burst out again. I'm not strong enough yet to control it. The only way to keep myself from going insane or blowing up when having such a large meal... it to starve myself of something... like air. It helps to digest the essence of others."

Laz understood but almost wished that he didn't. What she was telling him was that, due to her body, she couldn't take in energy the normal way and circulate it. Instead, she had to draw it in either a little bit at a time and wait for it to soak in, or a lot at a time and basically beat her self up enough for her body to need it to keep alive. As far as Laz was concerned, that was a horrible way to cultivate.

But what could he do?

After revealing one of her darkest secrets, Ivy couldn't help but look up at Laz's face to gage his reaction. Although her and her sister's each had their own conditions, they are all equally terrible. Not many people knew about what it took for them to grow stronger, but there were a few. And the normal reaction when they heard about it was only of pity and sometimes disgust. The girls weren't exactly keen on interacting with others hence their bad reputations. Once that was mixed in with their grotesque bodies, it caused others to shy away even more from them. Even amongst the blood kin of Freya, they didn't have any friends.

But what she saw from Laz's face wasn't shock, pity or disgust.

Curious was the only way she could describe his look.

And that was what Laz really was; curious. Every infected he had come in contact with could use the infinity technique that he created and although it wasn't fast, that mostly had to do with the amount of usable energy in the air. Being able to find certain items would enhance the process immensely. Also because it wasn't some secret, the technique had been spread around quite a bit so Laz knew that Ivy must of known it and felt that it didn't work. This just made Laz want to work with her to see what would. As the creator of the technique, it was a part of his pride.

But now wasn't the time for that. Instead, Laz made a mental note to not shy away from Heaven or Hell in the future, if only so he could find a solution to her problem.

"Well, let's work on doing something about that later. For now, we still have more info to get," Laz said, changing the mood. Ivy quickly nodded and moved to get up. Due to her position though, she couldn't help but rub against Laz's still engorged member, causing Laz to feel a bit embarrassed.


"Sorry. Sorry. I mean, you were rubbing on me so much that I couldn't help myself," considering he had just choked this attractive looking girl on his ap, it would have been more strange if Laz didn't have a reaction, even putting the condition of her body aside. Or he thought so at least, which led to another interesting thought.

'Am I into this kind of thing?'

Laz wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that he asked himself this question without knowing the answer.

Strangely enough, Laz wasn't the only one embarrassed as Ivy became a bit red as well, something he didn't think he would ever see.

"You... You don't mind that... I'm like this?" She asked, almost fearing the answer.

"Uh. Well. No. Cause... it's just who you are? I guess?" Laz didn't know how to explain himself and answered with whatever came to mind, causing Ivy to become more red.

Despite that, she quickly collected herself and put the mask back into place, causing her face to become icy cold yet again.

"Should I go get another one?" Laz asked.

Ivy simply shook her head and walked over to the door, waving for Laz to join her.

As they walked out, Ivy simply looked at the two remaining choices and grabbed one by the head before dragging him inside, leaving Laz outside alone with Julia again.

Laz could see that she had questions.

"We found out that it was that damn religious group that wanted to kidnap people."

"I knew it." Julia replied, not saying much else. Seeing her in thought, Laz decided he would ask a few questions of his own.

"So why were you looking for these guys?"

"Everyone is looking for them. You know of the vampyres and the Vodun right?" Julia asked.

"Well, yeah."

"Oh, sorry. Yes. You would." Julia's glance rested on the now closed door before turning back to Laz.

"Well, there are quite a few groups that have formed here as well. Any groups of a certain size end up forming themselves into an official unit or guild, to use an old term for it. The whole point of doing that is for protection and support. The government has been cracking down on use lately and no one wants to be caught alone."

"Makes sense although I would think that normally people would try to stay away from larger area's like this. You know, a quiet spot in the woods and all that?" It didn't make sense to Laz why people would gather in a large populated area when they were trying to hide. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/children-of-a-lesser-god_12217418205098505/famine_51153883333973930">/book/children-of-a-lesser-god_12217418205098505/famine_51153883333973930 for visiting.

"The problem with that is when you live in a smaller area, you stand out more. People tried living in communities out in the middle of nowhere starting around a year ago. But every time they gathered like that, the feds would come in and raid the place. Anyone found living in the community, infected or otherwise would be taken away. After word of that spread around, that idea was dropped."

"Ah." That made sense.

"So now, most infected end up moving to the city. At first it was dangerous since you would try to located a safe place but you never knew who you were coming in contact with. That's when the database first became an open secret."

"The database?"

"The one with the listing of who's who, who you can trust and so on."

"But isn't that just asking to be taken over and stolen by the government?" Laz figured that something that big would be a target if they really wanted to crack down on the infected.

"Well, that's the strange part. You see, there is something in there that can tell if the one accessing it is an infected and if they are being used. It's almost like... the website is a living person...."

"That's..." Laz kind of had an idea what she was talking about with the website, but it sounded too crazy to think it could be a living thing. He was reminded of the website that Vivi used to use and wondered if that was the same thing. He regretted not looking into it sooner.

"Can I have the address?" Laz asked, wanting to check it out.

"I can't give it to you, I can only show it to you," Julia apologized. It was part of the security of the website. The address couldn't be given out, it could only be shown by someone who had been accepted. It was part of a security protocol or so she said.

"Alright. Later then." Laz didn't question what she said since she agreed to show him.

"What's she doing in there?" Julia knew the answer, but felt like it was way to quiet. At least the last time, she had heard screaming. She had been a bit scared, but after remembered what these three had done, she didn't mind it so much.

"Getting answers."

It didn't take long before the door opened one last time. This time, Ivy came out alone, waved Julia and Laz over before grabbing and pulling the last kidnapper over by the hair and into the room.

As they followed her inside, Laz saw that there were two squirming bodies laying next to each other, being eaten alive from the inside out.

Just this sight alone was enough for the man to spill his guts with everything he knew.

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