Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 238: Helper

Chapter 238: Helper

Laz wrapped an arm around Julia before walking with her towards the guys. He especially eyed the three in the back that she had pointed out. He could tell that although they looked like part of the group, they were also separate from them. Laz couldn't help but think that it really did look odd.

"Sorry fella's. My girl here likes to party but she always comes home to me anyway. How's about you all take a couple bucks and get the hell out of here?" Laz made himself out to be an asshole in an attempt to anger them. He didn't even need to bother trying so hard.

"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" The guy in the front looked like he was about ready to beat the shit out of whatever came close to him. The other girls and guys from Laz's group retreated a ways as Laz walked past them with Julia by his side.

"This seems somehow familiar?" Benny asked, watching all this happen. Everyone else could only nod their heads in agreement.

"Easy there big guy. No need to be angry. I know this girl has a pretty banging body, but let me tell you that it's better if you shop for a car with less mileage. Get what I'm saying my man?" Laz used his hand and took a few squeezes of Julia's ample breasts as though he was showing off the goods. After that, to further piss them off, he took a few dollars out of his pocket and crumpled them up before throwing them on the ground.

Laz felt like his acting was award winning, especially because he was able to hide the bit of pain he experienced due to Julia pinching his waist as hard as she could after he had groped her.

'Consider this payment for using me... again.' Laz thought to himself while smiling at the group of now angry men.

Just when Laz thought they would charge him though, a few whispers were heard coming from the three in the back. The ones in the front who looked the most aggressive seemed to settle down after hearing whatever was said and backed off a few feet.

"Consider yourself lucky fucker. We've got things to do." With that, it looked like the group of guys were going to take off somewhere, causing everyone from Laz's group to calm down.

Laz wasn't going to let this opportunity walk away.

"Alright. There's some good boys. Feel free to buy this little girl drinks in the future and send her home safe for me to enjoy. It will certainly save me some headaches." Laz laughed as though he was pleased he had found such good helpers. His words also served their purpose and ignited their anger, causing the group to instantly charge him.

Laz 'gently' pushed Julia to the side before wading into the group, sending out punches and kicks in quick succession. Three of the attackers fell before they even knew what happened. After taking a step back, Laz managed to trip one of them and caused him to fall into another one. After headbutting one and a quick jab to the side of the head for the last one, all of the attackers were knocked out minus the three ringleaders.

Seeing as how things had gotten to this point, the three of them took a quick look at each other in horror before splitting up and taking off.

"Call the police!" Laz yelled back as he took off, thanking whatever god was on his side that they had decided to flee. He would have had no way of catching them without alerting the others to what he was doing.

It wasn't like he could get his answers with the group around.

Laz didn't bother trying to run too fast and instead just spread out his sense to keep track of them. Although they looked like they were randomly running around, he noticed that all three of them had pulled out their phones at some point and were using a map app.

After a quick peak, Laz was able to tell that they were all heading to the same place. He couldn't help but smile.


As the last guy ran in the door of the ruined building, he collapsed on the floor while breathing heavily.

"What the hell was that?"

"I... didn't know... he could fight... like that...".

"I can't believe we are suppose to capture that group. Boss must be crazy. Still...."

"Yeah. Since they go out separetly, we just have to target them when he isn't there."

"Call the boss and let him know that although we got the info needed, we will have to push back the plan slightly."

"Still better than nothing."

"Yeah. Who managed to lose him?"

"I don't know. He wasn't following me."

"Or me."

"Me neither... wait a minute..." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/children-of-a-lesser-god_12217418205098505/helper_51055533146295995">/book/children-of-a-lesser-god_12217418205098505/helper_51055533146295995 for visiting.

A gentle knock came from the door that had just been slammed shut, causing the three men to tense up.

They looked at each other while shaking, knowing that there shouldn't be anyone knocking. One of the guys just shook his head and put his finger to his lips, signaling them to be silent.

After a few more knocks, no other sound came from outside the door. After several minutes of silence, the guy closest to the door bravely stood up and walked over, sticking his face up to the peep hole to look out. He was quick to notice that there wasn't anyone standing there.

He quickly turned around and shook his head towards the others, letting them know that they were alone again.

"Who the hell could that be?"

"Probably one of the neighbors wanting us to shut the hell up." They all laughed. Although there were several people in the deserted building, no one would bother with the happenings of the others. It was an unspoken rule. Despite that, there were some who occasionally went around looking for a handout. Of course as long as they were a decent looking female, the guys would be more than happy to let them in. Considering how much they were getting paid, they had no problems exchanging some food for a banger.

They weren't allowed to touch the merchandise however.

Just as the group let out a collective breath they were holding though, the window on the far side of the room smashed in, pelting the men in shards of glass.


Since they hadn't been watching that area, the failed to notice the body that had jumped into the room behind the glass.

"Oh. Don't mind me. Feel free to finish your conversation," Laz said as he stood there smiling.

"THIS IS THE THIRD FUCKING FLOOR, HOW DID YOU...?" Before the man could even finish his question, a slightly larger shard of glass flew by, slicing off the tip of the man's tongue.

"FUCK..." The man brought his his hand up and covered his now bleeding mouth.

"I changed my mind. Actually, I don't really want to hear you guys making noise unless I ask you to." Laz started walking forward towards the closest one. He wasn't really sure what he was going to do, but he needed to make sure he restrained them before they tried to get away again. It wasn't like it was an issue to catch them, but if they went somewhere public, that would make things tricky.

"FUCK YOU." Although the men had been told not to harm Laz, they couldn't bother with that right now. The two unhurt ones pulled 9mm out of the back of their pants and opened up on Laz, firing several shots his way. Seeing this, Laz couldn't help but smile. He didn't even bother to dodge.

The bullets that hit him just fell away, as though they had run into an incredibly hard pad. They couldn't do anything to his strengthened body. In fact, they barely felt like a tickle. Laz couldn't help but wonder why it seemed to hurt more when Julia had pinched him than it did while getting shot.

'Maybe because I was expecting this?'

Although Laz was standing there unconcerned, the three men had a look of horror on their faces.

"Impossible." Once the gun fire died down, this was the only thing that could be said. Besides several new holes in his clothes, Laz was unarmed.

"You're... You're..."

"I'm?" Laz asked, still smiling.

"You're one of those freaks, aren't you?" The injured one asked.

"I'm not sure I like being called freak... but yeah. That's me.... Boo!!!" Laz jumped forward as though he was going to attack, causing his three would be killers to fall down on their butts as there legs gave out.

"I don't even know what to say right now..." Laz couldn't help but want to laugh about this.

"How about get your ass moving and help me tie them up?" Just as Laz was trying to figure out what to do, a voice came at him from the window where he saw Julia standing there with zip tie cuffs.

Laz looked down at the ties and then back up to Julia.

"Business or recreational?" He asked, his face covered in laughter.

"Shut up already."

The men had the intention of fleeing, but seeing Julia had jumped through the window as well, they finally understood the danger they were in.

"Please... just let us go? We can forget the drinks... we can ever pay you...?"

"Yeah. We have lots saved up. We can give you whatever you want..."

The men tried pleading as their hands were bound and they were thrown roughly into a pile.

"Ok. So now what?" Laz asked. He wanted to find out the info, but wasn't sure what Julia's plan was.

"I don't know. I just know that they were some of the ones responsible for kidnappings...." Julia looked at a loss as well.

"Guess we ask them, eh?" Laz walked over to the first bound individual who was still whimper and crying.

"Hey. Why the hell were you taking people off the street?" Laz asked, shaking the man.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The man answered, still crying. Laz tried shaking him a few more times like a rag doll. When it seemed like he wasn't going to say a word, Laz moved on the the next one. This time, he tried to be more intimidating.

"I want answers," was all Laz said before punching the bound guy in the face. Sadly, he used too much power and knock the poor guy out before he could even answer, causing even Julia to sigh and shake her head.

"Well how the hell am I suppose to know how weak they are, seriously?" For Laz, it was just so much easier to kill than it was to torture them. This was not something he had much knowledge in.

"Well I don't fucking know how to do it..."

"You didn't plan this out before hand?"

"I didn't know I would run into a group of them..."

"Who the hell are you anyway?"

With this question from Laz, Julia ended up biting her lip but didn't answer. It seemed that there were secrets she didn't wish to talk about.

"Fine. Whatever. Give me your phone." Laz held out his hand to Julia.

"Can't you use your own?" She asked.

"I never remember to bring it with me." That was only half true. He had several phones in his pouch, but considering how close she was and the area they were in, he didn't want to take the risk of her noticing something. Just another bit of insight he had gained about revealing artifacts.

"Fine. Here." Laz accepting the phone and dialed a number immediately.

In nothing more than a moment, a sweet voice picked up on the other end.

"Yeah. I need to talk to Freya."


"Yes. It's me."


"Ok." Laz just hummed to himself while waiting for the call to connect.

"Hey. Yeah. I'm sorry I haven't dropped by. Yes. Yeah. Ok. Yes, I will. Well. I need a favor...."


"You sound very happy about that. No. It's just I am in need of someone with a special skill set. No. Um... I need to get answers out of someone who doesn't want to talk. Yeah. Basically."


"Ok. Yeah. Uh... hand on." Laz looked over to Julia.

"Where are we?"

"Uh..." Julia gave him the rough address since she had no idea which room they were in.

"Ok. OK. Thanks." Laz hung up the phone and handed it back to Julia.

"What was that?" Julia had no idea who he called. Was there actually a service for this need or was he just calling a Dominatrix or something similar. Julia was rather confused while Laz just sat down and closed his eyes. Despite the whimpering and crying of the three captives, he seemed perfectly at peace.

'Just who is he really?' Julia asked herself.

Within twenty minutes, there was a gentle knock on the door. Laz spread his sense out and a confused look along with a smile appeared on his face. He quickly got up and walked to the door, opening it.

On the other side stood a small framed girl with long black hair, wearing a skin tight, black suit that covered almost every inch of her body, barely holding in her rather impressive bust. In her hand was a black leather briefcase that swung loosely at her side. On her face was a half mask that could only be described as lifeless.

Seeing Laz in front of her, the girl didn't even hesitate to walk forward and kiss him, wrapping her arms around his neck before he could react. When she finally broke off the kiss that Laz had no choice but to respond to, he backed away a step and simply said,

"Ivy...2?" Although he would never admit it, he recognized her due to the kiss she had just given him. When he had parted from them the other day, the girls had kissed him in order and he quickly identified her as the second one he had kissed.

Surprisingly, Ivy ended up smiling, knowing that he knew which one she was. For her, it was like a warm breeze within her cold heart to be recognized.

Laz quickly collected himself and turned to look at Julia with the intention of giving her an introduction. But what greeted him was the sight of her backing away slowing with a look of terror on her face.

"A... Horseman..." She managed to utter before falling down on her ass after tripping over a fallen support beam.

Laz was confused, but the three men who had been restrained understood immediately. They started shaking and struggling as much as possible, looking like they wanted nothing more than to flee.

Hearing the sounds of their struggling, Ivy ended up looking at them and smiling a cruel and twisted smile, completely different from the sweet smile she had shown Laz.

Seeing this harbinger of evil smiling at them caused all three of them to piss themselves at once, filling the room with the smell of urine.

Now Laz was even more confused.

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